Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co. Toremifene Raws - Janoshik Test


Although I am not a regular participant on this forum, I felt compelled to share some product testing here with the community. This is the result of testing "Toremifene" from QSC:


Like many of you I do prefer to test all products I use. Naturally I was disappointed by this result. I should note that this was initially ordered in December, but the first pack was "lost by courier" per the rep. Free reship arrived in the last month or two. Initial response from the Meso rep implied I had swapped the samples in a scam attempt, though they later conceded it was a "mistake from factory". I was a bit annoyed by this response because I have been sitting on Toremifene labels for nearly 2 years now and have not been able to list the product as raws are never up to snuff. The QSC rep did not provide any inhouse lab testing when asked.

Although the rep initially promised a full refund on any product that came mislabeled or low purity, they have since refused to honour that promise and are offering a free ship with me getting to keep the 250g of Clomid as a "gift" (isn't that kind?). Unfortunately as they don't have more Torem in stock that reship has yet to be sent. As you can imagine I would strongly prefer a refund because this source has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted.

I would encourage buyers to proceed with caution. The source appears to have trouble shipping out correctly labeled products and is currently unwilling to honour their own promise to refund customers who test their products and find them mislabeled. If you are a general user of AAS/PEDs please be aware that vendors like QSC may opt to make similar switches with other products in an attempt to fool naive customers who cannot afford to test their products independently. Additionally, the rep has stated they will not in any way reimburse me for the expensive testing undertaken in order to catch their product mislabeling.
About what I’d expect from Qingdao. They’re cheap for a reason. You may or may not get the right product, it’ll probably be underdosed, and you’ll get zero customer support in the (likely) event something goes wrong.
First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^

Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^


You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.

We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.

I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.

For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.

If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^

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First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^

Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^

View attachment 165015

You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.

We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.

I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.

For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.

If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^

View attachment 165016

What a child you are. Just refund the guy and move on. Your attitude of, because you bashed us no more soup for you is the most immature thing I’ve seen here and that’s sayin something.

Great, so the guy tested a few other things that tested well. Does that excuse this? Absolutely not
What a child you are. Just refund the guy and move on. Your attitude of, because you bashed us no more soup for you is the most immature thing I’ve seen here and that’s sayin something.

Great, so the guy tested a few other things that tested well. Does that excuse this? Absolutely not
I am not looking for an excuse, when a mistake is done, it is admitted.
Every source can make mistakes, and we made many. We offred kindly a solution to fix it which is reshipping the good item when it is available.
An item forgotten, or shit like that can happen, this was a wrong item sent, first time that happened, end of story.

If you don't like my attitude don't buy, I am not forcing anyone, if you want good customer service, you act like a good boy, if you are a dick, a can be a big one.
First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^

Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^

View attachment 165015

You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.

We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.

I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.

For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.

If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^

View attachment 165016
I can definitely feel the users frustration if this statement is true:

Although the rep initially promised a full refund on any product that came mislabeled or low purity, they have since refused to honour that promise and are offering a free ship with me getting to keep the 250g of Clomid as a "gift" (isn't that kind?).

If the user didnt want clomid then the $ value is meaningless because hes not going to use it deeming it worthless. Additionally if you did in fact promise a full refund on mislabelled products and arent honouring that, then thats extremely poor business practice.

Very similar to a scenario i went through with another rep of QSC. I made sure to clarify twice on the reshipping policy and the security of it was ultimately the reason i chose to do business with you guys. Was meant to be a full reship at the cost of freight (15-45 USD depending on weight). However that turned into having to place another order where id only receive the amount of kits which were the equivalent value to the profit margin youd be making on the next order

In simple terms for 10 kits of HGH to be reshipped id have to spend roughly $700-1000 AUD depending on the products purchased because they have different profit margins. A little more than 15 USD huh
I am not looking for an excuse, when a mistake is done, it is admitted.
Every source can make mistakes, and we made many.
An item forgotten, or shit like that can happen, this was a wrong item sent, first time that happened, end of story.

You are correct. Mistakes happened but it’s how the source handles it that determines things around here. Great, you said you would reship but you said you would do that weeks ago and still haven’t. Now you come in here like a child stating he gets nothing because he made this public to warn others that once again you are not honoring your refund policy.
First thank you for sharing that our Clomiphene citrate is +98% ^^

Toremiphene was a mistake as explained and the proof is that we came to you with a feedback of outgoing items that day, and it was Clomiphene citrate that was sent, and you have already ordered many items, and all matches what is advertised.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Thinking now you will convince members that we are scammers because of 1 mistake? good luck ^^

View attachment 165015

You have been one of the most annoying customers/labs that I have dealed with until now, so I am pleased that you choosed to bash us in forum because of a non intentionally mistake, end of the business with you.

We already have about 30 blind lab tests done here by members, and always match what is advertised.

