Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

So far I’ve used the MT-2 peptide and it feels nothing like the other brands I’ve been using for almost a year that got me both tanned and hard. I upped the dose and it feels “somewhat” ok so gonna say it may be severely underdosed.
The winstrol in oil I got is horrible . Smells really bad and the pip is unbearable . Used it for a week and could barely walk after rotating injection sites every day . At day 7 I felt sick and got a temperature . I tossed it .
Now I started their 10iu HGH a few days ago but don’t know how that’s supposed to make me feel cause it’s my first time using it .
I gotta say I’m really disappointed . I had high hopes for this company but feels like the cheap prices go hand in hand with garbage products . I might bite the bullet and have this shit tested , but def doesn’t feel right
Which other Melanotans have you tried? Just curious
I will still give this a chance. One guy thinks if this doesn't have a pharmaname it must be fake. Gangbang is doing it for the first time so.

QSC gh just tested at 96% so it would be not that much of a difference for me anyway.
Yes by all means don’t just go off my word - I only offer my experience anecdotally and it shouldn’t be taken as fact or anything. Maybe I’m way off and this type of hgh has no sides.

That said, do you think you’d notice if you took 10iu at once or do you think it’s possible one could very well have no sides at all at that amount?
No clue - pct24x7 does. So does Turkish pharmacy. Goodlyfe had generic but it was good and worked. No idea where it was sourced from. Sigma just said it was Shangtropin or something.
its generic doesnt matter..real pharma hgh is 8-10x in price..
No clue - pct24x7 does. So does Turkish pharmacy. Goodlyfe had generic but it was good and worked. No idea where it was sourced from. Sigma just said it was Shangtropin or something.
My dude, yes of course the two pharma sources you mentioned carry pharma HGH.

Anything that is UGL, unless they state they have a pharma product, is not going to be pharma. It’s generic.

I could obtain generics and name them SupermegaawesombestGHtropin if I wanted.
So my hgh 10iu is likely fake. I haven’t had it tested but I know exactly what pharmaceutical genotropin and goodlyfe Gh does. I prefer 1 to 1.5 iu to avoid sides.

I began this with 2iu thinking I could for sure feel that - nothing. Tried it 4 more times at 2iu - nothing. Said screw it, dosed the entire 10iu into one shot.

Look, I would never get on here and complain based on feelz but if you can’t feel anything at 10iu, is there any possible way it’s not bunk? I just finished my last of goodlyfe gh a few days before this came in, so it’s not like I forgot what it’s like.

I’ve done 4iu before and regretted it the next day due to my hands aching and tingling. So I don’t even think this shit is underdosed - it’s simply not hgh. And another thing - it’s just advertised as hgh on the spreadsheet. What kind of hgh is this anyway?

Hey sigma - what’s your policy if we have it tested and its bunk? Refund plus a new kit ?

I hope I’m wrong I really do. I really really wanted sigma to be almost as good as xce. Their cerebrolysin seems good but I have no way to know for sure. The reta seems underdosed but I won’t complain about that bc it does work - just not as effective as xce’s.
feels reports mean almost nothing (noticed i said almost). get it tested thats the only way to know. trying to gauge HGH by feels on 2iu is almost impossible even when comparing something to it that you feel heavy sides on 2iu. i dont feel shit at 2iu of sero's or any generics. also if i did just one injection at 10iu i likely wouldnt feel it unless i ran 10iu for a few days. get it tested and know for sure
Yes by all means don’t just go off my word - I only offer my experience anecdotally and it shouldn’t be taken as fact or anything. Maybe I’m way off and this type of hgh has no sides.

That said, do you think you’d notice if you took 10iu at once or do you think it’s possible one could very well have no sides at all at that amount?
I get zero sides from 10iu a day of generics. That is not a way to tell if it is real. ESPECIALLY after one 10iu pin. I’ve been on 10iu for 5 months now and have no appreciable sides to speak of.
I get zero sides from 10iu a day of generics. That is not a way to tell if it is real. ESPECIALLY after one 10iu pin. I’ve been on 10iu for 5 months now and have no appreciable sides to speak of.
I Agree, first month started at 4iu, following month 5iu and 3rd month 8iu been like that for 6 months on QSC rHGH no sides whatsover.
If people expect sides just to be sure its real then HGH isnt your thing.. Because Id rather not have sides on anything..
I also measured my IGF levels before I started.
Yes by all means don’t just go off my word - I only offer my experience anecdotally and it shouldn’t be taken as fact or anything. Maybe I’m way off and this type of hgh has no sides.

