Sema/Thriz/Reta choices


New Member
Currently I’m on Sema, up to 1.25mg/week and have been losing an average of 1lb/week or less. I started at a medspa, just shifted to Skye and now researching China direct. My inflammation can vary widely so the scale jumps all over the place. Sema has helped with inflammation and I’m looking into running BPC/TB for. 6-8 week protocol to see if it helps more and than a series of Thymosin Alpha 1 after that.

My question is with the lower pricing of China direct Tirz/Reta is more affordable so it has become and option. Sema makes me SO tired and I feel like some weeks it works really well and other weeks not as much. If you were to change what would you choose? I’ve researched all of them pretty extensively so I know the pro/cons but looking for people who have switched and what they liked or don’t like.
Funny thing about Phentermine, it did nothing for my appetite but was a cool buz.

My primary doc said I was obese according to the BMI chart. So I told him to give me some sema (my wife wanted it so I figured I could get it for free). He told me to come in and see him. Well he was busy so I saw a female doc, when she walked in she gave a "What the fuck are you doing here look". She said she expected to see a obese guy not me. She actually called me vain. LOL. I told her It isn't me it the doc so to slow her name calling ass down. Anyway, she said no on the sema because they can only give to to diabetics so Phentermine it is. She says I need to get my heart and liver checked because Phentermine kills people. Sema, not one death.

While rare, docs can still prescribe straight up Methamphetamine (Desoxyn) for obesity, ADHD as well. Saw a NP over on Reddit discussing it not too long ago. Though the duration they will keep you on it is short and you need to be both especially fat and you need to have failed other previous medical interventions.

I had never heard of such a thing, so it blew my mind to read about it. Giving fat people Meth sounds like a fucking Onion headline. I would think bariatric surgery or just about anything would be a better option than meth for the perpetually obese.
Compounds reconstituted with sterile water are supposed to be used immediately. Never use sterile water unless you're using the entire vial at once.

What if i had used BAC water but then separated a big vial into a few smaller ones and those small vials would maybe sit in the fridge for 3 or 4 weeks.
Even though it was BAC water would there be a big risk of bacteria forming because it sat there longer?
What if i had used BAC water but then separated a big vial into a few smaller ones and those small vials would maybe sit in the fridge for 3 or 4 weeks.
Even though it was BAC water would there be a big risk of bacteria forming because it sat there longer?

No. Once your compound is reconstituted with BAC, there's really no longer a concern about bacteria growing. BAC doesn't kill existing bacteria, however, it stops them from reproducing (that why it's Bacterio "static", ie, "standing still").

That remaining bacteria can, over time, degrade the peptide. Other factors will also break the peptide chain down over time as well. How long this takes depends on the stability of the peptide, temperature, exposure to light, excipients used (the peptide is only the size of a few grains of sand, the "filler" recipe is an important difference between UGL and Pharma), PH etc.

So TLDR there's no way to know how quickly it'll degrade. Some last for years in the refrigerator with less than 1% lost, others degrade significantly after 30 days.

What you can do is apply some rules to minimize degradation.

Dilute your compound to at least the same ratio as the pharma version is, or more, but never less. This can be established by looking at the packaging, FDA documents, or the clinical trials. IE, .5mg dose in .75ml water.

When dividing your reconstituted peptide into sterile vials (which will minimize introduction of bacteria from repeatedly piercing the same vial many times), use a .2 or .22ul uncharged PES syringe filter. This will sterilize the peptide, eliminating (almost) all remaining bacteria.

Practice disciplined vial hygiene. Always wipe top with alcohol swab and allow to dry.

Don't mix compounds.

Don't move your syringe from the compound vial back to the BAC vial for more water, which will contaminate the BAC vial with some peptide. Use another syringe, or just use a larger one to get all the water your require in one transfer.

Obviously keep as cold as possible, without freezing, out of light.

Minimize agitation of the vial (this was "disproven", but that was based on the wrong assumption of how that damaged peptides, and it DOES contribute to degradation, just not the way it was thought to). Don't store in a refridgerated drawer that will be moved back and forth, for example.

Pharma reconstituted Sema and Tirz last for TWO years in their pens, under refrigeration, using essentially the same ingredients we do. But that's done under perfect conditions, including radiation sterilizing the liquid after it's in sealed cartridges, ensuring a perfect PH, using container materials (unlike the garbage vials and stoppers we use) that doesn't contribute to degradation.
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Realizing I have made an error on my last tirz order. lol Currently at 3mg doses which is 30 units (10mg bottle 1ml bac) and feels like a lot to me. I should have bought bigger mg bottles so I could have smaller injections as I move up. Seeing the posts about 10mg dosages made me stop and do a calculation and thought whoops screwed that one up. Going to need some bigger syringes.
Realizing I have made an error on my last tirz order. lol Currently at 3mg doses which is 30 units (10mg bottle 1ml bac) and feels like a lot to me. I should have bought bigger mg bottles so I could have smaller injections as I move up. Seeing the posts about 10mg dosages made me stop and do a calculation and thought whoops screwed that one up. Going to need some bigger syringes.

