Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

I'm not happy that the guy is dead, but he was a fucking goof and he gave bodybuilders a bad rap in my opinion. Sure he built something from nothing, but so do meth dealers and I got no respect for either. Chugging beers between sets and saying gear above 250mgs/ml is impossible and all fake.......yah he was a real wealth of information lol.

Chances are he death was caused by his extreme synthol use or from slin abuse, whatever actually did him in I'm sure it was his own fault and could have been avoided.

Bodybuiding is the most demanding sport there is and it really bothers me to see all these goons being complete ass hats just to get more followers/money/sales, it's just disrespectful to the sport that I love.

Oral only cycles, no leg days, downing pre workouts by the jar to look cool and walking around the gym with a phone in hand 24/7 wearing a shirt that reads "TREN IS LIFE", old school BB'ers would bitch slap all of em!
Much of the experimentation RP, AND others, are involved with has propelled BB into the WWF realm of “sport”, and IMO, that’s anything but good.
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Autopsy results of Rich Piana

Gear + stimulants= bad idea! Luckily I lived through my issues. Good post. Obviously the doctor couldn't confirm ventricular fibrillation but I agree with his analysis. Hopefully this opens up some dialogue on just how dangerous these combos can be.

Dallas Mccarver also passed away the same month Rich passed away.
Gear and stimulants not the best combo. Feel very fortunate to be alive. I know the doctor is assuming ventricular fibrillation but I would agree with that. My only other guess would of been a PE which was ruled out. Hopefully everyone understands the dangers of combining these dangerous drugs. And holy shit that's a HUGE HEART!!
Gear and stimulants not the best combo. Feel very fortunate to be alive. I know the doctor is assuming ventricular fibrillation but I would agree with that. My only other guess would of been a PE which was ruled out. Hopefully everyone understands the dangers of combining these dangerous drugs. And holy shit that's a HUGE HEART!!
Dallas McCarver heart was more than 200g bigger than Rich's
Dallas McCarver heart was more than 200g bigger than Rich's

Shut the hell up...

So this may be a stupid question, but I’ll ask anyways. What specifically, or is there something specifically, that he took that enlarged his heart so much?
Shut the hell up...

So this may be a stupid question, but I’ll ask anyways. What specifically, or is there something specifically, that he took that enlarged his heart so much?
Pre existing heart condition combined with the compounds and being 300lbs +
No offense to anyone, but why do we all need to constantly ask over and over again on the cause of death?? It's the lifestyle, gear, stress, and strain on the heart....pure and simple!!! You smoke 5 cigarettes a day and you may live to be 90 years old with no issues, you smoke 2 packs a day and you might get cancer at 60...gear is a drug, GH is a drug, and the ones dying are the 2 pack a day smokers, not the moderate users. It's not some sort of mystery here, there is a good reason these dudes walk around looking the size they do and it's not all diet and training. If that was the case we would still be seeing the best of the best no bigger than the size of Arnold in his prime..but no, these dudes are walking around almost 100 lbs heavier now. It's no mystery anymore and a lot of guys speculating everything else under the sun are trying to justify their own health and usage. The camel crew is next...just sit back and watch what starts happening to Kuwait. You don't just go over there, run the best shit, and gain 80 fucking lbs in a cpl years without some serious god damn future ramifications
Pre existing heart condition combined with the compounds and being 300lbs +
Size like that doesn't spell s long life. At my peak I was 275-280 and I'd break a sweat walking across the gym. 20 years older and 210 feels much healthier. I'm keeping 18 inch guns though.
No offense to anyone, but why do we all need to constantly ask over and over again on the cause of death?? It's the lifestyle, gear, stress, and strain on the heart....pure and simple!!! You smoke 5 cigarettes a day and you may live to be 90 years old with no issues, you smoke 2 packs a day and you might get cancer at 60...gear is a drug, GH is a drug, and the ones dying are the 2 pack a day smokers, not the moderate users. It's not some sort of mystery here, there is a good reason these dudes walk around looking the size they do and it's not all diet and training. If that was the case we would still be seeing the best of the best no bigger than the size of Arnold in his prime..but no, these dudes are walking around almost 100 lbs heavier now. It's no mystery anymore and a lot of guys speculating everything else under the sun are trying to justify their own health and usage. The camel crew is next...just sit back and watch what starts happening to Kuwait. You don't just go over there, run the best shit, and gain 80 fucking lbs in a cpl years without some serious god damn future ramifications
They will get what’s coming to them and some already are. They don’t care about health when attention and money is involved. What’s the fun in having life so structured to win things like the Arnold and have the most physically useless body. Might as well be obese