RT's long way to the top

Im getting ready to start TM in about a week. So lets get some progress done together! Looking forward to your numbers

Lets get it!
I have been off for a week, home sick. I am ready to get in and put up some weight :D best wishes on your program brother!
Aha, mind if i supplement your log with some of my progress? I dont want to start my own as i feel im not all that badass to be flaunting shot i dont have/own
Strongly considering it.
I was close to buying my UPA card this past week.
I am a total ignorant noobie though haha -- I don't even own a belt yet. I need to learn a few more details about it all , get my shit together, and decide on a meet.
But I do want to have the experience so a meet is in my future!

I'm brand new to it all as well. I have rounded a good majority of the gear needed for the sport but my first meet will be in September. It's definitely a learning curve that's for sure
What you said looks good to me. That's pretty much what they recommend in the book and it gives you a little deload and room to grow into the 3's.
Aha, mind if i supplement your log with some of my progress? I dont want to start my own as i feel im not all that badass to be flaunting shot i dont have/own

No problem, feel free to talk about your experience running the template, offer suggestions, and ask questions -- we can all learn from each other.

I'm brand new to it all as well. I have rounded a good majority of the gear needed for the sport but my first meet will be in September. It's definitely a learning curve that's for sure

Awesome! looking forward to your success. Keep me posted on things as your meet approaches.

What you said looks good to me. That's pretty much what they recommend in the book and it gives you a little deload and room to grow into the 3's.

cool, sounds good then. thanks for the feedback.
Second Mid-cycle blood results are in.

I question the accuracy of the E2 value (I actually just started to have a occurrence of the smallest tiny half-pea sized lump under the right nip); I am considering the more expensive panel that has sensitive E2 and lipids for my concluding bloods.

For now, my main concerns are HTC and RBC etc. so the more affordable test works.
Overall, in my opinion, my best results to date ever!

02-MAY-2016 (Week-11: Monday)

Weighed in at 198 lb (A relief, I was worried sitting around all last week home sick would have put on some fat -- put I ate strict and very nutrient dense).

Felt weak after the week off with illness –- Kept weights pretty easy (only a small increase over my 5x5 load) and I am glad I did not overreach on my starting weights for triples.

Messed up my deficit deadlifts by doing 3x3 instead of 3x5 – my mind was so locked into 3s after the other lifts. So I added an extra set of three to make it 4x3. Again, maybe this is good to let me ease into the new set-up. I will correct it next Monday and go for 3x5 for my worksets.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3

Deficit Deadlifts (off a plate):

ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3

(super easy because I messed up on my rep range :oops:)

Ultra-wide neutral-grip Pullups:
BW x10
BW x8 NF
BW x5 F
(short rests cost me, but got a lat pump)

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s,
30s x8

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
60s x8 NF **PR** (sloppy)

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failurewhere one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed;"NF" = set taken to "near failure"where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
04-MAY-2016 (Week-11: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 197 lb

Wow, DOMs were real from Monday—kinda cool because I could feel where and how much I hit the hams and glutes. Being home sick for a week really deconditioned me; this is the first time I have been truly sore in a long long time.

Kept lunges very light (and will be modest on them moving forward since it is just active recovery and I do not want to hinder real recovery. I am thinking go up +10 lb to the next DB set each week). Even with the lunges being light, I got a pump out of it because it just hit things in a way I am not at all used to, and it actually helped the DOMs dissipate.

A few things to note:
I did as much work as possible without straps because these coming weeks are focused upon improving my deadlift.

My tendonitis was not hurting so I rowed heavy without straps and then attempted shrugs but my grip was limiting me by the time of the shrugs so I did have to use straps on one set in order to get some work in.

Decided to go with 3x5 for overheads and will have to play around with rows to find the right amount of volume – rows felt like enough at 4x5 with the last ramping set greatly contributing to work as well.

Getting back onto the strict diet now that I have recovered from my illness and I am hoping to get down to 190 lb while still gaining strength.

Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Body-weight quests
Resistance band pull-aparts

DB Reverse Lunges:
20s, 30s, 40s

Standing Overhead Press:
ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
140 lb x5
140 lb x5
140 lb x5 F

Pendlay Rows: (no straps)

ramp sets: 135, 185, 205,
225 lb x5
225 lb x5
225 lb x5
225 lb x5 NF

Ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x3 F - grip failed
315 lb x3 F - grip failed
315 lb x12 (w/straps)

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 20s,
25s x10
30s x10 NF **PR**
30s x9 F

DB Side Laterals:
Ramp sets: 20s,
25s x8
30s x8 NF <drop-set> 25s x2 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failurewhere one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed;"NF" = set taken to "near failure"where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
06-MAY-2016 (Week-11: Friday)

Gym scale broken, no weigh-in, but I have been very good about staying right at or slightly under 198 and did not cheat at all on my diet so I am sure nothing has changed.

Top set of squats was tough—went up slow. Felt like a true 3RM. I hope that is just a matter of being a little deconditioned and that things will still progress if I hit it hard next Monday to get back into things.

Bench was funny; the first rep of 295 was slow and bad, just sloppy, you know the type of rep where one side goes up faster than the other and I just felt loose—I even felt unstable on the bench like I would fall off to one side half way through the rep (in my mind I was thinking “this spotter better grab it because I am about to dump it to one side). Then I got pissed about that rep and killed the next two – I mean destroyed them like I could throw the bar through the ceiling! Spotter said “man, you had 5 or 6 in you easy” but I explained I am just sticking to 3 and leave something to accomplish next week. Went for a back-off at 275 and planned to hit 5 – got ZERO lol, just lowered the bar nice and slow to my chest and then took a nap with it sitting there until I gave up and asked for a spot (he got a nice solid heavy upright row out of it), just a odd session on bench.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
350 lb x1
360 lb x3 NF **PR**

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
275 lb x1
295 lb x3 **PR**


ramp sets: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x2
430 lb x3

BW x10
BW x6
BW x6 NF

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 lb x8 F
90 lb x6

Seated DB Curl:
ramp: 25, 35,
45s x7 NF
45s x6 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempt
09-MAY-2016 (Week-12: Monday)

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3

ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
270 lb x3
270 lb x3
270 lb x3
270 lb x3
270 lb x3

Deficit Deadlifts (off a plate):

ramp sets: 135, 225, 315,
325 lb x5
325 lb x5
325 lb x5

Ultra-wide neutral-grip Pullups:
BW x10
BW+25 x7 NF
BW x7 NF

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s, 30s,
35s x7 NF

DB Hammer Curls:

ramp sets: 30s, 40s, 50s,
60s x8 NF (sloppy)
40s x7 NF (strict)

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
Dosage Update:

reduced Aromasin back down to 12.5 mg MWF (from 12.5mg 4x a week) to see how I feel (bloods showed low E2, not sure if that was accurate though). As always, I will keep an eye on sides and report any changes.

The week I was ill I did not post and forgot to note that I had
dropped TB4 and BPC157 simply because I have run out of those.

So nice not having to pin all those peps so often lol, it gets old fast, I almost feel natty now ;)
Dosage Update:

reduced Aromasin back down to 12.5 mg MWF (from 12.5mg 4x a week) to see how I feel (bloods showed low E2, not sure if that was accurate though). As always, I will keep an eye on sides and report any changes.

The week I was ill I did not post and forgot to note that I had
dropped TB4 and BPC157 simply because I have run out of those.

So nice not having to pin all those peps so often lol, it gets old fast, I almost feel natty now ;)

Lol...almost natty. At first daily multiple pins were perfectly fine....fast forward couple weeks and it gets not so fun. For me, it was just the mentally knowing that I was sticking a metal rod in my and then pumping a foreign substance in me body.
Lol...almost natty. At first daily multiple pins were perfectly fine....fast forward couple weeks and it gets not so fun. For me, it was just the mentally knowing that I was sticking a metal rod in my and then pumping a foreign substance in me body.

yeah, it just gets tough making the time and also being a pin cushion.
I was telling my GF that there is no way most people could deal with it and be disciplined enough etc. Bloodworks, blood donations, responsible/sterile good practices, meal timing (some peps are best used in a fasted state), proper storage, proper reconstitution, AI/Serms, HCG, etc etc...

All these very young guys at my gym want to get on gear and other PEDs -- I honestly don't think they could handle the dedication it takes to do things the right way.

