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That’s right, I am maintaining Ronnie Coleman leanness, .02% year round on 237.5mg test iso every 3 1/4 days with halo, sdrol and winny sprinkled in. It’s easy guys, just believe me.

If I go a little fat around 2%, I add dnp, clen, t3, and meth and boom back to sub 1%.
Top tier memery
Even if i was you'll still call bs....keep posting your google studies and show nothing of you. Just shows if you can't achieve something no "one" can. Bet you one of those guys who juices and looks natty
Pop Tv Burn GIF by Schitt's Creek
I don’t know why you guys all fixate on fertility. Become sterile and spend your time scuba diving and drinking umbrella drinks instead of chauffeuring ungrateful little shits around all day.
That is pretty much where my thought process is on the matter. We have 2, ages 8 and 5 and that is all she wrote for us if I have anything to say about it. I love being a Dad, but my life is about 95% all about the kiddos with the minimal 5% of me working out being the much only real "me time" I get each day/week. Adding another child to the mix would effectively end any semblance of a life that I have remaining.

As much fulfillment and satisfaction as I get out of being a parent, I am just not willing to have zero life whatsoever and work my ass off to remain an effective provider. And have that be ALL my life basically consists of. Maybe I am just selfish, but I just know that is where my head is at in terms of more kids.
That’s right, I am maintaining Ronnie Coleman leanness, .02% year round on 237.5mg test iso every 3 1/4 days with halo, sdrol and winny sprinkled in. It’s easy guys, just believe me.

If I go a little fat around 2%, I add dnp, clen, t3, and meth and boom back to sub 1%.
I am sure it is only a matter of time before the GLP1 people go completely off the rails into rank stupidity.

"but, but, but guys, I can't control my 'food noise' and my cravings. I am currently taking 200 MG a week between sema, tirz and reta but I am still gaining weight. So I guess now I will add low dose meth and bathtub crank to my stack to snort lines of to really take me to the next level." I am only half kidding, as I expect that market for hardcore stims to take off once people start failing on GLP1's over time (and they will).

Some people just aren't cut out for this shit. Some people are just plain fucking weak. Mentally, physically, and otherwise. Not nice to say perhaps but that is how I have always sized it up.
I am sure it is only a matter of time before the GLP1 people go completely off the rails into rank stupidity.

"but, but, but guys, I can't control my 'food noise' and my cravings. I am currently taking 200 MG a week between sema, tirz and reta but I am still gaining weight. So I guess now I will add low dose meth and bathtub crank to my stack to snort lines of to really take me to the next level." I am only half kidding, as I expect that market for hardcore stims to take off once people start failing on GLP1's over time (and they will).

Some people just aren't cut out for this shit. Some people are just plain fucking weak. Mentally, physically, and otherwise. Not nice to say perhaps but that is how I have always sized it up.
I don’t know. Using low dose DNP along with some Sema and Tirz is a cheat code for losing weight on my 2 week mini cuts. I’m literally never hungry on poverty calories of protein and some carbs around my workout. Enough drugs to hold onto your muscle and it’s a win win situation.
If you want to be “hardcore” and hungry and miserable during a cut then be my guest.
I’ll take the easy way out and be lean and happy.
I don’t know. Using low dose DNP along with some Sema and Tirz is a cheat code for losing weight on my 2 week mini cuts. I’m literally never hungry on poverty calories of protein and some carbs around my workout. Enough drugs to hold onto your muscle and it’s a win win situation.
If you want to be “hardcore” and hungry and miserable during a cut then be my guest.
I’ll take the easy way out and be lean and happy.
Pretty great till DNP gives you cataracts like it gave me on two 200mg runs that lasted less than 3 weeks each.

I learned my lesson a long time ago and changed my mentality from “how much can I get away with” to “how bad do I want it?”

Instead of taking a bunch of drugs to control your appetite, How about you just don’t eat? Literally stop. Have 5-6 tupperware of food and only eat out of that all day. It’s not hard if you want it enough.
That is pretty much where my thought process is on the matter. We have 2, ages 8 and 5 and that is all she wrote for us if I have anything to say about it. I love being a Dad, but my life is about 95% all about the kiddos with the minimal 5% of me working out being the much only real "me time" I get each day/week. Adding another child to the mix would effectively end any semblance of a life that I have remaining.

As much fulfillment and satisfaction as I get out of being a parent, I am just not willing to have zero life whatsoever and work my ass off to remain an effective provider. And have that be ALL my life basically consists of. Maybe I am just selfish, but I just know that is where my head is at in terms of more kids.

Your honesty is refreshing in a world that seems intent on tricking as many people as possibly into joining them in parenthood by pretending it's all candy and unicorns. I can appreciate why some thoughtfully, deliberately choose to have children, but far too many just go with the flow, often with family/society pushing them in that direction.
Your honesty is refreshing in a world that seems intent on tricking as many people as possibly into joining them in parenthood by pretending it's all candy and unicorns. I can appreciate why some thoughtfully, deliberately choose to have children, but far too many just go with the flow, often with family/society pushing them in that direction.
I have had more awe inspiring mental and emotional victories in my life due to fatherhood than any other circumstance bar none. But I have had an equal number of colossal defeats that have taken me to the edge of my sanity also.

