Questions about TRT with testosterone Undecanoate

I'm starting TRT in a few weeks and after a lot of reading, I still have some questions that I would like to ask here

My avg. levels for the last year and a half:

total T: 340 ng/dl
free T: 0.295 nmol/L -- ref (0.091 - 0.579)
SHBG: 25 nmol/L -- ref (18.3 - 54.1)
free T % -- 2.32% -- ref (1.59 - 2.95)

- 30 years old, training 15 years on and off, 10% body fat, diet on point most of the time, no smoking, sometimes drinking

My goal is to go long-term with it with the least side effects, the only one that I'm concerned about is MPB. I lost some hair since 25 so I would like to stay low
I understand everybody is different and I might hyper respond or be even at the lower numbers

Since I'm traveling a lot, and I go the UGL route, I decided to start with an undecanoate, few questions:

Is the dose of 250mg every 2 weeks too low? It's like 115mg of test per week, right?
Is the same dose better every 10 days?
If I decide to preload, could I take 250mg every 5 days for 10 days then continue 250mg every 10 days? When the levels will stabilize?
I would not need AI but I could order one box just in case?
Any tips on lower-end SHBG with less frequent pinning?

Any advice would be helpful!
Thank you guys a lot

It will be way too far from mimicking natural hormones fluctuations, you will be constantly wired.
You would be better off applying a massive dose of a TNE solution transdermally once a day ;)
I agree with guys here, TU is for more experienced users. Besides it's not for everybody. Some people just react weird or even bad to it, TC/TE is so popular and commonly used for a reason. It is gold standard after all. Not talking you out though, but get your feet warm with more tried and true versions first and see how you like being on synthetic Testosterone. Body takes time to adapt and change.

How does being experienced make you a candidate for bad ester choices ? ;)
Undecanoate isn't suited for anyone, there is no context where it's relevant ;)
your FREE T is upper range you dont need TRT. if in caloric restrictions with 10% BF eating more will up your TOTAL t if that matters to you. 2.3% free t Is normal aswell.

if want steroids thats another thing but I think your going to be unhappy at TRT doses as won't see any benefit and mostly side effects.

sorry didn't realize you already started TRT and as I thought sounds like alot of side effects and not as many benefits as you hoped. sucks man.
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To be honest benefits are really noticeable, only the libido, erectile function could be better but I think its my low E2, I added 25mg DHEA and will test again and see how I feel in a month.

Despite working almost 12 hours with tons of people a day, psychical adventure job and having like 5-7 hours of sleep, I still hit the gym after work 3 times a week, while not losing weight.

Before TRT I would be one leg in the grave doing all this and would lose 5kg od muscle, now I'm maintaing easily and pushing really hard in the gym.

Low E2 fucks me up I think, when I wake up Im cracking like a mf for the next 5 minutes, I feel really dry and I dont have morning wood which I had first 3 weeks when I started. I think maybe my aromatase enyzmes are weak or something, I would never think that I will have low e2 on TRT, I even got AI on the hand thinking if it goes high to use it, and now in this journey I can say where I had high e2, where it was perfect but still dont know why the f is it low now...

Any help appreciated!
To be honest benefits are really noticeable, only the libido, erectile function could be better but I think its my low E2, I added 25mg DHEA and will test again and see how I feel in a month.

Despite working almost 12 hours with tons of people a day, psychical adventure job and having like 5-7 hours of sleep, I still hit the gym after work 3 times a week, while not losing weight.

Before TRT I would be one leg in the grave doing all this and would lose 5kg od muscle, now I'm maintaing easily and pushing really hard in the gym.

Low E2 fucks me up I think, when I wake up Im cracking like a mf for the next 5 minutes, I feel really dry and I dont have morning wood which I had first 3 weeks when I started. I think maybe my aromatase enyzmes are weak or something, I would never think that I will have low e2 on TRT, I even got AI on the hand thinking if it goes high to use it, and now in this journey I can say where I had high e2, where it was perfect but still dont know why the f is it low now...

