RT's long way to the top

Bloodwork results.

Taken approx 48 hours after pin (300mg EQ / 150mg DECA / 30mg TEST-E) on a rest day less than 24 hours after Fridays workout.

Ok here is the mystery this time (seems my last couple bloods have not been very strait forward and it is frustrating):
  1. I am only pinning 60 mg Test-E each week.
  2. I take 200-250 iu HCG MWF (about 600 iu each week).
  3. Only using 12.5 mg Aromasin 3x a week (37.5 mg a week).
TT is >1500! and E2 only 10 ??? what the fuck? not possible; I know my body and if I was taking that much test with HCG then my E2 would be 70 on this modest AI protocol.

same weird result as we saw on my EQ based cruise:
RT's mixed compound cruising experiments

In the past on TRT 100mg a week test and 500iu hcg a week my TT was only 800-900 range and I had a hard time avoiding E2 issues even with Adex 1mg a week min.

Also consider this mystery -- if my "deca" or "EQ" were Test (not saying they are as they both had good AnabolicLabs results, LabMaxs looked decent, and Frank really has been standing behind products with his willingness to ship to Simec) how do I understand these points:
  • If my TT is this high, how is my E2 so low when all of my past cycle and cruise history has a well established issues with skyrocking E2? (this is why I ran low test and used EQ and Deca -- less aromatization).
  • There is no way the HCG could account for >1500 TT. I have used this same exact brand HCG from the same order before and it raised my cruising TT by 100 or so points.
  • My lack of sides, less acne, no gyno, no bloating (everything has been going well) would be more consistent with the milder EQ as opposed to Test.
  • Finally, I will report that I have NOT been have any crazy sex drive or morning wood -- actually its been too low and I wish it was a little better so I was expecting super low TT and even worse E2 numbers. If I had been running 600mg+ test a week -- I would be a sexual tyrannosaurus.
I am at a loss for an explanation :mad:
Is it possible the EQ shows as TT on the labs?
The source will offer HPCL and I respect his willingness, but I do NOT want to send anything to Simec -- I did that enough times recently and it has me scared as fuck bringing gear to the post office so many times; I just do not feel like rolling those dice again right now.

I am happy with how I feel and my other numbers! Please tell me what you think of it all.

Thanks brothers.


LC/MS testosterone and E2 with sensitivity. Maybe it'll add some light to the situation. It's costly, but may provide some answers.
16-MAR-2016 (Week-4: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Was not feeling well today – just felt like I ate something bad or something was making me feel ill.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
140 lb x5
140 lb x5
140 lb x6 F

Brutal Pullups (neutral grip extremely wide):
BW x10
BW x10 NF
BW x9 F
BW x6 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10
25s x10 F

DB Side Laterals:
20s x10
20s x10 NF
20s x10 F
Sex drive is from low e2
I just ordered some from the same place this week for my knee. I've been doing a ton of reading over there lately and I'm hoping for some relief.

It has helped me in the past.
I was short on funds or I would have also picked up some TB4 (TB500) because that really was great in addition to the BPC when I ran it last year for shoulder problems.

Best wishes -- Hope you emjoy some positive results for your knee.
LC/MS testosterone and E2 with sensitivity. Maybe it'll add some light to the situation. It's costly, but may provide some answers.

I will likely retest in about 6 weeks or so just to watch the HCT.
Then I will get the Male panel (3x more expensive :mad: ) at the end -- last time I checked it has the more accurate versions and also includes lipid panel.

Sex drive is from low e2

yeah, I have to give it some thoughts.
Either raise the Test-E or lower the AI -- those look like my only options.

But again, I do feel great overall! so not a huge issue
18-Mar-2016 (Week-4: Friday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Back was hurting today (not sure why – squats looked decent to me) so I omitted deadlifts and did some other supported back/pulling work instead.
Just all around a tough week outside the gym; was a little run down and beat up from work, felt ill like I maybe ate something bad (I had some sea food at a restaurant and maybe that was not cooked enough or something).

