Lifting Program:
I plan to start with my own variation based upon
“The Texas Method” style of training as follows with
mandatory work and work-sets in bold and completely optional work listed that most may not even happen—just there for ideas and as needs and energy/recovery levels dictate (warm-up work and ramping sets NOT listed but will be happening; for example, it may take 3-5 ramp sets for me to get up to the top working weight on some heavy lifts).
another Texas Method write-up)
Monday (Volume day)
Squats 5x5 @80-90% of Friday’s planned 5RM
Bench 5x5 @80-90% of Friday’s planned 5RM
Barbell Row 3x8-10
(optional: assistance/accessory work such as Tricep Extensions, Weighted Dips, CGBP with bands, rear delt work, bicep/arm work, grip work, shrugs, abs/core, GHR, RDL, and back extensions).
Wednesday (OHP and active recovery)
Squats 2x5 @80-90% of Monday’s worksets
Strict Standing Overhead Press 3x5 @auto-regulation (if I can get 6 on the last set then +5lb)
Extreme Wide-Grip Pullups 3x8-10 @auto-regulation (if I get 3x10+ then +5lb)
(optional: assistance/accessory work such as medium grip pullups, close grip chins, shoulder side/rear delt work, grip work, abs/core, GHR, and back extensions).
Friday (Intensity day):
Squats 1x5 @5RM (if I get 5 reps then add +5lb)
Bench 1x5 @5RM (if I get 5 reps then add +5lb)
Deadlift 1x5 @5RM (I will be doing slight deficit by standing on a 45 plate – if I get all 5 reps then add)
(optional: assistance/accessory work such as Pendlay Rows, Tricep Extensions, Weighted Dips, CGBP with bands, rear delt work, bicep/arm work, grip work, shrugs, abs/core, GHR, RDL, and back extensions).
*There is possibility of adjusting rep ranges; for example, working heavy triples, doubles, or even testing max on Fridays.
**At some point I may consider changing to a 6-day Legs/Push/Pull bodybuilding split and will write-up those details if that ever actually become relevant.
***Cardio work to be done on non-lifting days or if possible many hours before or after lifting (if I am able to lift very early then cardio in the evening).