At 3mg it should
Realizing I have made an error on my last tirz order. lol Currently at 3mg doses which is 30 units (10mg bottle 1ml bac) and feels like a lot to me. I should have bought bigger mg bottles so I could have smaller injections as I move up. Seeing the posts about 10mg dosages made me stop and do a calculation and thought whoops screwed that one up. Going to need some bigger syringes.

Ideally each dose would be diluted to .5ml, up to 10mg, then .75ml for doses above 10 up to 15.

More importantly, and I personally see this as crucial to maintaining effectiveness of the drug. Never use less than .5ml to dilute a 10mg vial, or .75mg for a 15mg vial, or 1.5ml for a 30mg vial of Tirz.
At 3mg it should

Ideally each dose would be diluted to .5ml, up to 10mg, then .75ml for doses above 10 up to 15.

More importantly, and I personally see this as crucial to maintaining effectiveness of the drug. Never use less than .5ml to dilute a 10mg vial, or .75mg for a 15mg vial, or 1.5ml for a 30mg vial of Tirz.
I have kind of wondered about this, the lowest I see people talk about is 1ml. I figured at some point you can't go too low without it being too concentrated. Might try .5ml on the next vial. I am thinking I need to bump up my dose to the full 5mg but may do split week doses which would keep the amounts smaller anyway.
I have kind of wondered about this, the lowest I see people talk about is 1ml. I figured at some point you can't go too low without it being too concentrated. Might try .5ml on the next vial. I am thinking I need to bump up my dose to the full 5mg but may do split week doses which would keep the amounts smaller anyway.

The volume of each individual injection determines the timing of the drug uptake and speed at which it travels through your body. So .5ml was determined to be ideal for all doses up to and including 10mg. Then .75ml for the 12.5mg and 15mg doses. More concentrated than that will speed uptake and clearance, more dilute will slow it.

But more critically, too high a concentration in the vial, lower than .5ml for 10mg vials (like if you were on a 10mg dose and just wanted to inject .it all in 25ml for convenience), promotes the formation of anti-drug antibodies that reduce the effectiveness of it, potentially for a very long time, or permanently even.

This is why I think we're seeing so many people having to go to wildly high doses, switch compounds, or combine, when tens of thousands of people getting perfectly formulated pharma in the trials don't have these issues. and nearly all reach goal weight without a problem, and the latest data shows 3 years later it's still working fine without loss of effectiveness.

This is only an "insignificant" issue in our world. It's not like the drug's inventors feel any need to communicate this to the end user public, why would they? It's not an issue when you pick up your ready to use peptide at the drug store, but it's huge to everyone involved in designing and legitimately making and approving these peptides.

From the manual the Euro version of the FDA supplies peptide developers:



You know what's an even worse potential outcome? There's increasing evidence of cross resistance to natural hormones. This happens with GH and a major area of concern that's constantly monitored for people on pharma HGH and why it's so tightly restricted despite being a good treatment for many health issues. The effects of increasing immunity to your own, natural growth hormone are very bad.
The volume of each individual injection determines the timing of the drug uptake and speed at which it travels through your body. So .5ml was determined to be ideal for all doses up to and including 10mg. Then .75ml for the 12.5mg and 15mg doses. More concentrated than that will speed uptake and clearance, more dilute will slow it.

But more critically, too high a concentration in the vial, lower than .5ml for 10mg vials (like if you were on a 10mg dose and just wanted to inject .it all in 25ml for convenience), promotes the formation of anti-drug antibodies that reduce the effectiveness of it, potentially for a very long time, or permanently even.

This is why I think we're seeing so many people having to go to wildly high doses, switch compounds, or combine, when tens of thousands of people getting perfectly formulated pharma in the trials don't have these issues. and nearly all reach goal weight without a problem, and the latest data shows 3 years later it's still working fine without loss of effectiveness.
I will try the .5ml for my next 10mg vial and see how it goes. Reading over that info I can see where the split dose week works well for so many, they have added too much BAC and have fast absorption that doesn't last for the entire week. My Reta vials are only 5mg so I will make sure to use .5ml for those.
I will try the .5ml for my next 10mg vial and see how it goes. Reading over that info I can see where the split dose week works well for so many, they have added too much BAC and have fast absorption that doesn't last for the entire week. My Reta vials are only 5mg so I will make sure to use .5ml for those.

I'll just TLDR this. The pharma protocol works for 99% of patients. In the PED world, perhaps not as fast as they'd like, or tweaked to perfection in their mind, but a good rule of thumb is there's a LOT more factors that go into this than they appreciate when "I've got a better way" pops into their head, like changing frequency.

Messing with steroid protocols is like playing with crayons by comparison. This is like tinkering with a jet engine using a screwdriver and a hammer.

Stick as closely as possible to the pharma protocol, the dose levels, the intervals, the dose volumes and be in the 99% that succeed without issue, even with hundreds of pounds to lose.

Or, think you know better, and get a slightly better outcome in the short term, and wonder why you end up as one of these disasters that seem to invariably have to resort to stacking three compounds, with many injections, and hoping the next new pre-approval weight loss peptide shows up on QSCs list because, damn it, this shit's starting to "not work" too and that 10 pounds you set out to drop is creeping back on.

Just stick with what's working for the 99%.
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