Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Welcome! I love that tagline: TKS4L. Gonna steal it.

Will post pics of each plate of sushi I down later today. About 12 hrs from now. Going with 2 other big eaters. I think they actually may end up serving us dog shit at the end of our run LOL.
This was after Back 40, three of us.
You’ve probably eaten here if you’re from up there!

Shit - right guy for sushi, wrong guy for geography. @BuildABro


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Received my oils from the promo. The purple-top Primo (no SKU I could find on outer packaging, either 100mg/ml or 200mg/ml) has a massive white, solid floater in one of the vials. As well as a couple of smaller fiber-like floaters. Some of the other vials have the smaller fiber-like floaters, too. That white stuff does not look like rubber @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Dear valued member:

Before we go any further, you must comply with and complete proper "floater posting" etiquette.

You will be asked for more information, and more importantly, photos of "floater" proof. So, kindly observe the following prerequisite list:

#1. Since each vial is sent with "show-car finish," check and clean the exterior of each vial to ensure there are no outside particles/objects attaching themselves from your soiled home.

#2. Trim, clean, and polish your fingers and fingernails, because their hygienic presentation most certainly will impact the credibility of the foreign particles within the sealed vial.

#3. If within the past 10 years you have used the terms: "fixin to...," "I've/They dun been...," "I/We ain't..." your application may be rejected.

#4. If you are employed and/or otherwise work for a living, you must be prepared to explain the steps you maintain to ensure sealed vial contents have not been contaminated by your grimy job.

#5. Have your proof of immigrant status or citizen documentation ready. You won't be asked for it, but it will likely come up.

Thank you for your cooperation.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Any response on this note? I don't see one. I'd like to engage in some respectful dialogue on your thread. I want to give you the same opportunity and treatment as your competitors. Not playing favorites. Some vendors are starting to comprehend the opportunity. Thanks in advance.
I'll answer for him. Remember, he paid a visit to Jano so he has had eyes laid on him.

No, he may say he he uses his own product but alas, he's not pushing any iron around. That's more than a safe bet.

I would expect Tracy to try and sell some story about nagging table tennis injuries keeping him from heavy weights and has relegated himself to anti aging products.

He'll point out how shiny his hair is from whatever peptides he'll claim to use when we all know its genetics from generation after generation putting away all those fish heads. Fish heads are forever boiling in a big pot.

If he was a gear head he knows God damn well he wouldn't be home re-filtering his vials after a long day in that sweat shop atmosphere. If he used the shit you'd have clean gear. It's just that simple.

If Tracy wasn't the boss and was a cog in the wheel he'd buy elsewhere. Remember, he actually SEES what's going down behind the Wall. He knows exactly how shit is ending up in there and it isn't just the cheap stoppers.

I mentioned a couple of guys who brew and take pride and care to put out a quality product. There's another one who will make his debut here at meso in the next couple of weeks. One of my all time favorite ugl's that I have mentioned more than once in posts here.

Defiant(DFL) will be opening shop at meso. We've been talking and he's read and researched and knows what to expect and what's expected. The last couple of years he's had his tabs pressed by karius, the owner of anabolicboard as well as ALP and Caxxis(both his ugl's). He's about done assembling his new 600lb press and will be back pressing his own product.

He's forgotten more about brewing than qsc will ever know.

I have a serious question...is there anything disgusting and vile enough that would make guys walk away from qsc?

yes back in the day ampoules were the "legit" product lol, cant fake an ampoule easily, in fact i dont think ive ever heard of a "bunk ampoules " has anyone else?
A few years ago there were 5 packs of amps that were fake. The give away was that they were all different sizes. Lined them up and they were all a little taller or shorter than the next.

I don't know if they were the first fake amps but Ret and Uncle Z had "working replicas"(was that what he called them?). When Z was caught dead to rights selling fake Omanadren he rallied his reps and shills to claim the fakes were better than the real Omnas. Fucking scumbags.