I know I have said it before, but I will say it again: If I was not already middle-aged and prescribed TRT for a true medical need, I most likely would not cycle -- I am envious of younger guys with naturally high test levels and good healing capabilities and see it as a real shame anyone would take such blessings for granted.
I completely agree with you. Its not easy to do especially if you have other life commitment such as a family and job.
11-MAY-2016 (Week-12: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 197 lb

PR on Pendlay rows – no straps and grip was solid.
But I did get interrupted a LOT by a guy that wanted to talk my ear off (it sucked) so that delayed me and made the rests very long between sets. I will repeat the weight again next week with shorter rests and see if I can still get it for at least 4 sets.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines
Resistance band pull-aparts

DB Reverse Lunges:
20s, 30s, 45s
(45s for 8 reps each side felt like some work--cardio work)

Standing Overhead Press:
ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
140 lb x5
140 lb x4 F
140 lb x4 F
140 lb x2 NF

Pendlay Rows: (no straps)

ramp sets: 135, 185, 205,
225 lb x5
230 lb x5 **PR** 5RM
230 lb x5
230 lb x5
230 lb x5 F

Ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x4 F - grip failed
315 lb x4 F - grip failed
315 lb x10 NF (w/straps)

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 20s, 25s,
30s x10 F
30s x9 F
25s x9 F

DB Side Laterals:
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s,
30s x8 F
30s x6 F <drop-set> 25s x2 F

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
(Week-12: Friday)

Weighed in at 196 lb.

Hit the 365 squat but feel like I may have not gotten the depth I wanted on the last rep. I am used to feeling my hams touch my calves but I had the safety rails a little higher because I knew I am in max territory. I will repeat the 365 next week and have someone film me – I just want to make sure I am happy with my depth and everything looks good before I add weight.

Bench PR first time hitting 300 lb and it was a solid good three reps. Very pleased with how well my bench has improved while losing a little body-weight. I am confident if I remain healthy I will rep 315 with a caloric surplus.

Attempted some light barbell curls since forearm tendinitis has not been bothering me; they felt ok, started to feel the pain only when I would finish a set and release the bar.

Closing in on the 315 bench goal and still have some work to get to the 405 squat and 495 deadlift targets.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines
BW back extensions

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
350 lb x1
365 lb x3 NF **PR** (depth in question)

Bench: (touch-n-go)
ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
275 lb x1
300 lb x3 **PR** 3RM

ramp sets: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x2
435 lb x3

Extreme wide neutral grip Pullups:
BW x8
BW+25 x8
BW+25 x6 F
<drop-set> BWx3

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
ramp: 50, 70, 90,
110 lb x7 F
90 lb x8 F

Barbell Curls:
ramp: 45, 65,
85 x8
85 x8
85 x8 NF

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.
Congrats on the PRs. You're pretty much there on bench. Hit 305x3 and 315 is almost a certainty.

thank you my friend! and that was the lift I most wanted/needed to bring up :)

now we wait and see the results of this new focus on deadlifts -- I can already tell they are moving up after being stalled for a long time. The pendlay and shrugs without straps on weds are helping my grip a lot. I want that 5th plate bad haha
Night Sweats! it started about a week and a half ago; just a little bit at first, so I thought maybe it was a result of getting over that illness or something random. Each night its been worse and worse. Last night I went through two tshirts and pillow cases were soaked. I feel fine -- I usually feel hot when I lay down to sleep but that is the baseline for me (I sleep with a fan on even in the winter) but typically I do not sweat. That has all changed over the past 2 weeks.

Only thing that has changed in my supplements is the slight reduction in AI. Not sure that is enough to account for this -- maybe just the hard training and pushing new PRs each session???


(Week-13: Monday)

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x2
320 lb x3
320 lb x3
320 lb x3
320 lb x3
320 lb x3 NF

Bench: (touch-n-go)
ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
275 lb x3
275 lb x3
275 lb x3
275 lb x3
275 lb x3

(long rest before last set on bench because spotter went to the washroom – I am confident I would still have gotten it with normal rests though)

Deficit Deadlifts (off a plate):

ramp sets: 135, 225, 315,
330 lb x5
330 lb x5
330 lb x5

BW x8
BW+25 x7 NF
BW+25 x5 F

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s, 30s,
35s x6 F
(failed on 6 here, less than last week, I think bench taxed my triceps or I am just fatigued)

DB Hammer Curls:

ramp sets: 30s, 40s, 50s,
60s x8 (sloppy)
40s x8 NF (strict)

NOTE: "F" = set taken to failure where one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed; "NF" = set taken to "near failure" where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.