Nonetheless, I still got in and put in hard work in the gym.
That is what matters -- aint got time to bleed!

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
330 lb x5 **video above**
(back was hurting during squats making it feel much harder than it should have been otherwise).

(touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
275 lb x5


Omit back pain.

Pendlay Rows:
Omit back pain.

Hammer Strength Machine Rows:
45s x15
70s x10
90s x12 F

Body Master Machine Rows:
100 x10
115 x10
130 x10 F

Reverse Fly Machine:
70 x10
90 x10
100 x10 F

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70,
90 x10
100 x8 F

<<Super-set with>>

Barbell Curls:
45, 55,
65 x10
75 x10 NF
(first time in a long time doing barbell curls without pain – lets hope I can work these in and get some arm gains without the tendinitis flaring up).
Dosage Change Update:
upped Test-E to 120mg a week (60mg a pin) to bring that E2 up a little bit and also enjoy slightly better sex drive etc.

It is always a learning experience and a big experiment. I am VERY happy with the EQ base and lack of gyno and acne! but my E2 is too low. I could lower the AI but I prefer it spread out evenly like I have been doing and cutting it smaller than half a pill wastes a lot of pills (many just crush when I try to make the smaller cut on the already split pill). I am liking the Aromasin much better than Adex thus far -- too bad I have a lot of Adex stashed and very little extra Aromasin after this cycle.
I am feeling good with everything under control so I would prefer to just raise the Testosterone a little.

Current Dosages per week:
600 mg EQ
300 mg Deca
120 mg Test
37.5 mg Aromasin (12.5 split MWF)

(also running peptides daily)
21-MAR-2016 (Week-5: Monday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

Lightest bodyweight I have been in a long time (I was 210 at one point during cruise, got down to the low 200s and now dropped a couple more lbs). I personally still do not see any difference in my look, but I also have no loss in strength. I do however, notice a loss in endurance and recovery since getting down to caloric deficit at this point.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
(felt heavy by the end)

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
240 lb x5
240 lb x5
240 lb x5
240 lb x5
240 lb x5

Barbell Row:

ramp sets: 135, 175,
185 lb x10 (w/straps today)
185 lb x10 NF(w/straps)
185 lb x10 F(w/straps)

Shrugs:(slow TUT and pause/squeeze on the peak of contraction)
ramp sets: 135, 225,
275 lb x6
315 lb x10 NF (w/straps)

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x10 F
50s x8 F

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one arm):
ramp sets: 20s,
25s x10
30s x7 F
Last edited:
23 MAR 2016

Week-5 Adjusted Calories / Macros

now we see what wins -- a good strength program, extreme dedication, and some modest gear usage -- or a caloric deficit lol ... I know I will eventually suffer some recovery and strength issues as I drop Cals, but please remember my primary goals is body-comp improvement. I picked a strength program to combat the loss in strength and do my best to stay as strong as possible during process.

23-MAR-2016 (Week-5: Wednesday)

More goodies arrived!!! :D TB4 ("TB500")

going to run it for 4 weeks to see it it will reduce some of the tendinitis and inflammation.
Will load up with 4 mg a week for a couple weeks, see if I feel any relief, and then maintain at a mg a week for a couple more weeks if it is working for me. Sorry for less specific detail in this protocol than I usually give but I am just trying it out myself (an experiment) and not set on a duration or dosage -- I just would like to see if it will work for me.


And, since I was in that rare mood to takes pics -- here is today's example of how eating clean can be enjoyable! My GF made a big pot of homemade chicken soup in the slowcooker and it goes great with my daily kale/spinach salad.


The workout:
Weighed in at 198 lb

Last session of the week before a small break to donate blood on Friday (hence, I will miss Friday’s session).

Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
145 lb x5
(last rep negative was sloppy, got loose and way out away from my body, and tweaked my shoulder, elbow, and wrist a little on the left side because all the weight was caught on that side – not injured, just some discomfort and a dull aches).
145 lb x4 F
145 lb x3 F

So not my best day on this lift. Things just got “off” after the little scare and discomfort. I was too cautious and not able to attack the reps which resulted in failing after 4 and 3 on those last two sets.
I will attempt this weight again next time and should be able to get it (my 5RM is 155).

