Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You know who the professional Chinese dick riders are around here
Let me guess, it's the posters who never ordered from QSC yet continuously bump his thread going on ~150+/- times(each) or so parroting the same shit thinking it's having an effect on his sales or discouraging anyone from buying his gear.

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Let me guess, it's the posters who never ordered from QSC yet continuously bump his thread going on ~150+/- times or so parroting the same shit thinking it's having an effect on his sales or discouraging anyone from buying his gear.

What's funny is it would seem that you actually believe the bs you are pushing.

If you think going against the grain and having multiple members telling potential customers what a POS this rep has been is helping their sales, then you're a special kind of stupid.

All they have is your retarded ass and bunch of 20 something gen z, zyzz wannabes, doing their best to earn a free bottle of test on their next order.

And my vote for product testing is for the "enclomiphene" that a customer recently received.

Also, @QSC have you removed enclomiphene from the French meso price list or are you still scamming those guys out of their hard earned money?
Hey @Fenrir51, I was hoping we would chat again ;) let me dumb it down a bit for you. This is a uncensored board. The members run the show. Step out to another board and you’ll see why the vets here try to keep things the way they are and always have been. What’s happening in this thread only happens on boards where the source pays for protection. This is also why it’s obvious there are many fake accounts only here to push this source. In the history of Meso we’ve never seen anything like it.

It’s the members home and sources are a guest. You are correct, it’s hard to catch a ban because it’s an uncensored board. Well, I say it’s hard to catch a ban but you damn sure caught one. Lol
What if you found out they weren’t shills though? That’s been harped on sooo many times. It really doesn’t seem to be shills to me. The behavior would be way different. It would be one post of: “this rep is a god and his steroids are the best. I love qingdao. Pls send more tren. Love you qingdao rep. “
Most of the reviews are actually pretty honest. Idk just my opinion
doing their best to earn a free bottle of test on their next order.
When will you guys get better material? We all know QSC isn't giving shit out for free. This dumb shit right here is why people don't take MESO shill advice seriously, you idiots parrot the same ol' shit endlessly.

You must be paid opposition, you post in this thread more than most(including me). So how much free gear/BTC is QSC giving you to bump this thread on the daily? /s
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When will you guys get better material? We all know QSC isn't giving shit out for free. This dumb shit right here is why people don't take MESO shill advice seriously, you idiots parrot the same ol' shit endlessly.

You must be paid opposition, you post in this thread more than most(including me). So how much free gear/BTC is QSC giving you to bump this thread on the daily? /s
If he scammed someone out of 2 grand, he scammed someone out of 2 grand. Question is why the fuck are people like you defending him so much if he did? Either both you and the “shills” have a vested interest, or only one of you does.
If he scammed someone out of 2 grand, he scammed someone out of 2 grand.
These MESO shills had no issues welcoming the last scammer back(Dyna/extremepip) with open arms, apparently it's not scamming if you pay(or partially pay before running off again) someone back a year+/- later after taking over 3k from customers and running off. Using their logic QSC has time to do the right thing still.
You believed that BS that the troll told you about the scam? ^^

It's pretty well illustrated in the above comment that you promised a refund if you mislabeled a product. Then you sent a mislabeled product and rescinded the refund offer. That's a scam bruv
These MESO shills had no issues welcoming the last scammer back(Dyna/extremepip) with open arms, apparently it's not scamming if you pay(or partially pay before running off again) someone back a year+/- later after taking over 3k from customers and running off. Using their logic QSC has time to do the right thing still.
Idk how you keep missing the mark on this. I wouldn't say Dynamite has been welcomed back with open arms, however people appreciate him righting his wrongs. It is infinitely better to have fucked someone over and made it right than to have deliberately ripped people off and refused to make it right. People are at least a little bit redeemable in that regard.
I don't know how you keep missing the mark on this but he hasn't paid back everyone what is owed. It's almost like you shills bask in ignorance.
I don't know how you keep missing this but he hasn't paid back everyone what is owed. It's almost like you shills bask in ignorance.
Doesn't he only have 1 outstanding debt and he's gradually paying it back? That is certainly better than Qingdao's behaviour. It's really inarguable to say otherwise.
Doesn't he only have 1 outstanding debt and he's gradually paying it back?

He went MIA yet again, according to the member that is still owed.

That is certainly better than Qingdao's behaviour. It's really inarguable to say otherwise.
Do you even read what you type before posting? You are arguing that one scammer is better than the other. Peak clown shill behavior right here. Just stop.
He went MIA yet again, according to the member that is still owed.

Do you even read what you type before posting? You are arguing that one scammer is better than the other. Peak clown shill behavior right here. Just stop.
That’s funny as fuck lol. I was actually driving down near figueroa street the other day dropping off bwares gf and I saw dyna sucking some dudes dick. I’m glad he’s doing his best to pay his debts back though
He went MIA yet again, according to the member that is still owed.

Do you even read what you type before posting? You are arguing that one scammer is better than the other. Peak clown shill behavior right here. Just stop.
When someone scams someone and then pays them back, they are infinitely better than someone who scams someone and refuses to pay them back. There really isn't much ground for you to argue that. I can't even fathom having a mindset in which you would argue that righting your wrongs is irrelevant.

Hell, I give credit to QSC when they do something right, too. But as long as they have this ongoing scam issue unresolved, they're a scammer. Resolve it? That's mostly redeemed, in my eyes.
If he scammed someone out of 2 grand, he scammed someone out of 2 grand. Question is why the fuck are people like you defending him so much if he did? Either both you and the “shills” have a vested interest, or only one of you does.

@JabbedUp dont mind @Fenrir51. He was banned for trolling. Put it this way, the second this source was temporary banned he said repeatedly they should be permanently banned. I can quote him saying so multiple times. Now that the source is back he’s trying to be their bestie. Also while he was saying permanently banned this source if he saw another member saying to do the same he jumped all over them. He’s a special kind of idiot.

These MESO shills had no issues welcoming the last scammer back(Dyna/extremepip) with open arms, apparently it's not scamming if you pay(or partially pay before running off again) someone back a year+/- later after taking over 3k from customers and running off. Using their logic QSC has time to do the right thing still.

This is getting pretty old. Every time someone calls you on your stupid shit you literally quote one line of there’s and run with it to mislead.

Take the Dyna thing for example that you keep spewing/spamming. @B Ware litterally said, Glad to see you back Dyna and in the same post said, you’re done as a source here. Of course you being the guy you are you keep quoting and referring to that one sentence of his. The guy was glad Dyna came back to pay the members he owed money to and told him he was done. Nothing more.

