Self phlebotomy

On the Red Cross website they had a blurb that considered 3 or more donations for a male considered "frequent". They recommended frequent donors take iron supplements.

It's smart that you monitor your own bloods.

Got to, i don't have a doctor and i blast and cruise. I get lipids and everything else a couple times a year and then just standard bloods a couple times a year. The full iron count was only like $50 extra. Definitely worth a look if you donate often. Best to go about this lifestyle as safely as possible.
I was getting fatigue and rapid heart rate and other symptoms and got some bloods that included iron last month. Been taking 2-4 27mg ferritin pills and it's got me feeling better right away. Gonna get more bloods in a couple months to see where I'm at. Just trying to find the right balance of donations and iron supplementation.

Hit me on PM, I have a few tips to share if you're interested.

I've recently found it's easier without the hose. Just a barrel without the plunger and an 18g 1" tip. Flows faster. Unless there's some medical reason for having the tubing. Let me just say I have zero medical training. I'm just a guy that's not eligible to donate that had to take things into my his own hands. I don't use a tourniquet either, but my veins are pretty big.

Anyway, be safe, everyone. Get someone to supervise and don't do it unless you need to. And get bloodwork. End disclaimer.
Why not just donate as often as needed?
As long as you go to different places everytime, they don't cross-check how long ago you donated.
I got a home phlebotomy kit off of amazon to check mine. When high my wife whose also in the medical field does it for me. We know how high into the large salad bowl 2 pints is (via a measuring cup filled with water) and that's usually our goal.

For weight lifters with calluses the needle stylettes in the home phlebotomy kit won't even scratch your skin. You'll need to get separate steel stylets to get an adequate blood droplet.

Good luck!
My hemoglobin was 18.1 last time I donated so I know I'm still on the high side by the redness of my skin/Face lethargy not wanting to move much sweating easily an tired
I have never been turned away from donating because of high RBC hemoglobin .. but most people do it this way because red cross will only let u donate every 56 days so when your on a heavy cycle and know what the symptoms of high RBC feel like to you.. you need to take things into your own hands to feel better .. but I still go to Red Cross to get a free RBC count done lol
I'll say it again in this thread, I passed out once donating blood, had I been doing it by myself I would have bled out and died.
GL guys, use supervision.

I have never been turned away from donating because of high RBC hemoglobin .. but most people do it this way because red cross will only let u donate every 56 days so when your on a heavy cycle and know what the symptoms of high RBC feel like to you.. you need to take things into your own hands to feel better .. but I still go to Red Cross to get a free RBC count done lol

I just really cant take off work to donate so Im interested in these methods.
So wny not an hospital?
They always need flesh blood I've heard, and they are open 24/7
You shouldn't allow your RBC to skyrocket, not only it prevents you from donating but it can be quite dangerous to your health. So get bloods more often with hard cycles.

You guys are one hard-core motherfuckers! Shit, I wouldn't dream of doing myself!! What's next, self-gyno surgery! LOL!!!
I ran into the frequent donation/amenic issue in 2015. Shit sucked! Iron supplements and my beloved red meat helped resolved the issue. Now I'll only supplement iron for a week or so after the donation. Seems to do the trick.
How much Fe (iron) a day will you take for the week after and what type? Any thoughts of supplimenting before donating/blood letting?
Also, do some people just not have this issue or pretty much anyone who blast and cruises will have this issue? Wondering if anyone's body just adapts naturally....
How much Fe (iron) a day will you take for the week after and what type? Any thoughts of supplimenting before donating/blood letting?

I supplement 18mg per day in addition to eating more red meat. I try not to overdue it, simply eliminating the symptoms (fatigue, feeling cold especially extremities etc...). Once my symptoms are manageable, I drop the iron supplement.

I wouldn't supplement before donating. Hematocrit is high enough from the use of test. Remember, it's the frequent donations that opens the doorway for anemia. So anyone that donates blood frequently (more than 3 times per year) can possibly have an issue.
Had another question that I thought you may have experience with.

Do you feel that your red blood cell/hematocrit goes up when on other anabolics other than test? Such as tren, npp in you keep Test low and add another compound.

Also, how often will you blood let on a blast?

Thanks for any feedback.
Had another question that I thought you may have experience with.

Do you feel that your red blood cell/hematocrit goes up when on other anabolics other than test? Such as tren, npp in you keep Test low and add another compound.

Also, how often will you blood let on a blast?

Thanks for any feedback.

From what I've read tren and deca are worse on RBC than test. EQ and anadrol, too.