I will also take advantage of the counter-advertising you want to do for us to advertise our HGH that you tested.

For members who are curious about a recent lab test of our HGH with dimer testing.

If you want to share other raws tested by you feel free ^^

View attachment 165016
You... You are aware that the HGH I provide my customers isn't from you, right?
Let's also be clear, you're claiming you offered a resolution that will no longer be available to me because I was impatient. The resolution to offered is a cop out because you initially promised a full refund:

I guess it's ours since you bought 50 kits and was tested after been received, aren't you testing all your products? ^^
The 40 kits received (10 of which were seized by your 100% pass rate shipping method) were resold as a single unit to someone else who was willing to take the risk and test them on their own. They have never been sold by me to individual clients. Anyone could verify this, all of my HGH is sold with a black top.

But again, this isn't about me. I'm not here to make sales. This is about you and your business practices. Anyone is free to lodge a complaint about how I do business wherever they see fit. I would expect them to hold me accountable, just as you must be held accountable for:

1. Selling mislabeled products
2. Offering full refunds in the event a problem and then retracting said offer when confronted with the very issue we presented concern for.
What a shit show. Now the damn source is making public the guy’s previous order and posting his hplc of a product that isn’t even theirs but damn sure says it is. Can’t make this shit up
The 40 kits received (10 of which were seized by your 100% pass rate shipping method) were resold as a single unit to someone else who was willing to take the risk and test them on their own. They have never been sold by me to individual clients. Anyone could verify this, all of my HGH is sold with a black top.

But again, this isn't about me. I'm not here to make sales. This is about you and your business practices. Anyone is free to lodge a complaint about how I do business wherever they see fit. I would expect them to hold me accountable, just as you must be held accountable for:

1. Selling mislabeled products
2. Offering full refunds in the event a problem and then retracting said offer when confronted with the very issue we presented concern for.
Now that you shared your experience and called us scammers, I hope you feel better and it solved your issue, I have more important things to do now ^^
Now that you shared your experience and called us scammers, I hope you feel better and it solved your issue, I have more important things to do now ^^
It was clear you were never going to send the refund that you had promised, and with the seizure rate from your company and mislabeled products, your offer of store credit is worthless to me.

This is more about protecting the community than it is the money you owe me.
How can anyone verify this when you can get whatever colored tops you want from QSC?
While you're correct, I share HGH manufacturers with Deus as can be gathered from the very similar test reports (my time in transport is way shorter than his which can lead to slightly higher purity) and rather unique multivial testing:
I'd never buy from a scammer that lies about their reshipping & refund policies to inspire customer confidence as well as lying about successful delivery percentage and selling raws they do not have in stock, only to put customers on an indefinite waiting list rather than refund them.
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How can anyone verify this when you can get whatever colored tops you want from QSC?
Sorry, I knew they did custom cap colours (I inquired about this before ordering), but was under the impression all of their HGH was blue top by default. For sampling purposes I didn't care about the top colour. The rep can speak to their own records, but I received 40 blue top kits. The volume of this order you can see is quite small, here's why:

1) to test whether they had the shipping abilities to serve my needs

They do not, we have had 3 parcels stopped in 6 orders, I believe. QSC can clarify if I got that number incorrect. We actually just had another seizure from them last week, but that's irrelevant. Seizures happen. They have terrible shipping to Canada (despite claiming a 100% pass rate) but we have to price those in here.

2) an order of 50 kits makes it more difficult for them to bait and switch on quality. A sample order of 1 kit makes it easy for them to put their highest quality product in for me to test, whereas with 50 kits they have to make a broader financial commitment to the con. At that point if I pull 3-4 vials out of their and test them, I'm likely able to see if they have the ability to supply me with high purity product.

Once the shipping demonstrated itself to be untenable, there was no need to pursue any further orders. As the rep may choose to attest, I made no further orders for HGH, and I have produced periodic test results for my HGH for years now, long pre-dating any working relationship with QSC.

Simply put, they are wrong to claim that is their product, and I would happily concede if it were. I still believe their GH may be good based on testing I've seen from others, however their willingness to scam people with mislabeled raws demonstrates that they cannot be trusted. Their willingness to claim a 100% customs pass rate despite multiple seizures demonstrates they cannot be trusted. Their promise of a full refund for low purity or mislabeled products, and their willingness to go back on their word demonstrates they cannot be trusted.
Good, now the community will love you more and stop buying my goods and will buy your $300 HGH 100 iu kits and $90 oil vials, the community thank you
You won't find any price list or contact information from me here, I'm not here to advertise. The community will, however, see that you are willing to charge thousands of dollars for mislabeled products, and you're willing to promise refunds if testing shows they're no good (or outright faked) but fail to deliver on that promise when confronted with lab testing.

You're a self-admitted scammer now, and that will live on forever.


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