Refillable injector pen

Didn't mean to be curt. Anyway, I believe the low-temp approach is doable. 150C (305F) for 3 hours resulted in a stopper that fell out inside the packaging, but it was easily pushed back in before opening and appears to be holding water:

View attachment 260641

Sides include: not even central A/C can't keep up with running the oven for 3 hours straight :p
Nice it held up! At that temperature and amount of time it should be fine. Although it’s hard to tell if they will all hold up
If I understand correctly then if these vials are in fact clean (no chemical/physical contaminants), but only require sterilization (destruction of pathogens). Then it could be done with dry heat alone and not require the opening of the vials, or am I missing a step?

I agree that many Chinese suppliers will cut corners, that's obvious, but I'm thinking that these vials are produced in such volumes and presumably are only applicable to the medical industry and bulk sterilization of the product as part of the manufacturing is likely default and an expectation. Presumably this leaves the interior of the vials ready for use. They (the seller) then package in these sterilization bags for the sake of convenience, because what else are you going to package them in?

For those reasons I'm leaning towards being comfortable using these regardless of the package indicator. I can't imagine a manufacturing process that would pump these out on a production line that doesn't end with the product being sterilized. I know this relies on some faith and assumptions are being made. But as an individual I am leaning towards accepting this risk. Just as I accept other forms of risk in this game.

None the less, this is a very important conversation to be having around this 'tek'.

We had one person here report purchasing these same vials, but from Walmart and they did not come in any form of packaging.

Edit: @Beachgoer725 can you link to the purchase page for the Walmart vials?
Sorry I missed your request here:

Robot or human?

These came in bubble wrap, secured with a label; not even a pretense of sterile packaging. And they came from China, so no advantages over the Ali Express route.
Walmart online is the same as ebay or amazon where third party sources post alongside walmarts own products. The website is not the same as walking in to a store.
Walmart online is the same as ebay or amazon where third party sources post alongside walmarts own products. The website is not the same as walking in to a store.
I know, I only did it bc they had a quicker delivery promise than Ali (and I had travel coming up) and technically, a return policy!
perfect for my trestolone cruise. Do you think the stopper of the cartridge can withstand circa 150 shots before I get a new one? Filled with 3ml trest at 0.02ml/day

I have some doubts that it would. I've been getting 30 shots out of mine and by the end there is a noticeable difference in feel of when the pen needle penetrates the stopper.

Although it's a very fine needle it will penetrate the stopper in the same location every time.

Then again. These are intended for diabetics. What are their dosing schedules like? I honestly don't know.

Maybe you can test it out and give us an indication of just how many shots the stopper can take.

I can tell you that plunger material doesn't seem to degrade even after 3 months, at least not in the Test-E I have been using.
Just to let everyone know, I did the baking sterilization method and loaded up 3 of optis orange tops into the cartridge. 72iu and it’s holding and I’ve done 8 shots so far without an issue.
Just to let everyone know, I did the baking sterilization method and loaded up 3 of optis orange tops into the cartridge. 72iu and it’s holding and I’ve done 8 shots so far without an issue.
What method did you use exactly? Temperature and time, etc?
Found a novo echo for $85 with no prescription in the US.

Could not find any empty 3ml cartridges ANYWHERE in the states though. Might as well just order the cheap pen from china if I gotta order the empty carts too.

Novo is NOT the same as humalog, it has a proprietary plastic cap.
I'm new at pens and decided to go all-in (I use a lot of peptides; this would save a lot of time). Ordered many of the pens, needles, and vials discussed in this thread. Will update when things start happening.