02-MAY-2016 (Week-11: Monday)
Weighed in at 198 lb (A relief, I was worried sitting around all last week home sick would have put on some fat -- put I ate strict and very nutrient dense).
Felt weak after the week off with illness –- Kept weights pretty easy (only a small increase over my 5x5 load) and I am glad I did not overreach on my starting weights for triples.
Messed up my deficit deadlifts by doing 3x3 instead of 3x5 – my mind was so locked into 3s after the other lifts. So I added an extra set of three to make it 4x3. Again, maybe this is good to let me ease into the new set-up. I will correct it next Monday and go for 3x5 for my worksets.
3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines
ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
305 lb x3
ramp sets: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
265 lb x3
Deficit Deadlifts (off a plate):
ramp sets: 135, 225,
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
315 lb x3
(super easy because I messed up on my rep range
Ultra-wide neutral-grip Pullups:
BW x10
BW x8 NF
BW x5 F (short rests cost me, but got a lat pump)
DB Overhead Tri Ext (one-hand):
Ramp sets: 20s, 25s,
30s x8
DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
60s x8 NF **PR** (sloppy)
NOTE: "F" = set taken to failurewhere one more rep beyond what is listed was attempted but not completed;"NF" = set taken to "near failure"where I predict I would fail on the next rep if attempted.