RT's long way to the top

29-Feb-2016 (Week-2: Monday)

Weighed in at 200 lb

Decent session! Went touch-n-go on bench as was suggested and I killed it on those sets.

Squats were a little challenge only because I have an old groin injury from during my cruise that is causing slight discomfort. I think cardio has been aggravating it a little. However, the weights still went up so I will go for +5 lb on my Friday squats for a top set of 5x320. Killed rows and will up the weight +5 lb there as well next time around.

Overall, felt stronger than last week.

Workout (Monday)
Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135x10, 185x6, 225x5.
270 lb x5
270 lb x5
270 lb x5
270 lb x5
270 lb x5


95x15, 135x10, 185x5,
225 lb x5
225 lb x5
225 lb x5
225 lb x5
225 lb x5

Barbell Row:

(bent parallel to floor and grip just inside the rings)
135x10, 155x5, 175x5,
175 lb x8
175 lb x8
175 lb x10 F

DB Hammer Curls:
30s x10
40s x8
50s x8 NF

<<super setted with>>

One-arm DB Overhead Tri Ext:
20s x10
25s x10 F
(did these super strict by using my free hand to hold the elbow of the lifting arm tight against my head and pushed back so the elbow is pointed strait up to the ceiling so I get a big stretch in the long head each rep).
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My GF has been measuring out food for me and putting it into containers so I have good lunches and don't relapse back to the burrito truck or slices of greasy fast-food pizza.

Here is an example of my macro delivery system she packed for me today:
48 p / 40 c /14 f (+12 f from a piece of 85% dark chocolate not shown).
Home made teryaki chicken (she even made the sauce completely from scratch using only clean low sodium ingredients).
Kale/Spinach sald with carrot, fetta, tomatoes, onion, black olives, oil and vinegar.
And of course, brown rice for carbs.
My GF has been measuring out food for me and putting it into containers so I have good lunches and don't relapse back to the burrito truck or slices of greasy fast-food pizza.

Here is an example of my macro delivery system she packed for me today:
48 p / 40 c /14 f (+12 f from a piece of 85% dark chocolate not shown).
Home made teryaki chicken (she even made the sauce completely from scratch using only clean low sodium ingredients).
Kale/Spinach sald with carrot, fetta, tomatoes, onion, black olives, oil and vinegar.
And of course, brown rice for carbs.
It's so awesome when the one you love comes along for the ride and supports you on your journey. It's your journey not theirs. They don't have to participate but it sure does feel good when you know that they love you enough to help out. It can be a lot of work and to have someone make it just a little easier by doing those kinds of things is great. Good for you RT. You certainly are fortunate.
It's so awesome when the one you love comes along for the ride and supports you on your journey. It's your journey not theirs. They don't have to participate but it sure does feel good when you know that they love you enough to help out. It can be a lot of work and to have someone make it just a little easier by doing those kinds of things is great. Good for you RT. You certainly are fortunate.

Yeah man, I totally agree.

SO much different than my ex that stressed me everyday, bitched for a week if I ever did ANYTHING at all with any friends, and left me for some douche after a few years of taking whatever she could from me.

I am going to let this GF know just how much I appreciate her and her support! she lifts, is cool with AAS and learned how to pin, very supportive of other life issues and goals outside of gym life, and understands if work has been really tough or I am just worn out from things and need time to myself or just rest -- she gives way more than she ever expects.

Thanks for your post because it reminds me that this is not common and I should really show her I appreciate it.
02-Mar-2016 (Week-2: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 200 lb

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135x10, 185x6, 225x5,

Standing Overhead Press:
45x20, 65x15, 95x6, 115x5,

I was so close to getting a 6th rep on that last set – man I wanted it so I could up the weight again next week, but I will stick to the plan and repeat weight until I get a good 6+ reps.

Brutal Pullups (extreme wide-grip variation where I hold outside the pullups bar around the framework of the pullup attachment on the cable-crossover. This gives me an extremely wide neutral grip, does not bother my tendonitis, and is just brutal on the lats with very little arm involvement.):
BW x10 NF (near failure)
BW x10 F (to failure)
BW x6 F
BW x5 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
15s x10
20s x10 NF
20s x10 NF
20s x10 F

Added a set compared to last week since I got all the reps on the first two work sets.

