Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I ordered the same day and I just reveived tracking. Im excited as fuk. That's the best Tirz price ever.

I get 180mg (15mg pen x 12) for $25 thanks to ins so I've got you beat, but I'm still using QSC's previous GB while the Eli Lilly boxes build up in my fridge lol.
You missed the part where he said he “got two girlfriends to” have abortions. Nothing in that statement sounds like it was mutual or that they wanted to. Maybe it’s an argument over semantics, but unless he worded it wrong, it sounds gross.

You’re talking to a woman, and you’d be surprised how many times we are coerced, bullied, or told to abort by men who casually talk about how they “got” us to have abortions.

Iris was not replying to the procedure itself, but the way buddy seemed so flippant about getting women to abort.
What I wrote was, and you misquoted me, was: "I had two past girlfriends get abortions. No problem there."

I should have wrote: "I had two past girlfriends that got abortions." My bad. I didn't think I would be arguing semantics on a steroid forum.

I did not kidnap them, drug them and take them to an illegal abortion clinic, which you are implying.

It was a mutual decision based on where we were in our lives. She had a choice. If she wanted to keep it, she could have and there was nothing I could do about it. Luckily, she was taking my input into account.

btw....this is all DeClan's fault for bringing up the topic lol
What I wrote was, and you misquoted me, was: "I had two past girlfriends get abortions. No problem there."

I should have wrote: "I had two past girlfriends that got abortions." My bad. I didn't think I would be arguing semantics on a steroid forum.

I did not kidnap them, drug them and take them to an illegal abortion clinic, which you are implying.

It was a mutual decision based on where we were in our lives. She had a choice. If she wanted to keep it, she could have and there was nothing I could do about it. Luckily, she was taking my input into account.

btw....this is all DeClan's fault for bringing up the topic lol

Let's not pretend we, men, can't pressure women far short of "kidnapping." them.

I can't tell if you're being deliberately deceptive or genuinely don't realize that. TBH you sound articulate enough to know exactly what's up. This line of reasoning is what most guys who apply significant pressure to get their way use as plausible denial. "I didn't put a gun to her head".

"You can do whatever you want...." while directly stating or implying you won't be around if they make the 'wrong' choice.