Qingdao sigma chemical

Mr Fuck Fuck Fuck ?

A question though - in between all your Fucks.

Have you ever ran any labwork/bloodwork to back up your claims, or are you just shooting Fucks from out or your arse ?

Reason I'm asking is the fact that I have a fair amount on bloodwork on and of their raws with my amateur brewing, showing significant changes from time to time in my bi-monthly bloodwork regime, which correlates stronly with my pinning regime. So have two close friends, who also purchased raws from them. Our purchases have been done over the last two years

Which is why I ask if you actually know anything, or only being full of hot air and swearwords... ?

I'm in on a group testing of their GH, which I already have 700 IU's of. Would be a bitch if they're bunk
Just shooting fucks from out my arse- one thing is for certain. They sent me good SARMs. I’ll give them that. Also the nolva seems legit, and their HCG. The HGH however is up for debate. I personally didn’t notice much of anything after months of use w their HGH. Not tingling, not blood pressure/blood sugar spikes. A whole buncha nothing. However, one thing is for certain: their BPC- 157 gives me a weird rash, and peptidesciences BPC-157 does not, leading me to beleive they sent me something else. what? i have no idea. but that also inflated my fuck balloon to believe that why would they send me real HGH, but fake BPC-157? Also, “John86” going around and spreading their price list on this forum seems pretty fraudulent. Just based in general on their behavior doing things such as this, personally I would be more comfortable using a different source from now on
Just shooting fucks from out my arse- one thing is for certain. They sent me good SARMs. I’ll give them that. Also the nolva seems legit, and their HCG. The HGH however is up for debate. I personally didn’t notice much of anything after months of use w their HGH. Not tingling, not blood pressure/blood sugar spikes. A whole buncha nothing. However, one thing is for certain: their BPC- 157 gives me a weird rash, and peptidesciences BPC-157 does not, leading me to beleive they sent me something else. what? i have no idea. but that also inflated my fuck balloon to believe that why would they send me real HGH, but fake BPC-157? Also, “John86” going around and spreading their price list on this forum seems pretty fraudulent. Just based in general on their behavior doing things such as this, personally I would be more comfortable using a different source from now on
Try and get yourself checked up. I didn't notice any tingling either until my cardiologist diagnosed me with carpal tunnel and told me I'm lucky my hands aren't numb. Ever since he's mentioned it, I did notice the sharp hand and wrist pains here and there. I got my blood pressure checked and it was 138. What I've learned is you can't really rely on "feels" for HGH (At least for Chinese generics. Pharma might be more instantly noticeable)
Made an order recently, they sent me a a random tracking number, I waited almost 2 months. Alisa would literally reply "ok" to any question I made. I thought I definitely was scammed. In the end a few days before refund application was over I filed a dispute and immediately received the refund through Alibaba. Don't know what happened to these guys, seems their business is on hold or something.
I order from her while ago, and it didn’t pass through customs. She refused to resend the order, I opened a dispute for refund but I never got it, Alibaba said I was the one supposed to clear out customs. They don’t know how to do business, avoid this seller.
Mr Fuck Fuck Fuck ?

A question though - in between all your Fucks.

Have you ever ran any labwork/bloodwork to back up your claims, or are you just shooting Fucks from out or your arse ?

Reason I'm asking is the fact that I have a fair amount on bloodwork on and of their raws with my amateur brewing, showing significant changes from time to time in my bi-monthly bloodwork regime, which correlates stronly with my pinning regime. So have two close friends, who also purchased raws from them. Our purchases have been done over the last two years

Which is why I ask if you actually know anything, or only being full of hot air and swearwords... ?

I'm in on a group testing of their GH, which I already have 700 IU's of. Would be a bitch if they're bunk
I have done bloodwork for igf and hgh 3 times in 2 different labs, one lab always gave back results on the very low end (but supraphysiological) 3-6ng/ml for hgh and high end for igf-1 320-370ng/ml, and the other one tested the same day but 20 minutes later gave hgh 40ng/ml and 110ng/ml igf-1.
So really don't know what's the matter, if the labs do shit bloodwork, the hgh is bunk, or whatever. It's weird to get low hgh serum and high igf-1 on one lab and the opposite in the other.
Let me know how the group testing goes, i don't mind spending some $$, although it's getting expensive.

I recently had to quit using their HGH because it gave me horrible CTS. I even woke up at night cause of the pain... 4iu. split in am/pm
I had numb fingers and other sides in the past, but this is new.

It's not big of a loss though, paid 450 Euros (~550 Dollars) for 1000iu. shipped. Maybe i'll try again in a few months.
I have gotten the weight gain and lethargy everytime i did the 10IU test shot, so there is something at work there certainly, just can't tell the quality and what it really is.
I have a thread where i posted my results, i didn't mention the company there, but its this one, so far:
The HCG didn't work while on cycle, balls shrank and came back alive when i switched to indian pharma HCG.
The HGH was tested using the standard protocol and gave 370 ng/ml IGF (from 160 baseline) and 4 mcg/l HGH, which is high for IGF-1 but low for HGH serum concentration.
I retested few days ago but didn't receive results yet for serum GH, IGF-1 is lower now that im on cycle and taking a bunch of other things.

18 pages of mostly bullshit this thread.
Where did you get the indian HCG and wich brand? I think it is the same one I once searched
I got the indian hcg from epct, i think it was bayer-zidus or something like that.
I think the qingdao hcg wasn't working, but that was just my perception of ball shrinkage, didn't take any test.
That’s weird, SEVERAL months ago, keep in mind, (almost 6) my friend did use Qingdao Sigma HCG and it worked for him. He said just several hours after injection his balls were noticeably more plump. It seems that’s what you get w Chinese sources tho. Varies from batch to batch
That’s weird, SEVERAL months ago, keep in mind, (almost 6) my friend did use Qingdao Sigma HCG and it worked for him. He said just several hours after injection his balls were noticeably more plump. It seems that’s what you get w Chinese sources tho. Varies from batch to batch
Yeah, with some things you just can't risk it, that's why i got HCG from several sources and tried out.
I have 9 vials of qingdao HCG, i may do some tests with them in few months to see if they do work or not, they do give positive in pregnancy tests.
I bought some clomid powder from them and compared it to pharma clomid the other day.
The pharma clomid has a more accute taste, but the product is definitely clomid, as the kind of residue it leaves in your tongue is very characteristic. The difference in taste could be due to any reason, but maybe it's because they store their stuff poorly or for too long and it has lost some potency, at least that's what makes the most sense to me.
They've started selling on the French MesoRX site

Check this out as well

I think they're good to order from again.
They've started selling on the French MesoRX site

Check this out as well

I think they're good to order from again.
um like 80% of ur posts on this board are about qingdao