Thank you! I’ll look into those, I take aromasin for e2, same issue as nolva? I figured 2iu would be pointless, since my body should produce at least that much naturally.Bro when u run DNP, it is very important to make sure you take at least 3g of vitC daily. The fact that you are overweight also means that you will be aromatising a much higher levels than others. I suggest you look into dim and calcium d-glutarate the two go hand in hand. Because if you use nolva you will still have all that estrogen circulating in your system that you don't want there that can bit you in the ass when you least expect it. Vitamin E too. The hgh is going to boost PRL, which is also part of the reason for the puffiness. The more I read the more I want to shake you. I commend you on your progress. However, I feel that you have just been experimenting on yourself like you are some crash test dummy. You know that you may not have any serious consequences as of yet, but sometimes
Im curious why are you so concerned, at least you know it's only fluids, unless the GH is giving you other issues. Why cut it all the way out just drop it to 2iu b4 bed. I've never personally gained that much water on anything, but I'm guessing that your body probably needed the fluids.
I definitely am experimenting on myself. I have a genuine curiosity for how PEDs can be used to enhance weight loss. I think it’s remarkable: I’ll have completed a 1-year transformation that would take most people 4 years. That’s amazing! That’s 3 years of my youth added to my life. That has to count for something.