Pullups (normal overhand wide):
BW x10
+25 x7 NF
+25 x5 F
BW x6 F
BW x4 F

Did great on this lift! Strapped on a 25 because I was working in with another guy and he was using the chain belt and pushing me to keep up. These have been coming along nicely with small increases in performance each week.

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10 F
25s x10 F
25s x9 F

DB Side Laterals:
20s x10
25s x10
25s x9 F

Had to move up to the 25s! haha got bored with the 20s starting to feel too light.
28-MAR-2016 (Week-6: Monday)

Weighed in at 197 lb
Dropped another pound! wow and I thought I would have been heavy because of the holiday weekend. Would be great to get below 190 without a loss of strength.
Took relatively long rests between squat and bench sets to make sure I could get the reps -- about 5 mins. Held squats the same as last because of missing last friday for that blood donation and just the fact it is getting really hard but added on most everything else. haha messed up and added +10 to rows instead of +5 -- tough sets there, but ina good way.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5
285 lb x5

Bench: (touch-n-go)
ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
245 lb x5
245 lb x5
245 lb x5
245 lb x5
245 lb x5

Barbell Row: (w/straps)
ramp sets: 135, 175,
195 lb x8
195 lb x8
195 lb x8 F

Shrugs: (TUT pause/squeeze on the peak of contraction)
ramp sets: 135, 225,
275 lb x6
315 lb x10 F (w/straps)

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x10 F

<<Super Set with:>>

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one arm):
ramp sets: 20s,
25s x10
30s x9 F
two vials in and I am already feeling a little relief in my shoulders from the TB500.

I got 2mg scheduled for thurs and then will attempt barbell curls (fat strait bar) on Friday.
That will be the real test because those give me crazy forearm pain (tendinitis).
Plenty of lifts I can do that do not hurt as much but I want to give it a test and see if I notice anything different -- so fat strait bar it is for Friday!
30-MAR-2016 (Week-6: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 197 lb

Recovery is becoming an issue – just feeling sluggish today.

3 mins of the bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5
(hamstrings were sore from Monday and so totally fatigued that this weight felt heavy lol)

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
145 lb x4 F
(got inches from lock-out on the 5th rep but missed it on this lift again so I lowered the weight to 135 and will work back up to the sticking point).
135 lb x5
135 lb x6 NF

Pullups (ultra-wide neutral grip):
BW x8
+25 x8 F
+25 x7 F
BW x8 F

(These have come along nicely – I will go for 3 weighted sets next week).

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10
25s x10
25s x10 NF

DB Side Laterals:
20s x8
25s x9 F
25s x7 F

Back Extensions:

BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x10

[*NOTE: F = set taken to failure ; NF = set taken to "near failure"
where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted *]
01-APR-2016 (Week-6: Friday)

Weighed in at 196 lb

Biggest news this session was a 5RM on squats,
Bodyweight continues to fall,
and the fact that barbell curls even with relatively light weight still give me terrible forearm pains.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
(Omitted the lower body machine work due to fatgue)

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
335 lb x5 NF **5RM PR**
(Was a grinder but I put up that 5th rep for a 5RM PR).

Bench: (touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
280 lb x4 F
(4.5 reps but let the bar drift too far out of the groove towards my stomach and just could not recover from the poor form).

ramp: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x5

Pendlay Rows:
ramp: 135,
185 x8
185 x8 NF

Barbell Curls:
ramp: 45, 55, 65,
85 x10 (still have terrible forearm pain on the negatives – pissed off)

DB Curls:
30s x7 F
(no rest after the barbell curls)
30s x10 NF (looks odd that I did more on the second set -- but I had a few mins recovery fist on this last set).

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 x6 F <drop set> 90x2 F <drop set> 70x2 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to actual failure ; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted
Congrats on the squat PR!

