[SOURCE] Canadian Domestic Anabolics Introduction


Pareto Mast P...
149 MG/ML, Random test done. Label Claim 150 MG/ML

No words this is proof.. Where is yours?
Your turn...

@CDNDA won't post any lab results regarding his products because apparently it's going to compromise his whole operation.

So my counter argument would be, why not post the hard copy of the results and just blur out any personal or sensitive information?

But he's going to make up some exaggerated excuse claiming that the file can be decrypted through special computer software blah blah blah blah.

We don't care for names, addresses or phone numbers. We want results, especially after you claimed that a lot of the "popular" labs have under dosed and fake/mislabeled products.
@CDNDA won't post any lab results regarding his products because apparently it's going to compromise his whole operation.

So my counter argument would be, why not post the hard copy of the results and just blur out any personal or sensitive information?...

Or print a hard copy then grab a pair of scissors and cut out any personal info then re-scan and post.

Pareto Mast P...
149 MG/ML, Random test done. Label Claim 150 MG/ML

No words this is proof.. Where is yours?
Your turn...

No no no no no, it's under-dosed and winny, cmon! Plus he wants me to personally prove it but he blocked me because I am a trying to show everyone he's full of shit....
I know I know, but we as a collective group need to solidify this so as to help ensure that when newbs or anyone else for that matter read threads like this they will look elsewhere to find a more solid and reliable source. At the end of the day you have to remember this source now has Qings personal info and if this source is out there calling Qing the rat and wants to be vindictive, then who knows what he's capable of.
This thread and all the other failed source threads should stand as examples as to who one should not purchase off. If this ass clown keeps posting, I'll keep posting until he goes away, plain and simple.
That's alright... I'm probably blocked now calling him out for results.

I was looking for this source to succeed, but he proved how stupid he is by his comments. Some things are just bullshit and should learn how to run a business.
Actually, yes. Maybe you need to spend some time in the PL forum.. Plenty of mofos that would probably smoke you friend..

My training partner outweighs me by 70 lbs lean.. And can't keep up...

Squat and DL 500's, BP-350....let me know when you get close.. Love walking up beside guys like you in the gym who think they're the man... I see you struggle with a weight and then I'll grab the same weight and kill it easy..

Fuck bro, I train 2 women who weigh 150 and squat close to 400...welcome to reality

BTW... I'm probably old enough to be your daddy... Show some respect... That's gotta hurt when an old man can wreck you in the gym... Damn...

Its ok..you'll get there...
Those are very respectable numbers sir! I too am not getting any younger so I don’t push to lift the heavy ass weights from my younger days as much. I still have those “Superman” days when I feel invincible, but they are getting farther between .
Thanks for your response. I've tested many of the current ugl offerings. Many are underdosed or simply test P or winny.

I'm offering high quality products at half the price of most other labs. People can choose to buy or not. I brew for myself and will continue to do so. If no one buys then I'll simply use it myself. No big deal.

I haven't read one complaint on the quality of my offerings. So I'll continue to produce high quality offerings for those seeking to pay much less than the current major players.
And which under dosed ugl's tested low then in your book?
Had to laugh at that too... Don't like what someone's saying, make a personal attack.. Lol

I'm sitting at 188 right now and consistently train circles around the "big guys"... Size doesn't mean shit... But if it makes cocky @Mr.Perfect feel better about himself, since you know, he's been here all of 2 months...

Those with the biggest mouths have the most to prove...
Haha yep... That's about my weight at over 6ft...I still gotta be able to play sports for fuck sake... A guy can be a ripped lean mother fucking 180 and look better than a bloated 220er...See it all the time
Haha yep... That's about my weight at over 6ft...I still gotta be able to play sports for fuck sake... A guy can be a ripped lean mother fucking 180 and look better than a bloated 220er...See it all the time

I'm 6'1"/215lbs around 15%bf and sexyas FUCK lol. I look back to when i was 180 and immediately hit the gym ;)
I'm 6'1"/215lbs around 15%bf and sexyas FUCK lol. I look back to when i was 180 and immediately hit the gym ;)
Ya I wouldn't mind tossing on 10-12lb but I need to maintain my speed and lower bf% levels to keep playing my level of hockey.. The bigger dudes are always slow AF
Haha ...of course this must be true! Anyone can pretty mich state anything and refuse to back it up. When buying AAS do your detective work and trust your instincts first! If it seems to good to be true....it usually is!
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Canadian Domestic Anabolics

Everything back in stock! Any questions feel free to contact me.

At this time I am only offering a small assortment of products. This will change in time. More products will be added fairly frequently. However at no time will I offer products I cannot stand behind.

If I am ever out of something I will let you know and will not accept payment for items I do not have. At the end of the day we all want what we pay for. Not some song and dance from a greedy source.

Current Product List Dec/2017


⦁ Test E 250mg/mL $40
⦁ Test C 200mg/ML $40
⦁ Test P 100mg/mL $30
⦁ tren A 100mg/mL $50
⦁ Mast P 100mg/mL $50
⦁ EQ 200mg/mL $50
⦁ NPP 100mg/mL $40


Anadrol 25mg x 50 $50
Anavar 10mg x50. $50
Dbol. 10mg x50 $30
Nolva 10mg x50. $25
Clomid. 25mg x50. $40

No EO in any of my preperations. . I have used it in the past and of course have experience with it but as of this moment I have none in my lab. So no chance of any "trace" amounts being found in any of the above preperations. Zero.
The lab is also peanut free for those who are sensitive to nuts. I do my very best to restrict known allergens/contaminants from entering the lab. I cannot guarantee zero allergens because of the raws. Nothing will be introduced on my end.

Carrier is GSO. I have used CSO, MCT, Flax, Avacado, Safflower and probably a few others I'm forgetting. If something else is preferred, let me know. If you guys want a test batch of another carrier let me know. If you guys want new oils let me know. If you want mixes, let me know. I am completely open to suggestions for new products or ideas. Or new concentrations on existing products. If I get enough interest, I'll make it happen.
Prices are subject to change at any time. In time I hope to gain your business and your trust.

No Minimum.. Free shipping on orders over $300.


At this time I will accept CIM as source of payment. That is subject to change at any time. If/when it does I will be updating this thread.


Canada Domestic Only. $20 Flat shipping fee regardless of order size with tracking. No tracking info will be given out unless a problem arises. A batch number will be included.
I am not labelling my product at all. Each compound will be identifiable. I won't elaborate here for security purposes. Your order will be securly packaged in a non descript way. No shaking, leaking or any other form of identity of the contents.

How come I see no Primobolan on your list?

Here's a business idea, why not find some "high quality raws" since you're so good at it. [emoji849]


rethink the label issue with your vials. Your reasoning for not doing so is quite ridiculous.

Start cleaning up your image. You're not in charge here at MESO, we are. So drop your passive aggressive attitude.
The whole attitude and cash in mail being the only payment option makes me think this dude might be LEO. Dusting envelopes for prints in order to bust people sounds like a bullshit cop tactic to me lol plus his whole "I don't need your filthy money" rant just leads me to fully believe he's a complete fucking moron who doesn't give two shits about being serious here.

Shit I could start my own gig and call it "FAKE GEAR LABS" and I'd still get more costumers than this shit speckled, cock sniffer lol :)
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@CDNDA seeing as you don't use (EO) I wonder how bad the pip is with your Test Prop and other short acting esters.

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate it?