Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

i dedicate this next song to all those now silent voices still in shock that their beloved source will never grace this forum with their presence again.

Dingdong come back, any kind of fool could see.
There was something in everything about your $6 vails.

Dingdong come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong and I just can't live without your cheap gear.


PM is the perfect forum for them. No need to have 25 alt accounts there. The mods will be their protectors now.
I'll be the first to call them on their stunts here. Let's see if I get band. Lol
whatever the most standard one they use is? they didn't specify, I thought they only really had one option.


UPDATE: QSD has gotten back to me- the first tracking number wasn't getting updated but it is in fact my Metformin shipment, and mysteriously decided to update a few hours after I made the first post. Looks like I should receive it within the next 2-4 days? Looks like all is right with the world after all, assuming the package gets to me fine and it contains the amount of Metformin I ordered, I'm back to saying this source gets an A+. I'll update when I actually receive the package.
Watch out now. MrSuperGyno is going to call you a shill and a chinese ass kisser.
This seems to be QSC's MO, they didn't forget, they "forgot". Just like they checked that guys reship for floaters, some how missed floaters in the mast and magically forgot one of the primo vials in the reship. QSC ignored it when it was pointed out.
I was actually incorrect! They have honored my order and supposedly actually sent me 1500 metformin tabs instead of just the 900 they owe me. For some reason they split this order into two and one of the two tracking numbers wasn't updating but it is now saying it's on the move and I should get it within the next few days. The source gets a pass in my book and they responded very well and very quickly to my emails when I asked about the "missing" part of my order.
Replying to everyone who quoted my post with an update, but yes! good to go! they replied to my email quickly and let me know that the second tracking number was now updating, and I checked and USPS says it'll be here in the next few days. They also said I should be receiving 1500 tabs of metformin instead of just the 900 they actually owe me, so I guess I get a bonus. Will update when I actually receive the package but everything looks good to me.
Watch out now. MrSuperGyno is going to call you a shill and a chinese ass kisser.
Please dear god do not involve me in this retarded online flame war. I'm just here to share my experience with the source. So far, it's been positive, if for any reason my opinion changes I'll share it here. If someone starts trying to call me names I'm just going to ignore it...
Holy moly, 1500 metformin tabs! If you take 2 per day, who knows how long your supply will last!
LOL yea I'm planning on taking it together with Semaglutide for a little while since I'm taking a break from the perpetual bulking and cutting cycle so I'm just trying to make sure I can keep training well and don't let my appetite get out of control since I tend to default towards weight gain and I just want to keep my weight on a slow trend downwards for the next few months. If the appetite suppression is too strong from the combo, I'll drop the metformin and use it some other time, It's good stuff!
Please dear god do not involve me in this retarded online flame war. I'm just here to share my experience with the source. So far, it's been positive, if for any reason my opinion changes I'll share it here. If someone starts trying to call me names I'm just going to ignore it...

He's been hurt. He wants pity. Share your experience and ignore his childish behavior. You're a real member, he's not.
So far, it's been positive, if for any reason my opinion changes I'll share it here.
Same as me. I have repeatedly posted that if I have a negative experiences, I'll be the first to post it. So far, every order has been perfect.

Yet these asswipes want to call me a rep and a shill. I'm just a happy customer who hates assholes and jackasses.
Please dear god do not involve me in this retarded online flame war. I'm just here to share my experience with the source. So far, it's been positive, if for any reason my opinion changes I'll share it here. If someone starts trying to call me names I'm just going to ignore it...
I hear ya man, I am new to this board but I've been around since the old days, still I hesitate to leave any feedback good or bad since it looks like you're going to be flamed either way.

Great entertainment though.
LOL yea I'm planning on taking it together with Semaglutide for a little while since I'm taking a break from the perpetual bulking and cutting cycle so I'm just trying to make sure I can keep training well and don't let my appetite get out of control since I tend to default towards weight gain and I just want to keep my weight on a slow trend downwards for the next few months. If the appetite suppression is too strong from the combo, I'll drop the metformin and use it some other time, It's good stuff!
This is exactly my situation. When I am bulking, I eat like crazy. When I am cutting (like now) my appetite is still high because I am used to eating so much.

I started semaglutide (0.5mg weekly) with berberine (instead of metformin). It killed my appetite, but the heartburn has been terrible. I have cut back to 0.25mg and working on solving the heartburn.
Same as me. I have repeatedly posted that if I have a negative experiences, I'll be the first to post it. So far, every order has been perfect.

Yet these asswipes want to call me a rep and a shill. I'm just a happy customer who hates assholes and jackasses.


This is exactly my situation. When I am bulking, I eat like crazy. When I am cutting (like now) my appetite is still high because I am used to eating so much.

I started semaglutide (0.5mg weekly) with berberine (instead of metformin). It killed my appetite, but the heartburn has been terrible. I have cut back to 0.25mg and working on solving the heartburn.

Oh, you lift? Show us. It's my understanding that you're a scrawny Chinaman that sells cheap gear for a living. Maybe i'm wrong and you're just a fat slob that needs drugs to lose weight?
It's my understanding that you're a scrawny Chinaman that sells cheap gear for a living. Maybe i'm wrong and you're just a fat slob that needs drugs to lose weight?
Like I said early, I don't even need to respond anymore. I just need to sit back and watch you self-destruct yourself.

Yes I lift. Do you know many people who buy gear but don't lift? The questions are getting more and more bizarre. You ok bro?
Like I said early, I don't even need to respond anymore. I just need to sit back and watch you self-destruct yourself.

Yes I lift. Do you know many people who buy gear but don't lift? The questions are getting more and more bizarre. You ok bro?


i knew it was never going to happen. Dingdong doesn't get high on his own supply so to speak.

Probably for the best. All those floaters would put you out of commission. Then who's going to run this thread and sell your cheap gear? Chunk.Smears doesn't have the same dedication that you do.
Same as me. I have repeatedly posted that if I have a negative experiences, I'll be the first to post it. So far, every order has been perfect.

Yet these asswipes want to call me a rep and a shill. I'm just a happy customer who hates assholes and jackasses.
No you moron. You're called a rep and a shill because all 180 posts are solely in this thread alone. And because despite having no forum presence, you have on your own accord decided to play the defense attorney for QSC.

Keep on acting like you're just a happy customer with no past issues, everyone can see the truth of your entire existence here.
This is exactly my situation. When I am bulking, I eat like crazy. When I am cutting (like now) my appetite is still high because I am used to eating so much.

I started semaglutide (0.5mg weekly) with berberine (instead of metformin). It killed my appetite, but the heartburn has been terrible. I have cut back to 0.25mg and working on solving the heartburn.
I took .25mg of Semaglutide as soon as I got it today, haven't noticed anything in terms of side effects or anything. maybe I feel a little more full for longer after my dinner but tbh my appetite has been a little wonky as of late so I can't say for sure it's the drug. I'm hoping I can stick to .25mg for a while and see some results, but if not I'll bump it up in a month or so. Any suggestions for heartburn? I already get it pretty bad sometimes especially when I cut hard and do 24 hour fasts, really hoping this doesn't exacerbate it and make heartburn a constant occurrence