Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You guys just not able to believe you can get 100ml of primo 200mg/ml well Jano-tested for $280, cute ^^

You already have seen many oil lab tests in previous weeks, 2 trestolone acetate blind lab tests, tren e 100mg/ml test, mast e 200mg/ml and primo 100mg/ml, why will the 200mg/ml will be unbelieveble ?

Do more lab tests
Anyone ordered from Canada , feel free to pm me
Well with their 100% shipping success to Canada, for a single customer they had:

1 lost parcel
1 seized parcel
1 customs denied, returned to sender parcel
1 shipment of mislabeled product that the source refuses to refund their customer for

But that's just 1 customer, I'm sure all the other Canadians have had perfect orders ;)
1 lost parcel
1 seized parcel
1 customs denied, returned to sender parcel
1 shipment of mislabeled product that the source refuses to refund their customer for

The lost and seized packs should be eligible for reship. The "returned to sender" pack is unfortunately not eligible for reship, to my understanding.
Ordered twice. Zero issues first order. Second order used my old address after I moved which made getting the first half of the order kinda tricky. Still awaiting the second half.

I had this problem. USPS fucked up and "returned to sender" instead of shipping it to the forwarding address that I notified them of in advance. Not eligible for reship since it wasn't Sigma's fault, and they never actually receive the return pack... cc: @GreenAmine Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)
Anyone ordered from Canada , feel free to pm me
Yes i have ordered primo 200 and hgh 3 times so far its been successful. primo 200 has minor pip but tolerable id rate about 5/10. Totally worth while volume wise and price comparison to anything we have in canada lol.
That’s my point though. Unless you personally send in the samples from a large batch you purchased you have no way of knowing if ANY Janoshik sample is from who it claims to be or that it isn’t a different batch. The smart play here would be to 1) buy in large quantities, 2) send a sample from each purchased batch for testing. I’ve written about this elsewhere under the title “how to (semi-) safely buy cheap Chinese gear”

I‘ve previously had blood tests on a popular brand, one with those verification codes, that did very well for me, but a buddy took the same brand, marked as the same batch number, from a different vendor that didn’t change his blood levels at all.
exactly - thats what I do - buy huge quanity - with a sponsor I believe that will make it right - and test product - ...WHY test every time you have to buy..you know you need juice for 3 years..buy accordingly
So you believe someone went out of their way to purchase known good products and get them tested under Qingdao's name? That's not impossible I suppose, but HIGHLY improbable

...really? Does this really have to be explained to you? That is so obviously not the scenario being suggested.

Let me begin by saying that i believe this test is most likely legit, but let's put our thinking caps on for a second and see why some may be skeptical, shall we?

Things we know:
1. This user has only ever posted in this thread.
2. There are very, very obvious alt accounts shilling all over this thread, with new ones popping up all the time, having joined just days ago and spouting suspiciously detailed pro-QSC talking points. You'd have to be blind, stupid, gullible, or all 3 not to see it, especially since this type of shit has happened in zero other threads here.

Logically, given what a dishonest piece of shit he is, it follows that many of these alts may be the rep himself.

Thus, the possible scenario is that the rep (or some other QSC employee) sent in a ringer sample to be tested, and then used the "hooonst" account to pass it off as blind, 3rd party testing.

Do I think this is what happened? No.
Most of the obvious shill accounts were created around or after the time ding dong started this thread. hooonst joined well before that. Furthermore we have other 3rd party examples of their primo testing reasonably.

However, I want to reiterate that it was perfectly reasonable for members to be suspicious given the following:

1. The name of the client on the test was the source themselves. That is irregular, especially since the source did not pay for this test upfront.
2. The rep is a known liar and scammer. It would not surprise me in the slightest if he pulled some shit like this.
3. The user in question has only ever posted in this thread, which is a trait almost all the shills and weirdo-fanboys share.

Does it make sense now?

...really? Does this really have to be explained to you? That is so obviously not the scenario being suggested.

Let me begin by saying that i believe this test is most likely legit, but let's put our thinking caps on for a second and see why some may be skeptical, shall we?

Things we know:
1. This user has only ever posted in this thread.
2. There are very, very obvious alt accounts shilling all over this thread, with new ones popping up all the time, having joined just days ago and spouting suspiciously detailed pro-QSC talking points. You'd have to be blind, stupid, gullible, or all 3 not to see it, especially since this type of shit has happened in zero other threads here.

Logically, given what a dishonest piece of shit he is, it follows that many of these alts may be the rep himself.

Thus, the possible scenario is that the rep (or some other QSC employee) sent in a ringer sample to be tested, and then used the "hooonst" account to pass it off as blind, 3rd party testing.

Do I think this is what happened? No.
Most of the obvious shill accounts were created around or after the time ding dong started this thread. hooonst joined well before that. Furthermore we have other 3rd party examples of their primo testing reasonably.

However, I want to reiterate that it was perfectly reasonable for members to be suspicious given the following:

1. The name of the client on the test was the source themselves. That is irregular, especially since the source did not pay for this test upfront.
2. The rep is a known liar and scammer. It would not surprise me in the slightest if he pulled some shit like this.
3. The user in question has only ever posted in this thread, which is a trait almost all the shills and weirdo-fanboys share.

Does it make sense now?
Reread this entire thread and find one post in which I’ve defended this source. You’re clearly confused because you seem to think I’m defending this source with this shitty ass response you’ve given me.

Chill the fuck out, I don’t have a dog in the fight, if this was the only test coming back showing their products are good, I would have a much harder time believing it as well. BUT, there have been more than enough tests to come back within what is considered to be “the acceptable range” from plenty of other long standing members, that I don’t believe this to be a fake test. Also, hoonst predates QSC by 6 months. I doubt they waited this long to start using this supposed shill account. Whether you like it or not you have to take the whole picture into account when making an assessment, not just using the data you find that feeds into what you want it to.