To loosen up your hips some, try hanging from a 200lb resistance hand choked off on a pull up bar or power rack. Put the band right around your hips and invert upside down.
as @Perrin Aybara said. i do notice a dip in strength after coming off. that mostly could be because the last two times i used tren i was peaking for a meet. and there will be a small drop off from that also. learn from our expeince, do not fail reps in training. erase your mind about failing reps and pay attention to what your body is telling you that day, during that lift. fuck the weight. some days you will feel off. dont over exert on those days.
and to further compound on what @Docd187123 is suggesting, and POB will suggest too...
i give you a video from the man, the myth, the messiah....Super D!
do this damn near every session. when i forget to do it, i notice a difference for sure. only takes me about 5 minutes, but helps out a shit ton
I have seen some vids on Super D's lower back Protocol. Do you guys do this solo? Or do you have a partner assist you?