
So I just wanted to post this because a few days ago I spoke to both QSC and the board about how my recent growth kits were coming up cloudy after I mixed them. I was using BA water like I always do and after mixing they’d come up cloudy. So after doing some reading and seeing what other people use to mix the gh I heard some say sterile water, sodium chloride, and bA water. So I decided to pick up both a bottle of sterile water and sodium chloride water from the hospital and don’t own little experiment. I mixed just one vial with the sterile water and BOOM it turned out clear as day and everything mixed together smoothly and drew up perfectly. The only thing ither thing I did do different was after mixing the sterile water I just let the vial sit and slowly let the gh absorb and mix by itself. So I’m happy to say problem fixed. These weren’t the newest QSC 15iu kits, they were the batch just before those ones were made. I believe on the box the date says September or October. I can’t remeber off the top of my head cause there not in front of me.
It's fixed if you're injecting the entire vial at once. If you're taking multiple doses from the vial you want bac water
It's fixed if you're injecting the entire vial at once. If you're taking multiple doses from the vial you want bac water

*hangs head in shame*

My last run of GH (coincidentally also QSC) i only used sterile water and drew multiple times per vial over multiple days.

I had no issues. But i always swabbed top of my vials, injection site, and used a new sterile needle.
*hangs head in shame*

My last run of GH (coincidentally also QSC) i only used sterile water and drew multiple times per vial over multiple days.

I had no issues. But i always swabbed top of my vials, injection site, and used a new sterile needle.
Glad you didn't have issues man! It's one of those things where it's like, maybe you'll be fine, but the BA is there as precaution
I have the 100 iu kits,mixed my first 10 iu vial yesterday with 1ml bac water,I let it sit for around 10 mins and it was perfectly clear,I’m really hoping these are quality hgh.
Idk. I never had any issues. I will get a 3ml syringe. Put 2.5ml in and remove it in 5 vials.(obviously letting it mix). The last vial I will leave it there and it comes out clear. I use it until it's depleted.
*hangs head in shame*

My last run of GH (coincidentally also QSC) i only used sterile water and drew multiple times per vial over multiple days.

I had no issues. But i always swabbed top of my vials, injection site, and used a new sterile needle.

I am also switching from using bacteriostatic water for HGH/GH to just using Sterile water.

Figured that since I use 1 vial in a week and safe injection practices, it's unlikely to get contaminated.

I'll save the bacteriostatic water for reconstituting any vial that I plan to use for 2 weeks or longer, like HCG.
So, do you recommend using sterile water rather than BA to rebuild QSC vials?
Water for reconstitution should always be sterile, but bacteria will build up very quickly, within hours after reconstitution. BAC water does prevent bacteria from building up, yet you dont need bac water if you use the vial within a couple days for subq injections.
Ideally use bac water.

Only reason i used sterile water is because it was readily available at the nearby pharmacy. Otherwise id of used, and would advise people to use, bac water for sure.
I never had this issue before with any other brands but I got 3 QSC kits and tried the ba with a bottle randomonly from each kit and each time just lettin it sit after I injected the BA water along side of vial is still came out cloudy. I still injected it and had no issues no welts nothing to complain about. But did end up gettin a huge bottle of sterile water and sodium chloride water from hospital and when I mixed them in a new vial it’s come out clear each time so that’s what I’ve been doing now. I use a full vial every day and half so honestly nnot worried about degradation and contamination. The gh works does what it’s suppose to do. I will admit I have been using more than normal amount lately. Using between 6-7ius daily. And can tell it’s working cuz weight up about 2-3 lbs within week orob due to water but still feeling good and can’t complain for price.
I never had this issue before with any other brands but I got 3 QSC kits and tried the ba with a bottle randomonly from each kit and each time just lettin it sit after I injected the BA water along side of vial is still came out cloudy. I still injected it and had no issues no welts nothing to complain about. But did end up gettin a huge bottle of sterile water and sodium chloride water from hospital and when I mixed them in a new vial it’s come out clear each time so that’s what I’ve been doing now. I use a full vial every day and half so honestly nnot worried about degradation and contamination. The gh works does what it’s suppose to do. I will admit I have been using more

I never had this issue before with any other brands but I got 3 QSC kits and tried the ba with a bottle randomonly from each kit and each time just lettin it sit after I injected the BA water along side of vial is still came out cloudy. I still injected it and had no issues no welts nothing to complain about. But did end up gettin a huge bottle of sterile water and sodium chloride water from hospital and when I mixed them in a new vial it’s come out clear each time so that’s what I’ve been doing now. I use a full vial every day and half so honestly nnot worried about degradation and contamination. The gh works does what it’s suppose to do. I will admit I have been using more than normal amount lately. Using between 6-7ius daily. And can tell it’s working cuz weight up about 2-3 lbs within week orob due to water but still feeling good and can’t complain for price.
Have you mixed sterile water and sodium chloride water in equal parts or in what proportion did you do it?
No what I did was I got 2 huge jugs of each kind. And I mix one vial at a time with one ml of sterile water then once I’m done I’ll use a new syringe and inject 1ml of the NaCl into a vial and use that until done. Each works and each bmviaks ends of dissolving clear. If I was being super specific I would say the regular sterile H2O dissolves a tad faster