RT's long way to the top

I love starting the day with a fresh vial :D
something about popping that cap off puts a smile on me and is so much nicer than having to drawn out those last bits from an old vial.

Here is an idea I use to help the oils flow a little faster using 25g pin.
I put rice in bowl and warm it in the microwave.
Then I bury the vials in the warm rice while I prepare everything; after a few minutes the oil is warm and flows fast and smooth.

My girlfriend even uses a 30g 1/2 mL insulin needle for her Primo and it is no problem drawing with a little back pressure and the warmed oil.
Just wanted to share the idea with everyone!
18-APR-2016 (Week-9: Monday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

Another pair of 5x5 Volume PRs on Squats and Bench and kept my body-weight at 198 even though I ate a little more over the weekend (no cal deficits on Sundays anymore). It was long rests between sets of appox 5 mins.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
300 lb x5
300 lb x5
300 lb x5
300 lb x5
300 lb x5 NF
**5x5 PR**

Bench: (touch-n-go)
ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
260 lb x5
260 lb x5
260 lb x5
260 lb x5
260 lb x5 NF
**5x5 PR**

Barbell Row:
ramp sets: 135, 185,
200 lb x9 NF
200 lb x9 NF
200 lb x8 F

(went for 9 reps each set this time on rows – failed on the last set but overall still a slight increase in work)

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s,
30s x7

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
55s x9 NF

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
20-APR-2016 (Week-9: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

Feeling pretty shitty this day; I even considered taking the day off from work and gym. But I manned up and did what I need to do. I just feel like I am getting sick – sinus and sore throat. Let hope it is just an “off” day and I am ok – I have PRs to make, aint got time to bleed!

Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135x3,
135 lb x7 NF
135 lb x6 F
135 lb x5 F

Got a little bit more reps – I am happy with any increase. I want 3x8 and hopefully next week I can get closer to that rep goal.

Pullups(ultra-wide neutral grip):
BW x8
+25 x8 F
+25 x6
+25 x6 F
BW x7 F

Ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x10
315 lb x10

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys(rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10 NF
25s x10
25s x9 F

DB Side Laterals:
Ramp sets: 20s,
25s x8 F
25s x8 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
22-APR-2016 (Week-9: Friday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

Still sick and just an overall really tough week in all phases of life, but I still got the scheduled 5RM PRs on Squats and Bench! I got a deep tissue massage appt next week :) I have never done one and wanted to see if it aids in recovery.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275, 315,
350 lb x5 NF **5RM PR**

Bench: (touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
290 lb x5 NF
(really and sloppy grinder on the 5th rep to get a 5RM).

ramp: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x3
425 lb x3

Pendlay Rows:
ramp: 135, 185,
205 lb x5
225 lb x7 NF (w/straps)

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 lb x7 F

Seated DB Curl:
ramp: 25, 35,
45s x7 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
New dosages are going good -- no problems so far.

As for training, I am thinking of moving to triples soon to try to get to these milestone goals of 405/315/495
22-APR-2016 (Week-9: Friday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

Still sick and just an overall really tough week in all phases of life, but I still got the scheduled 5RM PRs on Squats and Bench! I got a deep tissue massage appt next week :) I have never done one and wanted to see if it aids in recovery.

350 for 5 squat...290 for 5 bench are very solid numbers!! Nice work!!

I've never had a deep tissue massage..by a professional. I've heard it hurts like a motherfucker during, but after you'll probably feel like a new motherfucker. Lol When ya having it done??
350 for 5 squat...290 for 5 bench are very solid numbers!! Nice work!!

I've never had a deep tissue massage..by a professional. I've heard it hurts like a motherfucker during, but after you'll probably feel like a new motherfucker. Lol When ya having it done??

haha yeah I heard the same -- I am actually kinda nervous. I am going in on Tuesday. It is a very reputable place owned by an accomplished bodybuilder and the employees all complete in physique sports or lifting, so they understand what its all about and will be the real-deal deep tissue.

Its funny, I pin, I bust my ass in the gym, I work hard outside the gym and endure a lot -- but I am nervous about a beautiful fit female giving me a massage. lol everyone has me picturing it like I go in and basically get my ass kicked.
I took Monday off -- sickness demon hit me and throat was killing me. Rather take some rest and get 100% than go in and do half-ass workout while prolonging getting well.

Felt slightly better today but still dragging ass.