Any help appreciated!

I keep writing down the solution to your problems but you don't seem to search, your eyes are open but your soul is closed.

Use transdermal TNE in large amounts every day and you will have adequate amounts of e2 and DHT.

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
I keep writing down the solution to your problems but you don't seem to search, your eyes are open but your soul is closed.

Use transdermal TNE in large amounts every day and you will have adequate amounts of e2 and DHT.

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
TNE has made my insomnia way worse and gave me a bloated face. It's also probably neurotoxic.
By what magic would it be toxic while Test E or Test C wouldn't be, when it's the pure molecule they are made from ?

"Probably" ? From a study ? From your imagination ?

What are the studies on topical TNE? From your imagination? Anything long-term or even just pharmacokinetics, or maybe effects of daily use.

If they're all just the same pure molecule, what studies show transdermal TNE is different?
What are the studies on topical TNE? From your imagination? Anything long-term or even just pharmacokinetics, or maybe effects of daily use.

If they're all just the same pure molecule, what studies show transdermal TNE is different?

Did you forget to sleep or are you on too much coffee that you don't remember which argument belongs to what poster ? ;)

I am the one who said "test is test" so why would you ask me whether it's different ?

If your question is "why is TNE used in transdermals rather than esterified forms ?", which I think is what you are trying to ask but failing to express, then the answer is easy :

1) the TNE raw powder I buy is micronized and therefore more soluble in ethanol

2) esters don't easily break down in ethanol

3) esters are cleaved off by the dermis layers upon penetration and therefore rendered completely useless and irrelevant

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)

I don't think you're using that phrase correctly ;)

3) esters are cleaved off by the dermis layers upon penetration and therefore rendered completely useless and irrelevant

This point doesn't matter because of points 1 & 2, otherwise they'd basically become the same as TNE or any other topical preparation like AndroGel or Natesto. I'm open to hear your comments on this; apologies if I missed them before.

I am the one who said "test is test" so why would you ask me whether it's different ?

If your question is "why is TNE used in transdermals rather than esterified forms ?"

If "test is test," why is transdermal TNE superior to IM test C or sustanon etc for TRT?

It can't be convenience (2-3x daily topical vs 2x weekly IM) unless you don't like needles.

"Probably" ? From a study ? From your imagination ?

The specialty of your invention (transdermal TNE) is basically that's it's homebrewed AndroGel/Natesto in a different carrier. Did I miss something?
Guys I really don't know what is the point of this conversation haha, I asked for help if someone had similar situation, not to change my protocol from IM to gels or whatever TNE really is.

I'm wondering if someone had similar low E2 sides without AI, now dose is 150mg test U weekly, numbers look good but I really feel that low E2 on my joints, dick, and in general I'm like on a handbrake.

Something like pin 300mg every 2 weeks, use DHEA, drink SOYA, try this and that not transgender test powder in alcohol wtf thank you "vetted" wtf
I don't think you're using that phrase correctly ;)

This point doesn't matter because of points 1 & 2, otherwise they'd basically become the same as TNE or any other topical preparation like AndroGel or Natesto. I'm open to hear your comments on this; apologies if I missed them before.

If "test is test," why is transdermal TNE superior to IM test C or sustanon etc for TRT?

It can't be convenience (2-3x daily topical vs 2x weekly IM) unless you don't like needles.

The specialty of your invention (transdermal TNE) is basically that's it's homebrewed AndroGel/Natesto in a different carrier. Did I miss something?

You've just been vetted, enjoy!
By what magic would it be toxic while Test E or Test C wouldn't be, when it's the pure molecule they are made from ?

"Probably" ? From a study ? From your imagination ?
There are several studies easily findable in google who show significant increasing of apoptosis in different areas of the brain, under supra physiologic dosages of testosterone.