Will you stick with 5's and go for 340x5 next week? And how about the bench? Repeat or 285x3x2?

I will stick with 5s on squats and try to push for a little more on the PRs.

With bench I am going to give it another shot and if I fail again I will do exactly what you said and switch to triples while adding a little weight.

I really want to hit a new 5RM on bench and I am close; my previous 5RM best was 285 on bench. That went up easy some months ago, but at that time I was over 210 lb and eating big.

This is really a first for me to count cals and limit myself. I am not sure I would ever be able to be a bodybuilder but it is a good learning experience. I think I enjoy eating bigger and just trying to be strong much more than improving my body-comp haha :p I can't wait for next winter and run this style of training with a caloric surplus!

Anyway, yeah I will give these lifts a little longer on 5s and then most likely go to triples on friday.

Hey @Perrin Aybara do you have any suggestions for mondays? I am really feeling burnt out on the 5x5 and want to move to another rep range soon (maybe a 3x8?). Any ideas would be great!
I will stick with 5s on squats and try to push for a little more on the PRs.

With bench I am going to give it another shot and if I fail again I will do exactly what you said and switch to triples while adding a little weight.

I really want to hit a new 5RM on bench and I am close; my previous 5RM best was 285 on bench. That went up easy some months ago, but at that time I was over 210 lb and eating big.

This is really a first for me to count cals and limit myself. I am not sure I would ever be able to be a bodybuilder but it is a good learning experience. I think I enjoy eating bigger and just trying to be strong much more than improving my body-comp haha :p I can't wait for next winter and run this style of training with a caloric surplus!

Anyway, yeah I will give these lifts a little longer on 5s and then most likely go to triples on friday.

Hey @Perrin Aybara do you have any suggestions for mondays? I am really feeling burnt out on the 5x5 and want to move to another rep range soon (maybe a 3x8?). Any ideas would be great!

Yeah, 3x8 is good. I'd just plug your 5x5 weight into a max calculator and start with that. Like 240 5x5 would be 217.5 3x8. Even 4x6 or 6x4, little changes work well, too. I've done 8x3, but found it a little much for every week, but okay to rotate in once in awhile for weeks you're going for 3 reps or under on intensity day.

Once you've run the program awhile you can kind of set up a rotation that works for you. Like 3x8 volume and 5RM one week, 5x5 volume and 3RM the next. Add weight and repeat. Or draw it out longer. Even do something like set paused rep PRs, alternate stance/grip PRs, etc. Just to hit PRs and keep momentum going, you know?

Also, I found once I was getting around true 3RM that doing two sets wasn't possible. At this point you can just do one 3RM or start adding a back off set or two after at 5-10% reduction to get the volume in.

I've even experimented with doing intensity days for each lift on different days and splitting up the volume. I wouldn't recommend that in a calorie deficit though. That's something for being in a massive calorie surplus and preferably a good dose of AAS.
Yeah, 3x8 is good. I'd just plug your 5x5 weight into a max calculator and start with that. Like 240 5x5 would be 217.5 3x8. Even 4x6 or 6x4, little changes work well, too. I've done 8x3, but found it a little much for every week, but okay to rotate in once in awhile for weeks you're going for 3 reps or under on intensity day.

Once you've run the program awhile you can kind of set up a rotation that works for you. Like 3x8 volume and 5RM one week, 5x5 volume and 3RM the next. Add weight and repeat. Or draw it out longer. Even do something like set paused rep PRs, alternate stance/grip PRs, etc. Just to hit PRs and keep momentum going, you know?

Also, I found once I was getting around true 3RM that doing two sets wasn't possible. At this point you can just do one 3RM or start adding a back off set or two after at 5-10% reduction to get the volume in.

I've even experimented with doing intensity days for each lift on different days and splitting up the volume. I wouldn't recommend that in a calorie deficit though. That's something for being in a massive calorie surplus and preferably a good dose of AAS.

I love the versatility!
Thank agains for more great ideas