Had the massage though! man haha the upper body part was all good, so relaxing and was about to fall alseep, but then lower body almost had me tapping out with the calves and then IT-band torture :eek: wow
Feeling a little better finally. Got bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow.
Some progress pics since I have been too sick to lift the past few days.
198 lb. cold no pump.

I feel like my body comp improved a little thus far (I am only a couple pounds lighter but a lot stronger). Hoping after this rest week I can come back strong and really make the most of the next 6 weeks!


I will be shifting into triples starting monday and going to try some changing a few lifts.

Currently thinking of doing 3x3 on Mondays at approx 85-90% of Friday 1x3 for squats and bench.
Also thinking of throwing a back-off set of 8 in on mondays for some added volume and hypertrophy.

Rotating in lunges for the weds active recovery lower body work.
Going to try 5x5 on Overheads.

As for the pull, I am wanting to deadlift on Monday and Friday to try to bring that up. I will Row 3x8 on Weds now instead. Pullups will follow Deads but with reduced volume of 3x10 since it will be hit twice a week now.

To start with maybe just a 3x5 of a plate (deficit) with focus on speed on Mondays,
And ramp up to a top triple from the floor on Fridays.
Any better suggestions of Deadlift programming -- I am all ears!

Squats: 3x3 @85% of Friday top set, 1x8 back-off set.
Bench: 3x3 @85% of Friday top set, 1x8 back-off set.
Deadlift: 3x5 (deficit) focus on speed/explosion.
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work.

Lunges 2x8 (light active recovery)
Strict Overhead Press 5x5
Shrugs 2x10
Row variation 3x8, or 5x5 (sets of 8 if barbell Row, sets of 5 if Pendlay)
+delt iso work (rear and side).

Squats: ramp up to top set of 3.
Bench: ramp up to top set of 3.
Deadlift: ramp up to top set of 3.
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work.

How does that look for switching things up a bit?

Deadlift for volume on Monday is absolutely an awesome idea. Only way to run Texas Method in my opinion. Here's my thoughts on what you're proposing.

I think 3x3 might not be enough volume to progress, even with the back off set of eight. You're going from 25 reps on Monday and 5 reps Friday to 9 heavy + 8 light on Monday and 3 on Friday. I would suggest 5x3 or even 4x4 on Monday and then 1x3 on Friday, followed by 1-2 back off sets of 3 at 90-95% of the first set. This will keep your volume up and also spread it out a bit, which is preferable in my opinion. When you get to the week you want to attempt your maxes would be a good time to cut volume back to a 3x3 on volume day, then totally deload on Wednesday and hit PRs on Friday.

As far as the deadlifts on Monday I think 3x5 is a great place to start. I like a lower percentage on volume deads to start with. Say 70% of your last intensity 1x5 for your 3x5. Maybe a little lower if you're doing deficit pulls. I like using all 35's rather than standing on a plate, but that's just personal preference. Don't have to worry about having to line the bar up perfectly with the plate you're standing on that way.

The overhead 5x5 should be all good as long as you recover for bench on Friday.

Here's what my suggestion would look like:

Squats: 5x3 or 4x4 @80-85% of intensity day
Bench: 5x3 or 4x4 @85-85% of intensity day
Deadlift: 3x5 (deficit) focus on speed/explosion. Start around 65-70% of last intensity 1x5 and add weight as needed. I'd keep all sets in the RPE 6-8 range on these though.
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work.

Lunges 2x8 (light active recovery)
Strict Overhead Press 5x5
Shrugs 2x10
Row variation 3x8, or 5x5 (sets of 8 if barbell Row, sets of 5 if Pendlay)
+delt iso work (rear and side).

Squats: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight
Bench: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight
Deadlift: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight (on these I think I'd just stick with the initial set at first since you're adding more volume on Monday, add one set when you feel it's needed and the second when you feel it's needed)
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work
Deadlift for volume on Monday is absolutely an awesome idea. Only way to run Texas Method in my opinion. Here's my thoughts on what you're proposing.

I think 3x3 might not be enough volume to progress, even with the back off set of eight. You're going from 25 reps on Monday and 5 reps Friday to 9 heavy + 8 light on Monday and 3 on Friday. I would suggest 5x3 or even 4x4 on Monday and then 1x3 on Friday, followed by 1-2 back off sets of 3 at 90-95% of the first set. This will keep your volume up and also spread it out a bit, which is preferable in my opinion. When you get to the week you want to attempt your maxes would be a good time to cut volume back to a 3x3 on volume day, then totally deload on Wednesday and hit PRs on Friday.

