Rob's log part 2 (gonna take a crack at PLing)

They make up too a xxx I believe and all the way down to a xx small
Maybe get the x-large next time...but see how the large works out for you. I need solid knee wraps myself considering the sorry shape my own knees are in and needing some support for squats and deads. Playing football then getting creamed hard in games just did them in :(
Good to hear. I'm about 90% sure I'm going to run Sheiko after the meet, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out for you. I'm hoping @jaymaximus starts a Westside log, too. Curious what that program looks like.

Well it'll all be recorded here. Every step of the way. After tonight I am more than impressed so far. Like Doc said 29 is just getting the body prepped for the real meat of the program.
Good to hear. I'm about 90% sure I'm going to run Sheiko after the meet, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out for you. I'm hoping @jaymaximus starts a Westside log, too. Curious what that program looks like.

I can. Im just figuring it out now. What accessories work with what. But ill get one going soon.

Also, you got me inspired. Im getting up 385 this week, or not leaving the gym. Im going to get those 4 plates!
I think I'm good for around 365 paused. I'll know in less than two weeks for sure.

I kind of wish I'd gotten some halo for this meet now that I've been here and heard so many good things.

Halo is great. Its good for 1RM, but also for grinding out those reps on long days. I had to put it away to make sure I didnt over use. Realistically I have enough now to last years if I only take it while peaking and during eventual competition.
I've taken lots of your advice and it's been very beneficial for me. All you powerlifters have been super helpful. I kinda just jumped in the deep and went for it. So to see all the other types of training that everyone does is awesome.

It's even like that at meets. You'll be getting help from people you've never met before simply bc they love the sport and want everyone to have fun. The competitive side gets put on hold if you ask for a wrap, a hand off, a spot, a word of advice, etc.
Alright fella as promised I took it easy to night. Did a little squatting and some machine dips and plate loaded preacher curls

135 x 6 pauses to stretch
225 x 5 pauses to stretch some more
315 x 5 regular
405 x 4 regular

Preacher curls
90 x 17
135 x 12
135 x 12
90 x 15
90 x 15
70 x 20

Plate loaded dips.
180 x 16
180 x 16
230 x 12
230 x 12
180 x 16

The SBD were noticably better than the rehbands. I found out my left leg is bigger than my right o_Oo_O I would recommend them to anyone who is thinking of getting sleeves. I got a video of the 405 x 4. I'll post up shortly.
Woo your spotter was ready lol! And romealos and SBD knee sleeves all you need is the inzer belt and I can pass off videos of you as videos of me from behind :p

Seriously man for a "taking it easy workout" that is incredibly beastly:eek:

I've been having issues with my nice belt cutting the fuck out of my hips to point of bleeding through my pants. That's my shitter belt. I wanted to hit 5 plates so bad tonight I can't even begin to express it. But I said I would listen to the more seasoned PLers and take it easy. 405 is fun weight brother. Well at least for one set lol
I've been having issues with my nice belt cutting the fuck out of my hips to point of bleeding through my pants. That's my shitter belt. I wanted to hit 5 plates so bad tonight I can't even begin to express it. But I said I would listen to the more seasoned PLers and take it easy. 405 is fun weight brother. Well at least for one set lol

First month I had my inzer I had bleed probably 4 times through my shirt and every time I wore it I got blood blisters on my hips and ribs, guess that's what I get for being short.

Can't wait until I can jokingly do 405 and aspire to do 495. Keep it up rob you are my motivation