RT's long way to the top

04-APR-2016 (Week-7: Monday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Loosened up my diet a little over the weekend because I was traveling. Gained a little weight, but also feel so much better haha

Pretty sure this was a volume PR on squats and Rows (upped a ramp set from 175 to 185 and then repped the last workset to failure), and maybe even Bench.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
290 lb x5
290 lb x5
290 lb x5
290 lb x5
290 lb x5 NF
**5x5 Volume PR**

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
250 lb x5
250 lb x5
250 lb x5
250 lb x5
250 lb x5
**5x5 Volume PR**

Barbell Row:
ramp sets: 135, 185,
195 lb x8
195 lb x8
195 lb x12 F
(sloppy last 2 reps) *Rep PR*

ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x5
315 lb x10 (w/straps)

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
55s x7 F

Rope Cable Overhead Tri Ext:
ramp sets: 70, 90,
110 x9 F
06-APR-2016 (Week-7: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 197 lb

I am just no happy with the overheads lately; my 5RM is 155 lb with strict reps and my rep max with 135 is 8 --- I am not in position to beat either of those PRs even though I am hitting new highs on all the other lifts ( I get it that maybe my new PRs on Bench etc impacts my recovery and readiness to hit overheads).

I think I will attempt to add volume (either reps or sets) at 135 lb on the strict standing overhead press for a while rather than loading weight – I want to see if I benefit more from that at this time.

3 mins of the bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115,
135 lb x6 NF
135 lb x5 F
135 lb x5 NF

Pullups(ultra-wide neutral grip):
BW x8
+25 x8 F
+25 x6 F
+25 x7 F
BW x5 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys(rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10
25s x10 NF
25s x10 F

DB Side Laterals:
20s x8
25s x10 NF
25s x10 F

Back Extensions:

BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x10

NOTE: F = set taken to failure ; NF = set taken to "near failure"
where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
Dosage changes:

[1] Peptides switched from Ipam to GHRP-2.

I like to change the ghrelin analog after a couple months because it was recommended by a respected source (it may help prevent any desensitization to a compound).
So it is now modGRF(1-29) + GHRP-2 100 mcg of each together 2x a day (morning and pre-bed).

[2] Dropping TB4 ("TB500") from 4mg/week down to 2mg each week split into 4 separate 500 mcg pins on different days.
Shoulder aches are much reduced and forearm tendinitis is slightly improved.
I want to try to stretch my stock out a little longer by using less.

[3] Considering upping Aromasin to 12.5 mg EOD because nips are a little puffy
(currently I am on 12.5 Mon/weds/Fri).

[4] Considering upping Test to 300 mg / week (currently at 120 mg per week).
My reason is to see it that would push recovery and synergy with the other compounds; I know it is not much but it is still more that double the current Test dosage.
While gyno and other sides are far better and easy to control with the low Test, I am not getting as much out of the EQ base as I thought I could in terms of recovery.
Also, I would like to keep pushing for continued gains.
I would of course raise the AI for sure if the Test is doubled.

[5] I also have a vial on the Masteron M300 mix available (200mg/ml drostanolone-E and 100mg/mL drostanolone-P).
But I am not sure I am ready to use it as many have stated one needs to be very lean to see any benifits (I am NOT very lean) -- I do not know if this is true since I have never used it before.

Mid-cycle Review:

  • Overall, I am VERY happy with the low sides during this cycle.
  • NO acne -- skin is better than when I cruise or am natty!
  • Sex drive is good now that my E2 has come up a bit (I am assuming from the increased test dosage).
  • Hair is good.
  • Emotions are solid and I feel very positive.
  • Scale weight is slightly down and I appear to be leaner (week-6 progress pics on the previous page on post #77).
  • However, I am not so happy with the lack of recovery and not really feeling very aggressive or "on" (maybe just a consequence of my caloric intake).

*** As always, any thoughts and input are greatly appreciated! I am open to ideas :D

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Have you considered increasing your eq or deca dosage instead of test? Are you still on 600 eq and 300 deca? If so then maybe up the deca to 500-600 or up the eq to 900? This would improve your recovery and whatnot without having to deal with the increased test sides that you get.
Have you considered increasing your eq or deca dosage instead of test? Are you still on 600 eq and 300 deca? If so then maybe up the deca to 500-600 or up the eq to 900? This would improve your recovery and whatnot without having to deal with the increased test sides that you get.

