[SOURCE] Canadian Domestic Anabolics Introduction

Very easy parameters to follow:
-Label your gear and put the name of the lab and contents of vial on the label
-Be respectful to the members of Mesorx
-Don't call clients a rat, no matter what
-Ship product when receiving money from clients
-Offer bitcoin as a form of payment
-Be transparent about testing product
-Don't slam the name of other labs without proof

Just to name a few.....
The whole attitude and cash in mail being the only payment option makes me think this dude might be LEO. Dusting envelopes for prints in order to bust people sounds like a bullshit cop tactic to me lol plus his whole "I don't need your filthy money" rant just leads me to fully believe he's a complete fucking moron who doesn't give two shits about being serious here.

Shit I could start my own gig and call it "FAKE GEAR LABS" and I'd still get more costumers than this shit speckled, cock sniffer lol :)

Cash is untraceable. That's why I use it. It's the only method of payment that is. Wu. Btc all leave a trail. Cash does not.

Other labs use it as well.
How come I see no Primobolan on your list?

Here's a business idea, why not find some "high quality raws" since you're so good at it. [emoji849]


rethink the label issue with your vials. Your reasoning for not doing so is quite ridiculous.

Start cleaning up your image. You're not in charge here at MESO, we are. So drop your passive aggressive attitude.

I'm planning labels now. Takes time.

I expand by providing either what I use or what's requested.
@CDNDA seeing as you don't use (EO) I wonder how bad the pip is with your Test Prop and other short acting esters.

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate it?

I get none or almost no pip from my prop. Someone else commented the same in this thread.

I am not the greatest at filtering what I say. I know these guys are baiting me and I fell for it. It's my own fault. I take zero shit in my real life however online people act tough. I'm going to do a better job of ignoring it and just concentrate on the topic at hand.
Guess what I tested this guy's Test. It's only dosed at 50%.
Just trust me..I don't need any reports.

If you've never seen a lab swap test P for primo or var for dbol or winny then you've not been around long enough in the scene. It happens.

Same goes for underdosed gear. It's common.
The whole attitude and cash in mail being the only payment option makes me think this dude might be LEO. Dusting envelopes for prints in order to bust people sounds like a bullshit cop tactic to me lol plus his whole "I don't need your filthy money" rant just leads me to fully believe he's a complete fucking moron who doesn't give two shits about being serious here.

Shit I could start my own gig and call it "FAKE GEAR LABS" and I'd still get more costumers than this shit speckled, cock sniffer lol :)

Ofc I'm here to make money but if i don't. It' not the end of the world. This isn' my sole source of income. I own a house. Cars without my sales from gear. That's what I meant.
Very easy parameters to follow:
-Label your gear and put the name of the lab and contents of vial on the label
-Be respectful to the members of Mesorx
-Don't call clients a rat, no matter what
-Ship product when receiving money from clients
-Offer bitcoin as a form of payment
-Be transparent about testing product
-Don't slam the name of other labs without proof

Just to name a few.....

Working on labels

I put out what i receive. You speak in a shit tone expect it back. If that hurts feelings too bad. I won't kiss ass.

I ship when I have the cash. This was an isolated incident.

I cannot give you the source of my testing

I haven' named/ slammed any labs.
I want to thank those of who have placed orders in light of the low testing situation. I appreciate your faith in my product.

Your orders were shipped yesterday and more will be posted today.

Enjoy the product.
If you offered more payment options I might have grabbed a few bottles to test out myself and use but I don't order anything cash in mail. Good luck.
I want to thank those of who have placed orders in light of the low testing situation. I appreciate your faith in my product.

Your orders were shipped yesterday and more will be posted today.

Enjoy the product.

No one has ordered off you lol, if they have why are they not commenting here? Good try though...
That actually one thing I wish I saw more of.. CIM as a payment option..

Non traceable, unlike BTC (which is becoming less anonymous), PayPal, bank transfer, visa...

Let's face it. If a ugl is going to scam you or go rogue, they're going to take your payment and not ship your goods. Doesn't matter how you paid..

At least with cash you don't have a traced transaction when they get busted..