As far as the deadlifts on Monday I think 3x5 is a great place to start. I like a lower percentage on volume deads to start with. Say 70% of your last intensity 1x5 for your 3x5. Maybe a little lower if you're doing deficit pulls. I like using all 35's rather than standing on a plate, but that's just personal preference. Don't have to worry about having to line the bar up perfectly with the plate you're standing on that way.

The overhead 5x5 should be all good as long as you recover for bench on Friday.

Here's what my suggestion would look like:

Squats: 5x3 or 4x4 @80-85% of intensity day
Bench: 5x3 or 4x4 @85-85% of intensity day
Deadlift: 3x5 (deficit) focus on speed/explosion. Start around 65-70% of last intensity 1x5 and add weight as needed. I'd keep all sets in the RPE 6-8 range on these though.
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work.

Lunges 2x8 (light active recovery)
Strict Overhead Press 5x5
Shrugs 2x10
Row variation 3x8, or 5x5 (sets of 8 if barbell Row, sets of 5 if Pendlay)
+delt iso work (rear and side).

Squats: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight
Bench: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight
Deadlift: ramp up to top set of 3 followed by 1-2 back off sets at 5-10% reduction in weight (on these I think I'd just stick with the initial set at first since you're adding more volume on Monday, add one set when you feel it's needed and the second when you feel it's needed)
Pullups: 3x10
+some arm work

Thank you!
I appreciate you taking the time to help me yet again. Everything you suggest makes great sense. I will go for the 5x3 on mondays and the back-off on friday as you list it :D and will be referring to your post as the new template.

Much respect brother! I am excited to give it all a try.
Glad to help, brother. I'm curious to see how this works for you. I've ran it similar to that except with 8x3 and that turned out to be a pain and took forever to complete. 5x3 should work better.
My bests thus far in this log are as follows:

5x5 @ 300 lb
5RM @ 350 lb

5x5 @ 260 lb
5RM @ 290 lb

5x @ 405 lb
3x @ 425 lb

Anyone have any suggestion as to what weights I should start with beginning my new training period of triples (template on post #112)?

I was thinking just start light at +5 to 10 lb above my previous best 5 rep work and go from there; for example, 5 sets of 3 @ 305 for squats on Monday and then Friday squat a top set of 3x360 lb.
what do you think @Perrin Aybara and any others :D
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My bests thus far in this log are as follows:

5x5 @ 300 lb
5RM @ 350 lb

5x5 @ 260 lb
5RM @ 290 lb

5x @ 405 lb
3x @ 425 lb

Anyone have any suggestion as to what weights I should start with beginning my new training period of triples (template on post #112)?

I was thinking just start light at +5 to 10 lb above my previous best 5 rep work and go from there; for example, 5 sets of 3 @ 305 for squats on Mondays and Friday squat top set of 3x360 lb.
what do you think @Perrin Aybara and any others :D
Havent stopped by for a little while RT but looks like things are going pretty good.
Keep training hard buddy cause aint no other way [emoji6]
Havent stopped by for a little while RT but looks like things are going pretty good.
Keep training hard buddy cause aint no other way [emoji6]

Strength has gone up, I feel like I look more muscular (getting compliments and comments from people) and I am holding steady at 198 lb -- so I think my body comp improved a little.

I want to stay below 198 incase I decide to do a meet.

I might push to get down to 190 in these last 6 weeks of the cycle to give myself room, but it is hard since I am addicted to wanting to hold strength haha (I added two refeed days before -- one before volume day and one before intensity day, just to keep pushing the weights into PRs).

Thanks for dropping in brother.
Strength has gone up and I am holding steady at 198 lb.
I want to stay below 198 incase I decide to do a meet.
I might push to get down to 190 in these last 6 weeks of the cycle, but it is hard since I am addicted to wanting to hold strength haha (I added two refeed days before -- one before volume day and one before intensity day, just to keep pushing the weights into PRs).

Thanks for dropping in brother.

How much have you considered doing a meet? That's the weight class I'll be competing in come September
How much have you considered doing a meet? That's the weight class I'll be competing in come September

Strongly considering it.
I was close to buying my UPA card this past week.
I am a total ignorant noobie though haha -- I don't even own a belt yet. I need to learn a few more details about it all , get my shit together, and decide on a meet.
But I do want to have the experience so a meet is in my future!
Im getting ready to start TM in about a week. So lets get some progress done together! Looking forward to your numbers