I am currently on:
600mg EQ
300mg Deca
120mg Test-E

I do not have enough EQ to up that but I have a lot of Test put aside for cruises; so that is something I should have mentioned -- limited on EQ but have plenty of test around.
Or, as you said, maybe the Deca instead (if I have enough, I will calculate it out tonight and see what I got left).

Good ideas and I will give that all some thought, thanks brother!

I am thinking about getting another bloodwork done here soon so I will wait to make any additional changes until I do the right thing and see where my numbers are at.
Do you have microplates? They're good for breaking plateaus on overhead press.

I do! My GF does have a set of 4x 1 lb plates.

Another thing I was thinking is that maybe shrugs and tricep work on Monday effect my OHP. I am going to try moving my shrug work to Weds and no longer training triceps to failure on Mondays. My guess is I have been overdoing the triceps work so lets see if these changes help.
08-APR-2016 (Week-7: Friday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Well, I cheated a little on my diet haha
Went out to the bar to meet up with some old friends and enjoyed a beer and one extra meal beyond my diet (not terrible, just chicken strips and some pasta).

I have to say – I felt the best I have in a long time today! I was totally surprised because even though I did not get as much sleep etc, felt really tired and was running late, once I got under the squat bar I just killed it! I guess calories are king.

5RM PR on Squats, 5 lb short of 5RM on Bench, and switched to triples on deads to get those moving towards a PR.

One bit of bad news in an otherwise awesome session – I strained something in my neck during a warmup/ramp set on bench. I know how I did it; I foolishly and carelessly bridged off my neck to get into position. Felt a sharp pain from my ear down to the side of my traps and I can hardly turn my head. Was not too bad while lifting but has tightened up sitting at home. Oh well, I got two rest days for that shit to get better.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
340 lb x5 **5RM PR**
(this PR went up fast and smooth!)

Bench: (touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
280 lb x5 NF
(Got it this week. It did get a little out of the groove—too low towards my waist—but I recovered and muscled it up. Biggest issue on bench is my poor form—I admit it is my worst lift but I am working on it).

ramp: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x2
415 lb x3

Pendlay Rows:
ramp: 135,
185 lb x5
205 lb x6 **PR**

Barbell Curls:
ramp: 45, 55, 65,
85 x8
85 x6 F
85 x6 F <drop set> 65x6 F

(the forearm pain on the negatives is persistent – I will try one more week and if it is not better then I switch to seated DB curls)

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 x6 F <drop set> 90x3 F <> 70x4 F
(got a little more reps on my drop set this week).

Standing Cable Concentration Curls (front double bicep):
If you don't do it already strapping a band or two around the bench will really improve your grip on the bench and allow you to really dig in without sliding out of position. I find it very helpful.

Congrats on the PR, too.
If you don't do it already strapping a band or two around the bench will really improve your grip on the bench and allow you to really dig in without sliding out of position. I find it very helpful.

Congrats on the PR, too.

yeah, we got those cheep fitness center benches -- the slippery hard kind. I do so much better when I make the hour long drive to another gym that has a good real PL bench.

I am trying to picture what you mean?
do you mean to run it long ways down the length of the bench?
yeah, we got those cheep fitness center benches -- the slippery hard kind. I do so much better when I make the hour long drive to another gym that has a good real PL bench.

I am trying to picture what you mean?
do you mean to run it long ways down the length of the bench?

Yeah, I used to run two of them long ways down the bench until I got my Voodoo Floss. Since it's just a straight length rather than a loop I'll wrap it around and around short ways right where my shoulders are on the bench.
Yeah, I used to run two of them long ways down the bench until I got my Voodoo Floss. Since it's just a straight length rather than a loop I'll wrap it around and around short ways right where my shoulders are on the bench.

Voodoo floss band....I never knew you could use them this way. I have one and I'll try it out as you described. I'll make sure to tie it good so it doesn't come loose .....has that ever happened in middle of a set?
Voodoo floss band....I never knew you could use them this way. I have one and I'll try it out as you described. I'll make sure to tie it good so it doesn't come loose .....has that ever happened in middle of a set?

