SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info

Buddy of mine complained of night blindness with S4 I believe? Messing with vision can not be a good thing and has kept my clear of those. Not enough research for me at this point. Just my 2 cents. We got some professionals here who if take advice over mine!!
S4 is known to cause some vision sides, i avoid it too. although they do go away after you stop it and if lower dose it is minimal, but still.. personally not a fan of that one
Re: SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

As I said, do not listen to this joker in the least. He is so FOS. I would even guess he is not a BB, but a troll. SARMs are not liver toxic!!! In this study THREE [3] MG cause liver harm. But, Juced used 50 MG QD [>16X]! WoW, he has a magic liver. It is too too easy to bust his BS.

It seems likely that ostarine, like 17alpha-methyl steroids, causes some amount of liver damage. At the 3 [THREE] MG dose, the concentration of the enzyme alanine-aminotransferase [ALT] rose in twenty percent of the subjects. A high ALT level can indicate liver damage.

Dalton J, Barnette K, Bohl C, et al. The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2011;2(3):153-61. The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial - Springer
yes they are now found to be liver toxic, wen i made this there was not as much of this info flying around. atleast I can admit when i may be wrong or OUT OF DATE.
still not as toxic as pretty much most other aas oral though.
Felt lIke crap on osta, but felt awesome on GW
did you use anyform of testosterone base with it? I found even just an hrt type dose of test and the osta to be a nice combo. I felt fine, though not everyone is the same ofcourse. just curious what else you ran with it.

GW i didnt notice much of anything to be honest but i didnt use it very long and likely wont use it again..
did you use anyform of testosterone base with it? I found even just an hrt type dose of test and the osta to be a nice combo. I felt fine, though not everyone is the same ofcourse. just curious what else you ran with it.

GW i didnt notice much of anything to be honest but i didnt use it very long and likely wont use it again..

Nothing but the sarm. I took ostarine at 33mg I believe and GW at 30mg.
If it works for you man awesome, but I can't say I will be using them again, especially being that a cycle of SARMS and a cycle of any AAS runs about the same.
Nothing but the sarm. I took ostarine at 33mg I believe and GW at 30mg.
If it works for you man awesome, but I can't say I will be using them again, especially being that a cycle of SARMS and a cycle of any AAS runs about the same.
ahh. well if you do ever use it i would rec it in place of maybe a more toxic oral in cycle. like first 4 or 6 weeks in a cycle of AAS.
not a fan of running it alone tbh.
sponsor here has it at decent price, but im not sure what you pay for your cycles but i would assume its still worth considering in place of an aas oral.
for me i mostly just do test cycles with a little deca nowadays personally. : )
ahh. well if you do ever use it i would rec it in place of maybe a more toxic oral in cycle. like first 4 or 6 weeks in a cycle of AAS.
not a fan of running it alone tbh.
sponsor here has it at decent price, but im not sure what you pay for your cycles but i would assume its still worth considering in place of an aas oral.
for me i mostly just do test cycles with a little deca nowadays personally. : )

Yeah I don't do orals. Test and mast is my favorite so far.
My biggest thing is time with SARMs. We have been using most AAS compounds for quite some time now, and have a pretty good understanding of their risks, effects, etc. SARMs, not so much. Other than legality, why subject yourself to a potentially riskier and less potent substitute to AAS?
My biggest thing is time with SARMs. We have been using most AAS compounds for quite some time now, and have a pretty good understanding of their risks, effects, etc. SARMs, not so much. Other than legality, why subject yourself to a potentially riskier and less potent substitute to AAS?

Im in a similar place as you re Sarms. I think there is still too much unknown. I do think there is some promise and see some benefits. Ironically the main benefit isnt the one that companies wrongly push when marketing sarms. They are marketed as not shutting you down or minimal HPTA impact but the fact is that has been proven NOT to be the case. They do in fact shut you down. The main benefits I am seeing is some of them are as potent as some of the orals we use but they do offer a reduced hepatic impact and a reduced impact on cholesterol as well as a couple other sides.
Much like juced said if they have a place for us I feel that it is in an aas stack to reduce some of thee unwanted sides i just mentioned while still offering similar anabolic benefit. The issue for me is as you i wanna be the guinea pig?
I finished my 4 week run with Ostarine almost two weeks ago. I really liked the results. Next time I will be running it for 8 weeks along with Test.

I agree with one of the above posters that SARMS could be used as a replacement for more toxic orals during cycles. This compounds are suppressive so I would not suggest using them alone.

I may add LGD for the last 4 weeks of my current cycle leading up to PCT. Will definitely log the results.
yeah but this guy and a few others from evo ( i just found out ntbm is evo, i hevent been there in years lol) is a tool.
I deff wouldent be posting these picks to push sarms.. maybe a fatloss product that works a little to well?

anyways i agree with the above posts it has its place, but nothings perfect.
ohh and teste and maste are one of my faves. the other is teste with a little deca. im good till the end of times with those options. ill prob use sarm in place of oral in a cut or what not. but never forget the basics we know to work and work well ( with the right diet and training)