That said, do you think you’d notice if you took 10iu at once or do you think it’s possible one could very well have no sides at all at that amount?
Maybe try 20iu and if you still don’t feel anything or have any sides send it off for testing? That’s a lot tho I’m not sure your tolerance but 6iu will have me pretty lethargic and get numbness etc.
I just ordered a 15iu kit so when it arrives will give an update on how it feels.
It’s definitely possible to not have sides at 10iu tho especially if you’re body’s used to higher doses of gh but it is kinda odd you felt nothing cause when I take a break from hgh then start again at even 2iu it’s noticeable.
So my hgh 10iu is likely fake. I haven’t had it tested but I know exactly what pharmaceutical genotropin and goodlyfe Gh does. I prefer 1 to 1.5 iu to avoid sides.

I began this with 2iu thinking I could for sure feel that - nothing. Tried it 4 more times at 2iu - nothing. Said screw it, dosed the entire 10iu into one shot.

Look, I would never get on here and complain based on feelz but if you can’t feel anything at 10iu, is there any possible way it’s not bunk? I just finished my last of goodlyfe gh a few days before this came in, so it’s not like I forgot what it’s like.

I’ve done 4iu before and regretted it the next day due to my hands aching and tingling. So I don’t even think this shit is underdosed - it’s simply not hgh. And another thing - it’s just advertised as hgh on the spreadsheet. What kind of hgh is this anyway?

Hey sigma - what’s your policy if we have it tested and its bunk? Refund plus a new kit ?

I hope I’m wrong I really do. I really really wanted sigma to be almost as good as xce. Their cerebrolysin seems good but I have no way to know for sure. The reta seems underdosed but I won’t complain about that bc it does work - just not as effective as xce’s.
What a ridiculously stupid comment. You think it's fake because you aren't getting horrible CTS in one week of usage? All while asking "what type of hgh this is" - Good lord.

This forum never ceases to top the previous retardation
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I bought 20 boxes of gh they only sent 2... they also sent everything without labels. I'm waiting for them to resolve it! Pay attention!!!
I bought 20 boxes of gh they only sent 2... they also sent everything without labels. I'm waiting for them to resolve it! Pay attention!!!
They’re drop shippers, this is the major problem with them- they have no control over when things go wrong. Good luck getting it sorted out
What a ridiculously stupid comment. You think it's fake because you aren't getting horrible CTS in one week of usage? All while asking "what type of hgh this is" - Good lord.

This forum never ceases to top the previous retardation
Bruh I’ve made numerous statements advising people to take my anecdote for what it was. I don’t believe in feellz but I’ve also been doing gh for years and this is the first time I’ve been able to do 10iu without ANY SIDES. I always get sides no matter what dose I take, they’re noticeable.

I can’t be the only one experiencing this with Gh. And further, with a business this new, I think it’s ok to go off suspicions until they are shown to not be scammers. Looking thru this thread any normal person would be skeptical of what initial reports are suggesting.

And tf you doing here with a new account if you’re so informed?
Maybe try 20iu and if you still don’t feel anything or have any sides send it off for testing? That’s a lot tho I’m not sure your tolerance but 6iu will have me pretty lethargic and get numbness etc.
I just ordered a 15iu kit so when it arrives will give an update on how it feels.
It’s definitely possible to not have sides at 10iu tho especially if you’re body’s used to higher doses of gh but it is kinda odd you felt nothing cause when I take a break from hgh then start again at even 2iu it’s noticeable.
That’s all I’m saying. I have had a familiar reaction to gh every time except for this time. I very well could be wrong and I hope that will end up the case. Until then, I am simply posting my experience of a new company’s product - with plenty of warnings downplaying the accuracy of my speculations.

Personally if I saw a few dudes saying similar things about an unknown company’s product, it might change my order size bc I’d have to reevaluate my risk. Just one guy by himself - I woulld roll the dice undeterred.

This is why I made the statement in the first place - one guy on here said MT2 didn’t work. I’ve done my fair share of MT2 and the sides are instant and extremely noticeable. After I saw his report I thought the members here would be better off if I offered my suspicions than if I didn’t.
Yes by all means don’t just go off my word - I only offer my experience anecdotally and it shouldn’t be taken as fact or anything. Maybe I’m way off and this type of hgh has no sides.

That said, do you think you’d notice if you took 10iu at once or do you think it’s possible one could very well have no sides at all at that amount?
I have been taking 12iu a day for a few months.. no sides..I use qsc and opti greytops neither gives me sides..
That’s all I’m saying. I have had a familiar reaction to gh every time except for this time. I very well could be wrong and I hope that will end up the case. Until then, I am simply posting my experience of a new company’s product - with plenty of warnings downplaying the accuracy of my speculations.

Personally if I saw a few dudes saying similar things about an unknown company’s product, it might change my order size bc I’d have to reevaluate my risk. Just one guy by himself - I woulld roll the dice undeterred.

This is why I made the statement in the first place - one guy on here said MT2 didn’t work. I’ve done my fair share of MT2 and the sides are instant and extremely noticeable. After I saw his report I thought the members here would be better off if I offered my suspicions than if I didn’t.
Why order from them then?