As far as I know I made up this use for it. I used to use the regular bands at my gym and recently someone broke all of them except one, so I tried the Voodoo Floss this way and actually like it better. No need to tie it, just loop it around the bench and slip it under when you get to the end. No need for it to be super tight since it's just for grip.

There's a couple recent bench press videos in my log where you can see how I'm using it on this page I linked below. I think you'll like how it feels, let's you really dig in and hold your arch. I set it up for my little brother and his roommate the other day and they loved it, too.

Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total
11-APR-2016 (Week-8: Monday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

5x5 Volume PRs on Squats and Bench, and I am pretty sure Rows are a volume PR as well.

Neck is already feeling better, and I enjoyed another good session.

Body-Weight is holding steady around 198 but I have been hitting PRs for a couple weeks – very happy here at the mid-point of this program.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
295 lb x5
295 lb x5 NF
295 lb x5 NF
295 lb x5 NF
295 lb x5 NF
**5x5 PR**

I know it looks funny but I really felt like I was NF (near failure) EVERY set – I really want to get to 5x5 at 315 but I might be approaching my current limit, time will tell.

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
255 lb x5
255 lb x5
255 lb x5
255 lb x5
255 lb x5 NF
**5x5 PR**

Barbell Row:
ramp sets: 135, 185,
200 lb x8
200 lb x8 NF
200 lb x9 F

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s,
30s x8
really being more conscious of NOT taking the triceps specific work to failure on Monday and just hitting one or two good work sets a rep or two short of failure.

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
55s x7 F

NOTE: F = set taken to failure ; NF = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
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ne could then say, "well just run a bunch of test then man!"
However, I am very gyno prone and I did not enjoy being on much AI.
For this cycle I would like to keep the AI as low as possible and shed some fat.
My hope is with the an improved body composition (fat increases aromatase levels) I will be able to run a decent amount of test next winter for a more aggressive bulk cycle.

13-APR-2016 (Week-8: Wednesday)

Exciting News ;) haha I couldn't wait and I upped my Test-E dosage.
Nothing huge, and actually just up to what the (very respected source of information) originally recommended cycle was supposed to be when we talked about it months ago in a thread I had made.

I had reduced the Test-E down to sub-TRT at the start (60 mg /week), then normal TRT levels (120mg /week), just to control E2 and ease into things.
I like the idea of slowly and continuously titrating up or adding compounds over time instead of just throwing everything on max right at the start (and I understand that long esters do this naturally to a degree on their own, this is why I did not front load) -- this way it is easier for me to control and feel how I respond to each specific change or addition.
I will get bloods again here in a couple weeks and will also likely donate again as soon as they will allow.

Starting now I will be at:
600 mg EQ
300 mg DECA
300 mg Test-E

upping the aromasin to EOD (pharmacist).
Still running full sequence TB4 at 2mg a week split up M/Th and modGRF/GHRP2 2x daily (from AV, formerly Toms).
HCG 200 iu 3x a week MWF (reliable).

*I still have that vial of M300 masteron mix sitting in my drawer -- if I can make some real progress over the next couple week in terms of fat loss then I will consider adding it; I have never used any masteron and really want to see if it adds aggression in the gym and hardness in the physique but I admit I am just not at a point that such changes would significantly show.

Diet update:
Adding in refeed days where I will east just 100-200 cals above maintenance (NOT cheat days -- still 100% clean eating) on Sunday and Thurs to try to continue to make strength gains. All other days will be at approx 400-500 cal deficit.


The Gym:
Weighed in at 198 lb

Leg were actually sore from Monday’s squats and a very tough workday Tues. I also failed to get good sleep. That is life – we all have easy days and we all have tough days. I omitted squats and back-extensions (entire posterior chain was burnt out) because I felt so much fatigue that I made a judgment call that I rather not risk beating myself up.

So I got in and had a fun day with the Weds smaller upper body lifts.

Oh and I moved shrugs from Mondays to Weds – I liked them way better here because Mondays are just basic but brutal enough.

Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135x3,
135 lb x6
135 lb x6
135 lb x5 F

Well, got 6 or two of the sets – hope to get 3x6 or more next time out.

Pullups(ultra-wide neutral grip):
BW x8
+25 x8 F
+25 x8 F
+25 x6 F
BW x8 F

Took longer rests in between sets to see if I could get 3x8 with the +25 – I was close! Have come a long way on these in 8 weeks. That last back-off set with bodyweight was flying and I thought I would get 20 haha until all of a sudden at 8 I went from awesome to dead-stop.

Ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x10
335 lb x10 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys(rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10
25s x10 F
25s x10 F

DB Side Laterals:
Ramp sets: 20s,
25s x10 NF
25s x10 F

NOTE: F = set taken to failure ; NF = set taken to "near failure"
where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.

:) I am very happy I went this route as opposed to some people in the gym saying things like "take a gram of test and you will do just fine."

Things have been awesome, so easy to control, and I just posted about upping the test to its final level which is still only 300 mg but for me will be an increase I should feel.

Let me say in terms of sides, perfect so far!
my skin is the best it has ever been -- clearer than when I was 100% natural.
Joints feel great. No noticeable hair lose (I actually feel like it look better and a little thicker).
Mood is great.
No bloating.
not much night-sweets (I have a little always but not any more from the cycle).

HTC is my only concern but I will continue to donate and will get another mid-cycle bloods soon.

oh let me add, I think I like the Aromasin better that adex; I know I have no way to know for sure with so many variables but I know how I feel and I have felt great compared to using adex.
16-APR-2016 (Week-8: Friday)

Weighed in at 198 lb

A good session!

5RM PR on Squats – first 4 went up easy then it was a grinder on that last rep, really moving slow but kept moving and eventually got to lock-out for the PR.

Matched my bench 5RM and will go for a PR next week if I am feeling good.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275, 315,
345 lb x5 NF **5RM PR**
(last rep was moving really slow – a real grinder)

Bench: (touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
285 lb x5 NF
(Tied my bench 5RM).

ramp: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x3
420 lb x3

Pendlay Rows:
ramp: 135, 185,
205 lb x5
215 lb x5 **PR**
(but I did resort to using straps as it has been helpful for reducing the tendinitis pain while rowing and saves me something in the tank to put towards direct arm work at the end of the session)

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 lb x6
115 lb x3 F

Seated DB Curl:
ramp: 25, 35,
45s x6
45s x6 F

(I guess earlier work took it all out of me because these were tough – but I still did feel like the biceps got a lot of work even if it was only 6 reps a set, got a pump too).

Standing Cable Concentration Curls (front double bicep flex):
45x9 NF
(squeeze and held the flex at the peak -- burning to the max by the end).

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed ;
"NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
Nice work, you're right there on a 315 bench and getting close to what should equal a 405 squat. When that extra test kicks it it should give you a nice boost.
Nice work, you're right there on a 315 bench and getting close to what should equal a 405 squat. When that extra test kicks it it should give you a nice boost.

Thank you.
and those are two goals/milestones I wanted to reach during this run.
I wanted to stay under 198 lb body-weight and hit 405/315/495 100% raw no belt no wraps or anything at all (basically do it naked if I had to haha).

I still have some room even with the EQ to really start to shine now 8 weeks in, and the test jump should help. Very happy overall.

But I am lagging on deadlifts goal just because of the program design and my own lift choices. I still have 8 weeks and maybe even 10 if I decide my bloods look good and I desire to extend those two weeks. Nonetheless, even if I do fall short during the cycle, I can shift my focus during cruise to much more deadlift specific work and frequency if needed--I will get that 5th plate this year!.

I understand why I picked what I did and why many TM templates I read about do not have the deadlift too frequently (after all it is brutal and would hold back recovery for the other lifts). Rippetoe himself seems to be very modest in terms of conventional deadlift pulling off the floor.

Usually my pulling is my strength so I was ok focusing upon other weaker areas; but this forearm tendinitis has changed that a bit with hindering my ability to grip the bar.
TB4 helped a little bit but not enough to even barbell curl any significant weight. Although I can say the TB4/Deca combo has my shoulders feeling brand new :)