DB Side Laterals:
15s x10
20s x10 NF
20s x10 F

Stopped at 2 worksets because of hitting failure

Back Extensions:
BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x10
Yeah man, I totally agree.

SO much different than my ex that stressed me everyday, bitched for a week if I ever did ANYTHING at all with any friends, and left me for some douche after a few years of taking whatever she could from me.

I am going to let this GF know just how much I appreciate her and her support! she lifts, is cool with AAS and learned how to pin, very supportive of other life issues and goals outside of gym life, and understands if work has been really tough or I am just worn out from things and need time to myself or just rest -- she gives way more than she ever expects.

Thanks for your post because it reminds me that this is not common and I should really show her I appreciate it.
Mine supports me also. Totally accepts me for me. First one ever. I'm sure if I did something to disrespect her she would have something to say but I don't because she totally let's me be me so why would I.
04-Mar-2016 (Week-2: Friday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Killer session!

I think shits is kicking in! I been crazy hungry (but stuck to my strict base TDEE cals), starting to get a little bit of night sweats. Down to 199 lb but strength is decent. Too early to tell for sure, but if I had to guess I would say shits starting to work.

Got 405x5 deads after doing a single at 405 (added that so I can start loading on the 5 rep set and have the 405 before it function as a ramp because I don’t want to jumpo from 315 to 410+).

Got my squat reps despite a little nagging from the groin strain; I had to take really slow negatives, really really slow, to make sure everything was ok – killer reps with those slow negs.

Did the same on bench as I with deads—added a little set at the top weight which will function as a ramp because I need to take small jumps to keep my shoulder good (yeah, I know, I am beat up and getting old).

Workout (Intensity Squat, Bench, Deads)
Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135x10, 185x6, 225x5.
275 lb x5
315 lb x1
320 lb x5

(touch and go)
95x15, 135x10, 185x5,
225 lb x3
245 lb x2
265 lb x2
265 lb x5

(deficit--standing on a plate):
135x5, 225x5, 315x5
405 lb x1 (double overhand)
405 lb x5 NF (mixed grip)

Pendlay Rows:
135x10, 175x5,
185 lb x6

BW x10
+45 x10
+65 x10F

DB Seated Incline Curls:
25s x10
35s x8
45s x3 F
(lol maybe took short of rest)
35s x7 F
(slow TUT reps and negs)
35s x6 F (arms burnt out)

Rope Overhead Cable Tri Ext:
70 x10
100 x10 F (slow TUT reps and negs)
07-MAR-2016 (Week-3: Monday)

Weighed in at 200 lb

Got all my reps on the core lifts! Really a good session.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
275 lb x5
275 lb x5
275 lb x5
275 lb x5
275 lb x5

Left hip flexor giving me a little discomfort today, but overall squats went great.

Bench: (touch-n-go)
ramp sets: 95, 135, 225,
230 lb x5
230 lb x5
230 lb x5
230 lb x5
230 lb x5

Barbell Row:

ramp sets: 135, 175,
180 lb x8
180 lb x8
(w/straps to take some load off the forearms)
180 lb x9 F (W/straps)
got more than 8 on the last set so I plan to add weight again next time.

Shrugs: (slow TUT and pause/squeeze on the peak of contraction)
ramp sets: 135, 225,
275 lb x10
275 lb x12 F

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
50s x9 F

DB Overhead Tri Ext (one arm):
ramp sets: 20s,
25s x10 NF
25s x11 F

I lead off with weaker arm and match those reps with the other arm.
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09-MAR-2016 (Week-3: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 200 lb

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5
245 lb x5

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
140 lb x5
140 lb x5
140 lb x6 F

Got that 6th rep on the last workset! Going to attempt a heavier weight next time around.

Brutal Pullups (neutral grip extremely wide):
BW x10
BW x10 F
BW x7 F
BW x7 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
15s x10
20s x10
25s x10 F
20s x10 F

Added a set with the 25s – moving on up haha.

