Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Would you guys ever consider making DMT?
Maybe they can send you the raw toad venom from whatever rainforest it's in. Might take some time to find and catch one and scrape the poison or venom what whatever it is that's on there that Mike Tyson smokes now lol.

Otherwise a buddy of mine said its really easy to make I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find out how somewhere online.
Maybe they can send you the raw toad venom from whatever rainforest it's in. Might take some time to find and catch one and scrape the poison or venom what whatever it is that's on there that Mike Tyson smokes now lol.

Otherwise a buddy of mine said its really easy to make I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find out how somewhere online.
Walmart.com has a beginners guide to making it. $6.99 paperback.
I have been using injectable Lcarn for about 2 years now and I recently came across a post that said most studies are on oral so I decided to try oral out I got the powder in bulk and have been using 6g PWO and stopped the injectable and I can say that oral gives my way better pumps idk what it is
When will you guys get better material? We all know QSC isn't giving shit out for free. This dumb shit right here is why people don't take MESO shill advice seriously, you idiots parrot the same ol' shit endlessly.

You must be paid opposition, you post in this thread more than most(including me). So how much free gear/BTC is QSC giving you to bump this thread on the daily? /s
The free bottle of test prop "material" came from the rep, actually. If you paid out of pocket to have their gear tested, on your next order, they could include one free bottle for a gift or compensation for you testing their product and allowing them to use your test results. I'd have to find it as I don't believe it was put on page 502 with their other rules that you automatically agree to if you choose this source. But I'll work on some new material, just for you, fruitcake.

And for the record, I believe that most of the guys that I've had words in this thread with were actual customers, though I think the clown that was in my pms last week was probably the rep.

Either way, I will continue to call out the bullshit as I see it. You can count on it, little buddy.
Madbrett, you're a flog.
I'll give your time though. What source should everyone here buy from?
Go ahead and read my post history and you still wouldn't figure it out. But it's because I don't choose to deepthroat when I find someone who knows how to do business the right way. I always tell guys to do their own research.

Apparently, the only thing that matters to you guys, is that it's cheap. Hopefully, it continues to work out for you. It would be a real shame if y'all started losing ass cheeks to the Dollar Store of the steroid world.
If you paid out of pocket to have their gear tested, on your next order, they could include one free bottle for a gift or compensation for you testing their product and allowing them to use your test results.
If you have to spend money to get something, it's not free. You contradict yourself in your own post. Is it free, a gift or compensation? You're not describing free, you're describing compensation. Quid pro quo.

You are so damn stupid.
Oxiracetam was eliminated from the market, we have only: Phenylpiracetam hydrazide, Piracetam, Aniracetam, Pramiracetam, Fasoracetam & Coluracetam
Sad to hear but thank you for the clarification. The spatial awareness and clarity of oxiracetam can't be beat. I'll need to research which of those you mentioned would help me most.
If you have to spend money to get something, it's not free. You contradict yourself in your own post. Is it free, a gift or compensation? You're not describing free, you're describing compensation. Quid pro quo.

You are so damn stupid.
It was qds making the offer, not me, you fucking shit for brains.