Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

By submitting the order yourself blind :(

TheLobster clearly stated that despite having the customer send in two vials, that was merely "in case one broke" and only one was tested. It's not unreasonable for someone to find this suspicious, I've never seen any mention of this practice on Meso, or any reference to this being a good idea in your packing instructions.

Then there was the delay of several days before he released the results,

The customer suggested that this may have been done so he could pick the better of the two results.

It's unfair for this suspicion to linger out there, tarnishing this vendor's reputation.

We know your integrity isn't ever in question.

Lobster publically asserted that you only tested one. I think you have an obligation to directly address what was forwarded to you by @narta, confirming that the suggestion something underhanded was done is false and eliminate any suspicion regarding this vendor's actions. There's no reason for Lobster to object to this,

Substandard, vacuumless vials of HGH are one thing, But it would be unfair for anyone to believe he stooped to deceptive tactics, dragging you into this, when it can be easily confirmed that wasn't the case. Did he order 1 vial to be tested, as he claimed, were both tested, or was 1 tested and the 2nd kept on standby depending on how bad the results were?
TheLobster clearly stated that despite having the customer send in two vials, that was merely "in case one broke" and only one was tested. It's not unreasonable for someone to find this suspicious, I've never seen any mention of this practice on Meso, or any reference to this being a good idea in your packing instructions.

Then there was the delay of several days before he released the results,

The customer suggested that this may have been done so he could pick the better of the two results.

It's unfair for this suspicion to linger out there, tarnishing this vendor's reputation.

We know your integrity isn't ever in question.

Lobster publically asserted that you only tested one. I think you have an obligation to directly address what was forwarded to you by @narta, confirming that the suggestion something underhanded was done is false and eliminate any suspicion regarding this vendor's actions. There's no reason for Lobster to object to this,

Substandard, vacuumless vials of HGH are one thing, But it would be unfair for anyone to believe he stooped to deceptive tactics, dragging you into this, when it can be easily confirmed that wasn't the case. Did he order 1 vial to be tested, as he claimed, were both tested, or was 1 tested and the 2nd kept on standby depending on how bad the results were?
This is the QSC thread, , Are you confused?
The new Netflix miniseries adolescence was really good. Great critique on how red pill and manosphere communities are promoting ideologies that create the perfect storm for violence against women. They say they don’t advocate violence but then they use dehumanizing language like nazis did against Jews. I suspect a lot of people here are redpillers so just wanted to remind them they’re all cowards who blame their problems on other people.
If you saw some of the individuals whose crimes inspired that story you’d perhaps have a wide perspective of the problem in question.
But not everyone who is bad at their job is automatically a DEI hire, plenty of people were bad at trades before DEI hires. You seem to use the marker of someone being bad at their job to infer their DEI hire status and that’s very weak inference because there are so many cases where that isn’t true. Even with what your boss said it’s not explicitly stated. Maybe your bosses boss just wanted to fuck a transgender person to see what it was like and hired them, you literally don’t know.
Im starting to think you’re a DEI hire.
Wdym? Pretty sure the uk knife attacks on women was the “inspiration”.
View attachment 322388
And do you believe the character that was created to represent the (unfortunately) many perpetrators is an accurate portrayal of reality? I guess what I’m getting at is are you sure, I mean really sure, that you’re not being subtly manipulated by the exact kind of creative narratives that are used on all those red pill nitwits? How much distance do you think there is between you and them, in terms of how susceptible you are to a bit of good storytelling when it confirms your priors?
And do you believe the character that was created to represent the (unfortunately) many perpetrators is an accurate portrayal of reality? I guess what I’m getting at is are you sure, I mean really sure, that you’re not being subtly manipulated by the exact kind of creative narratives that are used on all those red pill nitwits? How much distance do you think there is between you and them, in terms of how susceptible you are to a bit of good storytelling when it confirms your priors?
Yah I’m being manipulated into thinking that dehumanizing and killing women is bad.
Nah that’s also true, similar issues with different origins
You're right. People been stabbing people in the uk forever. If guns were as abundant there as they are in America, it'd be a gun problem.

But if you're gonna make a show specifically to bring attention to the recent uprise in violent crime to women in the UK, make it accurate. Otherwise what are you bringing attention to?

This isn't Disney acquiesing to China by refusing to mention Tibet and turning a Buddhist monk character into a white woman. Or the makers of Hamilton trying to be cute and turning the America's founding fathers into "bipoc".

You wanna bring attention to a very serious problem, well you should be serious about it, and accurate. But it opens up a bunch of political cans of worms about the direction that country is heading in. God forbid if they did that.