DB Side Laterals:
20s x10
20s x10
20s x11 F

Eliminated the warm-up set because my shoulders are totally warmed up at this point. Added another workset with the 20s and got 11 rep on the last set so maybe I will go for the 25s next time.

Thing that is hard with progressing on these is that as my overhead and other earlier lifts go up, it taxes my shoulders and does not leave much left for the isolation work.

Back Extensions:
BW x10
+45 x10
+45 x10
Decided to go get blood labs done tomorrow.
Got a blood donation scheduled for about a week and a half out from today and I want to make sure everything is in a range that they will except me -- I don;t want to get banned from donating.
I know its a little early for mid cycle bloods but I will be getting them taken at least one more time anyway when I introduce Masteron so I can see how that changes anything (and make sure its not test ;)).
So yeah, bloods tomorrow and donation in a week or so if everything goes well.

Off to the gym -- I will be back later with my workout post.
11-Mar-2016 (Week-3: Friday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Pissed I missed my deadlift rep goal this session. I am not sure what went wrong. The ramping sets felt really light – pulled 315 for very fast easy reps and the 405 single was easy. Then when I went for 410 the first 3 reps were easy but number 4 only came up a few inches. I took a few mins rest and tried again – got nothing the second time. Might have been an error in my form or just an off day. I will try 410x5 again next week.

Workout (Intensity Squat, Bench, Deads)
Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
315 lb x2
325 lb x5

(touch and go)
ramp: 95, 135, 185, 225,
265 lb x2
270 lb x5

(deficit--standing on a plate):
ramp: 135, 225, 315,
405 lb x1(double overhand)
410 lb x3 F(mixed grip)
410 lb x0 F

Pendlay Rows:
ramp: 135,
185 lb x8 NF
185 lb x8 F

BW x15
+45 x12
+65 x10 NF

DB Seated Incline Curls:
25s x10
35s x8
45s x5 F
(2 more reps than last week)
35s x8 F
35s x4 F
(biceps done)

EZ-bar Tri Ext:
60 x15
80 x10
100 x3 F(bad positioning so I dropped the bar)
100 x6 F (tri’s done)
Cutting and lack of carbs will do that your strength... since the start of my 3rd week cutting I've slowly felt the decline
Could've just had an off day on deadlift since the other lifts went well. Might go up easy next week, if not there's still plenty of options to explore.
Very respectable lifts RT [emoji106] looks like several PRs are in your future.

Thanks. and I hope so.
I will have to go look in my old log to check for sure but I think my bests where:
squat 375x1
bench 285x5
dead 455x1
standing OHP 155x5

So I hope to beat those here!

Cutting and lack of carbs will do that your strength... since the start of my 3rd week cutting I've slowly felt the decline

That is true. You are right. You know how it is though, we always want it all right?! haha.
I have to keep in mind I am not eating surplus cals. After all my original main goal is the recomp and I picked a strength program in order to stay as strong as possible.
Would be nice to get leaner and stronger at the same time -- 99% of people's dream goals haha

Could've just had an off day on deadlift since the other lifts went well. Might go up easy next week, if not there's still plenty of options to explore.

Very possible. It was a tough day outside the gym and the day before was a lot of life stress etc.
Juts part of life and I understand that we can't always have our best day every time.
I will give it my all next week!
14-MAR-2016(Week-4: Monday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Wow, brutal session. This one had me shaking by the end and struggling to even rack weights. It very well might be the biggest squat volume I have ever done (I have done heavier 3x5 but never 5x5 this heavy). Some of my new “ramp” sets are pretty much a workset but I have to have it that way or it would soon be too big a jump; I rather add the extra set in now and be used to it rather than add it in later when the worksets are even heavier.

Bad news arm tendonitis was really bothering me today on upper body lifts (not sure what or why it flared up). Also, bloodwork results look strange to me but I will save that for its own post to follow after this workout post.

