The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

Waaaaatttteeeerrrr it's absolutely impossible to lose anything but water that quickly.
Yes, no clue why it happened. I would’ve thought it was an error with my scale if my physical appearance didn’t change so dramatically. I’ve dropped 3 lbs overnight before, but 5 is a little wild. It seems someone I know does have Covid, maybe I got it too.
Gonna throw this out there, but around this time each year, my body sheds a lot of water weight, which I will see as a sudden and significant drop on the scale of "wtf" proportions. My best guess is a seasonal thing, due to the decreasing temperatures. I sweat a lot during the warmer months, and I'm thinking my body is just getting rid of the extra it no longer needs since it's entering the colder months.