Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Sorry, Dingdong. No one's biting. So explain how you're so sure. Let me guess, you're the chosen satisfied customer that Dingdong emailed to tell that he's coming back.

You blew it, dummy. You and Chunk are the only ones left standing. Where are all your satisfied customers and members that signed up within the last 6 months? They were active as fuck until yesterday. Poof. Dissappeard just like that.
Again, when you're autistic, your experiences are not shared by everyone else. Thank you for helping to keep this thread at the top.

Again, even when convinced the rep isn't coming back, you won't even make a friendly wager. That's not really dripping in confidence, now is it?
No he is not Dylan, Dylan already here in this thread though, shilling for QSC

He's an ankle biter. Now that i got the boss on the line i don't need to talk to his secretary. Sorry, Chunk. Keep wasting your time with your little kid comebacks. i'm not wasting my time with you.
Again, when you're autistic, your experiences are not shared by everyone else. Thank you for helping to keep this thread at the top.

Again, even when convinced the rep isn't coming back, you won't even make a friendly wager. That's not really dripping in confidence, now is it?

No sweat. You ain't selling shit because no one is going to wade through this horse shit thread to find your email address.

i'm just here to keep you talking. You used to be able to call the shots from your rep account, now you're just pretending to be a nobody. How does that feel?
I received my order today and I appear to have received Telmisartan (labeled Tmi?), Nolvadex (confusingly labeled TM, not actually 100% certain which is which, both Telmisartan and Tamoxifen have the letters Tmi in them), and Semaglutide but there is absolutely NO METFORMIN in my package.
This seems to be QSC's MO, they didn't forget, they "forgot". Just like they checked that guys reship for floaters, some how missed floaters in the mast and magically forgot one of the primo vials in the reship. QSC ignored it when it was pointed out.
That's so pathetic. That literally makes YOU trash. Lololol

Why, because you want to be praised for being a selective scamming scumbag? That makes you pretty delusional. You're not the super awesome terrific source that you think you are. You're just the only source that a lot of these guys can afford.

But since you think you can do no wrong, let me propose a deal. Now i know you Chinamen are thrifty as fuck, but hear me out.

When your rep account is reinstated i want you to make a $5,000 (USD not your Chinese funny money) donation to support this site. You'll get yourself a nifty little banner too. In exchange i will never come in this thread again. i'll even go you one better and never use the name Dingdong again because i know it burns your britches every time i do.

If i break the agreement i will leave Meso. It's right here in writing. Bookmark it. You can prove to the entire community that i'm a liar and these fuckers love me for being honest and honestly i don't want to lose that.

Consider it. Oh and maybe send Chunky.Smears some free gear for being an obedient little bitch. Though that part is purely optional and i wouldn't do it if the shoe were on the other foot, but that's just me.
received my order today and I appear to have received Telmisartan (labeled Tmi?), Nolvadex (confusingly labeled TM, not actually 100% certain which is which, both Telmisartan and Tamoxifen have the letters Tmi in them), and Semaglutide but there is absolutely NO METFORMIN in my package.
So gtg?
Why, because you want to be praised for being a selective scamming scumbag? That makes you pretty delusional. You're not the super awesome terrific source that you think you are. You're just the only source that a lot of these guys can afford.

But since you think you can do no wrong, let me propose a deal. Now i know you Chinaman are thrifty as fuck, but hear me out.

When your rep account is reinstated i want you to make a $5,000 (USD not your Chinese funny money) donation to support this site. You'll get yourself a nifty little banner too. In exchange i will never come in this thread again. i'll even go you one better and never use the name Dingdong again because i know it burns your britches every time i do.

If i break the agreement i will leave Meso. It's right here in writing. Bookmark it. You can prove to the entire community that i'm a liar.

Consider it. Oh and maybe send Chunky.Smears some free gear for being an obedient little bitch. Though that part is purely optional and i wouldn't do it if the shoe were on the other foot, but that's just me.
I like how you spend so much energy on me ;)
Think about it. What's $5k when you're the source that other sources wish they could be.

Unless you can't afford it and you have more fake buyers than real buyers. That would be some shit.
You are confused AGAIN. I'm not the rep. I am a customer. All my orders have been great, like the majority of people on this thread. If you want to chat with the rep, it will need to wait until he's back.

If it makes you feel better to talk to me, that's fine. Before my grandmother died of dementia, she spoke to her cat because she believed it was my grandfather. Mental illness is a bitch.
You are confused AGAIN. I'm not the rep. I am a customer. All my orders have been great, like the majority of people on this thread. If you want to chat with the rep, it will need to wait until he's back.

If it makes you feel better to talk to me, that's fine. Before my grandmother died of dementia, she spoke to her cat because she believed it was my grandfather. Mental illness is a bitch.
Providing a list to a customer A few posts up sure seems like something a rep would do.
You are confused AGAIN. I'm not the rep. I am a customer. All my orders have been great, like the majority of people on this thread. If you want to chat with the rep, it will need to wait until he's back.

See post 17,448


Uh huh. Oh the lies we tell ourselves. Offer is on the table, little man. What's more important, a few bucks or having the truths of your business exposed by the biggest thorn in your side?

Tick tock, Dingdong. You got a week.
You are confused AGAIN. I'm not the rep. I am a customer. All my orders have been great, like the majority of people on this thread. If you want to chat with the rep, it will need to wait until he's back.

If it makes you feel better to talk to me, that's fine. Before my grandmother died of dementia, she spoke to her cat because she believed it was my grandfather. Mental illness is a bitch.
You have posted nonstop...ever since the rep was banned. Before that your posts were way less and more spaced out.

You're a damn rep, that's obvious now to everyone with a brain. Someone repping for a banned source by posting a link to a pricelist deserves to be banned. You're simply doing the exact thing the actual rep would do. I don't see you lasting much longer.
Which shipping method did you use?
whatever the most standard one they use is? they didn't specify, I thought they only really had one option.


UPDATE: QSD has gotten back to me- the first tracking number wasn't getting updated but it is in fact my Metformin shipment, and mysteriously decided to update a few hours after I made the first post. Looks like I should receive it within the next 2-4 days? Looks like all is right with the world after all, assuming the package gets to me fine and it contains the amount of Metformin I ordered, I'm back to saying this source gets an A+. I'll update when I actually receive the package.
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