3 mins on a stationary bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225, 275,
280 lb x5
280 lb x5
280 lb x5
280 lb x5
280 lb x5

ramp sets: 95, 135, 225,
235 lb x5
235 lb x5
235 lb x5
235 lb x5
235 lb x5

Barbell Row:

ramp sets: 135, 175,
185 lb x8 (w/straps today)
185 lb x8(w/straps)
185 lb x9 F(w/straps)

Shrugs:(slow TUT and pause/squeeze on the peak of contraction)
ramp sets: 135, 225,
275 lb x8
315 lb x8 F (grip gave out)

DB Hammer Curls:
ramp sets: 30s, 40s,
50s x8
50s x9 F

DB Overhead Tri Ext(one arm):
ramp sets: 20s,
25s x10
30s x6 F
Bloodwork results.

Taken approx 48 hours after pin (300mg EQ / 150mg DECA / 30mg TEST-E) on a rest day less than 24 hours after Fridays workout.

Ok here is the mystery this time (seems my last couple bloods have not been very strait forward and it is frustrating):
  1. I am only pinning 60 mg Test-E each week.
  2. I take 200-250 iu HCG MWF (about 600 iu each week).
  3. Only using 12.5 mg Aromasin 3x a week (37.5 mg a week).
TT is >1500! and E2 only 10 ??? what the fuck? not possible; I know my body and if I was taking that much test with HCG then my E2 would be 70 on this modest AI protocol.

same weird result as we saw on my EQ based cruise:
RT's mixed compound cruising experiments

In the past on TRT 100mg a week test and 500iu hcg a week my TT was only 800-900 range and I had a hard time avoiding E2 issues even with Adex 1mg a week min.

Also consider this mystery -- if my "deca" or "EQ" were Test (not saying they are as they both had good AnabolicLabs results, LabMaxs looked decent, and Frank really has been standing behind products with his willingness to ship to Simec) how do I understand these points:
  • If my TT is this high, how is my E2 so low when all of my past cycle and cruise history has a well established issues with skyrocking E2? (this is why I ran low test and used EQ and Deca -- less aromatization).
  • There is no way the HCG could account for >1500 TT. I have used this same exact brand HCG from the same order before and it raised my cruising TT by 100 or so points.
  • My lack of sides, less acne, no gyno, no bloating (everything has been going well) would be more consistent with the milder EQ as opposed to Test.
  • Finally, I will report that I have NOT been have any crazy sex drive or morning wood -- actually its been too low and I wish it was a little better so I was expecting super low TT and even worse E2 numbers. If I had been running 600mg+ test a week -- I would be a sexual tyrannosaurus.
I am at a loss for an explanation :mad:
Is it possible the EQ shows as TT on the labs?
The source will offer HPCL and I respect his willingness, but I do NOT want to send anything to Simec -- I did that enough times recently and it has me scared as fuck bringing gear to the post office so many times; I just do not feel like rolling those dice again right now.

I am happy with how I feel and my other numbers! Please tell me what you think of it all.

Thanks brothers.

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16-MAR-2016 (Week-4: Wednesday)

Weighed in at 199 lb

Was not feeling well today – just felt like I ate something bad or something was making me feel ill.

Warmed up with a couple minutes on a bike.
Cable internal and external rotations (rotator cuff).
Light-weight leg extensions
Light-weight standing leg curls
Leg Abductor and Adductor Machines

ramp sets: 135, 225,
245 lb x5

Standing Overhead Press:
Ramp sets: 45, 65, 95, 115, 135,
140 lb x5
140 lb x5
140 lb x6 F

Brutal Pullups (neutral grip extremely wide):
BW x10
BW x10 NF
BW x9 F
BW x6 F

Chest Supported DB Reverse flys (rear delts):
Ramp: 15s, 20s,
25s x10
25s x10 F

DB Side Laterals:
20s x10
20s x10 NF
20s x10 F
BPC157 (from "AV") 500 mcg in front delts each night after dinner to try to reduce some of the upper bicep tendon tendinitis.

Just going to do it until one vial runs out (I only have 4 left) and see if it helps a little.
BPC157 (from "AV") 500 mcg in front delts each night after dinner to try to reduce some of the upper bicep tendon tendinitis.

Just going to do it until one vial runs out (I only have 4 left) and see if it helps a little.

I just ordered some from the same place this week for my knee. I've been doing a ton of reading over there lately and I'm hoping for some relief.


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