Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

They both were killed by the same obscure entity. I know who kill them.

The one who order their death is from California. The killer also wanted CT Fletcher dead and he almost passed too. CT also had a heart attack that week
They both were killed by the same obscure entity. I know who kill them.

The one who order their death is from California. The killer also wanted CT Fletcher dead and he almost passed too. CT also had a heart attack that week
Is it the one in your avi?
Nah, they all got hit the same month. Mcarver and Rich both died in Florida.

Not a coincidence

CT Fletcher is also a participant of iron gym wich there is one in Florida. Iron gym was raided days before they died
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They both were killed by the same obscure entity. I know who kill them.

The one who order their death is from California. The killer also wanted CT Fletcher dead and he almost passed too. CT also had a heart attack that week

I'm a conspiracy junkie, so why would they have a hit on them?
Would all of the gh they ran be the main contributer?

I watched a video rich put out once and he said he knows for a fact gh made his heart and organs grew. It's why he stopped taking gh.

Think he said he ran gh for 4-5 years straight with no break or something crazy like that.
I watched a video rich put out once and he said he knows for a fact gh made his heart and organs grew. It's why he stopped taking gh.

Think he said he ran gh for 4-5 years straight with no break or something crazy like that.
The best body builders of all time have had organ scans after there carrier was over and there organ size was normal. This after years of hgh use.
I get sick of the organ growth myth.

And I have seen videos where Rich said he was on it for 10 years strait and other videos where he said he was on it for 5 years strait. This guy would say what ever he thought people wanted to hear.
The best body builders of all time have had organ scans after there carrier was over and there organ size was normal. This after years of hgh use.
I get sick of the organ growth myth.

And I have seen videos where Rich said he was on it for 10 years strait and other videos where he said he was on it for 5 years strait. This guy would say what ever he thought people wanted to hear.

Lol agree he would say anything to make a buck or what people wanted to hear.
That goof's brain was so full of synthol I'm not sure he ever knew what he was saying!

Remember he also said no steroid could ever be made at over 200-250mgs/ml lol.
No offense to anyone, but why do we all need to constantly ask over and over again on the cause of death?? It's the lifestyle, gear, stress, and strain on the heart....pure and simple!!! You smoke 5 cigarettes a day and you may live to be 90 years old with no issues, you smoke 2 packs a day and you might get cancer at 60...gear is a drug, GH is a drug, and the ones dying are the 2 pack a day smokers, not the moderate users. It's not some sort of mystery here, there is a good reason these dudes walk around looking the size they do and it's not all diet and training. If that was the case we would still be seeing the best of the best no bigger than the size of Arnold in his prime..but no, these dudes are walking around almost 100 lbs heavier now. It's no mystery anymore and a lot of guys speculating everything else under the sun are trying to justify their own health and usage. The camel crew is next...just sit back and watch what starts happening to Kuwait. You don't just go over there, run the best shit, and gain 80 fucking lbs in a cpl years without some serious god damn future ramifications

i absolutely agree here, it's all about moderation.

These mother fuckers don't get to near 300 lbs with single digit body fat by just using 500 mg of Testosterone a week along with 50 mg of Dbol a day.

Anyone that believes that they do is fucking naive.
i absolutely agree here, it's all about moderation.

These mother fuckers don't get to near 300 lbs with single digit body fat by just using 500 mg of Testosterone a week along with 50 mg of Dbol a day.

Anyone that believes that they do is fucking naive.

Yeah everyone knows you would have to take 100mg dbol a day with 500mg test to be that big. Common sense really ......
Biggest guy I ever saw, who was already very big for genetics already was taking 15-20iu of GH a day when his compounds were high and off cycle would take 5-8iu/ed.
This guy was taking a ton of shit just wouldn't say numbers.
A close friend of his said 1200mg of Tren but he could have fooled me. Dude took shit from everyone. We fucked around all the time.
Long story short he's natty now but still very big. He must have done that for 6 years trying to get his pro card.
What a fucking monster. Holy shit.
Had kidney failure and managed to save them. He was 29 when he stopped. He's 35 now and still massive. 210lbs and lean.