Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

No you moron. You're called a rep and a shill because all 180 posts are solely in this thread alone. And because despite having no forum presence, you have on your own accord decided to play the defense attorney for QSC.

Keep on acting like you're just a happy customer with no past issues, everyone can see the truth of your entire existence here.
I am not a defense attorney. I just play one on TV.

I did have a past issue with an order. It was solved because I am always polite, I followed the rules/policies, and did not come to this forum and started calling the rep racist names and making angry demands. You fucked up. You're always anger. I'm always happy. Funny how life works.
All you can really do is watch who's saying wha
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Oh, you lift? Show us. It's my understanding that you're a scrawny Chinaman that sells cheap gear for a living. Maybe i'm wrong and you're just a fat slob that needs drugs to lose weight?
He sounds like the clown early on in this thread that said all his friends competed but he chooses not to but can mop the floor with them.
I took .25mg of Semaglutide as soon as I got it today, haven't noticed anything in terms of side effects or anything. maybe I feel a little more full for longer after my dinner but tbh my appetite has been a little wonky as of late so I can't say for sure it's the drug. I'm hoping I can stick to .25mg for a while and see some results, but if not I'll bump it up in a month or so. Any suggestions for heartburn? I already get it pretty bad sometimes especially when I cut hard and do 24 hour fasts, really hoping this doesn't exacerbate it and make heartburn a constant occurrence
It took about 3, maybe 4 days before I started feeling the hunger suppression. For now, I control the heartburn with antacid tablets, but will add apple cider vinegar soon.
I am not a defense attorney. I just play one on TV.

I did have a past issue with an order. It was solved because I am always polite, I followed the rules/policies, and did not come to this forum and started calling the rep racist names and making angry demands. You fucked up. You're always anger. I'm always happy. Funny how life works.
Same as me. I have repeatedly posted that if I have a negative experiences, I'll be the first to post it. So far, every order has been perfect.

Yet these asswipes want to call me a rep and a shill. I'm just a happy customer who hates assholes and jackasses.
Wait, you now say you had one past issue? But in the post above, you claimed every order was "perfect." You're a damn liar with ZERO CREDIBILITY! I knew you'd slip up.

No one order from this source!!!
I am not a defense attorney. I just play one on TV.

I did have a past issue with an order. It was solved because I am always polite, I followed the rules/policies, and did not come to this forum and started calling the rep racist names and making angry demands. You fucked up. You're always anger. I'm always happy. Funny how life works.

We know why you're here. Even noobs that skim looking only for contact info can see it.

i don't see any other happy customers directing traffic in this thread, linking contact info, fighting with everything they got to one up "the haterz".

The rep used to do that then all of a sudden a bunch of new accounts took over for him while he focused more on the business. Why did you tell them to stop? Where are they now?
Paranoia. It's the next stage. My grandmother had it too with her dementia. She thought the UPS delivery guy was stealing her tulips.

You already used the grandma analogy. Think up something new. Chinese proverbs perhaps?

How's your brewer doing? i hear those Chinese prisons are no joke. i don't imagine that you care. He's expendable. Business as usual. Will it be the same when your domestic guy's get busted?

i guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Well peeps, this has been fun smacking around the asswipes (for some reason don't buy anything but still spend the whole day here?).

I'm off to the gym after loading up my turkesterone, beta alanine and 4 capsules of Nugenix testosterone booster. With this stack and doing P90x I'm making sick gainz.

I might check in later and see if the mental asylum patients are still around.
The qsc semiglutide works. I was 225
( bulked to much lol)
Holding strong at 195... lost no muscle and added 30 pounds to my lifts on qsc testosterone. Benched 370 today for 3 sets of 15. Think I can go higher but dont wanna push my 48 year old tendons. Deadlifts up over 350lbs. I know that's weak but my inguinal hernia on one side is fixed great with mesh. Other side will need repair one day but it's not too bad. Still paying of the old repair almost $6000 on credit cards. No insurance so trying to be safe with second side repair that will be needed one day. Inguinal hernias usually need both sides done if one goes out but the Dr didnt wanna double mesh me at the time. I swear six months after first repair I can feel other side acting up. Just my luck.
Haha. Off to the gym. You mean going to have some disgusting Chinese dessert that contains seafood before you masterbate and fall asleep with your dick in your hand. Have fun, Dingdong.

We'll pick this up tomorrow if we're both not banned, and if we are i'll just create another account and pretend i'm not who i am. It will be seamless because i learned a hell of a lot from watching you do it since you joined.
It really isn't that weird in my opinion to have people defending the rep and wanting to keep them in business when seeing so many people who don't buy from them just trying to shut them down. I was defending them a lot a while ago. I was calling the haters "flogs" if anyone can remember lol. I did it because his gear is super cheap, actually makes it through customs and I was bored/love banter. The banter got boring real quick though and I stalked a few of the haters and some of their advice in other threads is solid. Say what you will about QDS, I only had good experiences and where I'm from we really don't have access to reliable gear sources that offer a good price and can actually get through customs. I rate them and they have my business until something changes my mind personally.
I figured you ran out of cocaine but I see you're back.
Holy shit get a life.
If a meso member raped your mother and made a thread about it with video, you wouldnt be posting in it the way you are carrying on here.
Look, I know you guys are loving the low prices,and think you will never be a victim of his childish behavior, but when I logged in and saw a video of my mother being violated in this thread, well this guy has gone too far!

And Im sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I think its prudent to remind people just how immature and selfish this guy can be. When I saw the woman who raised me being taken against her will for everyone to laugh at.. well all I can say is this guy has a lot of growing up to do. Ridiculous!

Im not necessarily a tattle tale, but I have half a mind to go to the moderators about this character.

Sure, its all fun and games and cheap prices.. until your mom is screaming, penetrated by an angry roided up asshole for all meso to laugh at. You wont think its too funny then.

Now I cant stop any of you from ordering, but I think it would be a gentlemanly thing for you all to not support these shenannigans.

One day its cheap gear, the next you are watching your mom getting bukkake on meso... Dont say i didnt warn you!