My parents are enjoying very much being grandparents, my head is basically above water in terms of life, and my wife and I still have a pretty damn good relationship. BUT, you can only give so much of yourself before it can start to spiral on you. I have not gotten to this point, but close enough that I have no delusions on what that would look like for my life.
Pretty great till DNP gives you cataracts like it gave me on two 200mg runs that lasted less than 3 weeks each.

I learned my lesson a long time ago and changed my mentality from “how much can I get away with” to “how bad do I want it?”

Now, you are probably gonna get the dnp fanatics telling you this is fantasy and you a fear monger. Quite a few of them here, that just love that stuff, no matter what you say.

Instead of taking a bunch of drugs to control your appetite, How about you just don’t eat? Literally stop. Have 5-6 tupperware of food and only eat out of that all day. It’s not hard if you want it enough.

And as for this, oh dear...
I have had more awe inspiring mental and emotional victories in my life due to fatherhood than any other circumstance bar none. But I have had an equal number of colossal defeats that have taken me to the edge of my sanity also.

My parents are enjoying very much being grandparents, my head is basically above water in terms of life, and my wife and I still have a pretty damn good relationship. BUT, you can only give so much of yourself before it can start to spiral on you. I have not gotten to this point, but close enough that I have no delusions on what that would look like for my life.

Very astute observation.

I'm at a point where, to my surprise, I'm willing to go along with it if my partner wants to(she's been making "jokes" about it lately, which I suspect is testing the waters). Part of that is my circumstances would allow for a full time nanny to relieve the stress on her that would put more of crimp on my lifestyle than I would otherwise be willing to accept. Also, really good private international schools are well within financial reach here (Thailand).

That said, the possibility of a kid with the kind of handicap that would require a lifetime of care gives me pause. Having done that for elderly relatives, I don't want to go through it again. Guess I'll have to see what kind of genetic screening, early pregnancy testing is available to make sure there won't be serious issues.
Now, you are probably gonna get the dnp fanatics telling you this is fantasy and you a fear monger. Quite a few of them here, that just love that stuff, no matter what you say.

And as for this, oh dear...
Never been against GLP-1’s, they definitely have their place especially on a rebound where the food focus is worse than dieting down. I think ECA and clen/albuterol are enough for appetite control, but the insulin sensitizing and glucagon fat-burning benefits of reta are interesting.
Your honesty is refreshing in a world that seems intent on tricking as many people as possibly into joining them in parenthood by pretending it's all candy and unicorns. I can appreciate why some thoughtfully, deliberately choose to have children, but far too many just go with the flow, often with family/society pushing them in that direction.
I think it's the opposite. Total undermining of the notion and value of nuclear family, individualism and nihilism reigning supreme, women's focusing more on career and self development rather than relationships.
But maybe it's a cultural and social thing to do with the West, only.
Never been against GLP-1’s, they definitely have their place especially on a rebound where the food focus is worse than dieting down. I think ECA and clen/albuterol are enough for appetite control, but the insulin sensitizing and glucagon fat-burning benefits of reta are interesting.
I was agreeing with you.
It's just that what you represent is not the most supported narrative, here.
Or so it seems because of the loudest responses one gets.
Never been against GLP-1’s, they definitely have their place especially on a rebound where the food focus is worse than dieting down. I think ECA and clen/albuterol are enough for appetite control, but the insulin sensitizing and glucagon fat-burning benefits of reta are interesting.
Opiates are already the bane of the existence of the Feds and much of big pharma, so I think stimulants will be the next shoe to fall as they are currently among the highest number of total prescriptions of any other drug class in North America. So your Addreall, Ritalin, Desoxyn, etc. drugs. Amphetamines basically, just pharma versions of them.

With as popular as weight loss drugs have become now, straight up stimulants could experience a renaissance among people already taking multiple weight loss compounds but still struggling.

My parents are enjoying very much being grandparents, my head is basically above water in terms of life, and my wife and I still have a pretty damn good relationship. BUT, you can only give so much of yourself before it can start to spiral on you. I have not gotten to this point, but close enough that I have no delusions on what that would look like for my life.

I see this and from what you are saying here, you seem pretty sorted.
You have a nice family, a very good relationship with your wife, supportive parents that help you out with the children, you manage to have a life outside work/home.
So where does the angst come from?
You seem in a pretty fortunate position.
Many people do not have what you have.
Giving what of yourself would lead you towards a downwards path?
I see this and from what you are saying here, you seem pretty sorted.
You have a nice family, a very good relationship with your wife, supportive parents that help you out with the children, you manage to have a life outside work/home.
So where does the angst come from?
You seem in a pretty fortunate position.
Many people do not have what you have.
Giving what of yourself would lead you towards a downwards path?

Maybe I am having a slightly accelerated case of mid life crisis? I am not really sure actually, and I am certainly not some kind of introspective or existential type of guy who is trying to decipher the meaning of life.

I guess I am just at the point now that life has changed so much in the last few years that it is indistinguishable from what it was previously. It all happens so fast too that you hardly notice until it is gone.

But you are right that I am very fortunate in how things have turned out for me. Lots of hard work, perseverance and even just some dumb luck too, at least in terms of career. I guess I just need enough of a life that is separate from my family that I have a distinct identity other than "Dad" (if that makes sense).