[SOURCE] Canadian Domestic Anabolics Introduction

Like CIM I think it's a horrible idea! With online shit like BTC and such LEO needs to get a warrant and such, but when it comes to physical addresses like po boxes or home addresses LEO can scope that shit out no problem because you flat our invite them!!!

Even if you have 20 guys picking up cash for you it only takes one rat or one half decent cop to track a pick up man back to you. Not offering an online payment method like BTC or Monero etc is just fucking stupid! Even EMT's need a HUGE amount of proof before any legal shit can happen. In mail payment is TOTALLY heat score IMHO and if you are not LEO you are stupid AND fucking lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I respectfully disagree.

Cash cannot be traced. Doesn't leave a trail. I haven't heard of a lab being busted that used cim. Not saying it hasn't happened just that I haven't heard of it. No one knows what I'm doing. Not even my wife. LE has to prove that that envelope in one of my addresses is involved in a conspiracy. I'm not going into detail about how i get the addresses but it's not what you think. Lazy? I think not. Way more complex than pushing a few buttons on a keyboard.

If I'm going to do dirt. I'm going to do it by myself. At least then I know who's going to rat me out. I would never work with anyone else.

Lots of labs use cim. Pareto. Eclipse. Newport. Maybe others. No way in hell LE is going to bust an end user. They'll want to bust me. That's fine. I'm prepared if that day comes. I don't talk to LE. I have a lawyer.

This isn't my first rodeo. I've been around a long time. Nothing is at my house. My home life and this life I keep completely separate. One doesnt touch the other.

Millions of pieces of mail every day get handled in this country. Encrypted email. Encrypted connection. Encrypted laptop.

Plus this isn't the US. They don't give a lot of time for this type of stuff as it's a victimless crime.

You're free to have your opinion. But it's just your opinion as you have no idea about the details. So youre basing your opinion on a small percentage of the information. Which is fine. No problem.

Doing cim is lazy but me never having to leave my home using btc isn't? Hmmm....;)
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I don't wan to be rude here, but I think you are a piece of shit! That is all I have to say at the moment. Others will chime in here so I'm going back to sucking my girls clit lol :)
I don't wan to be rude here, but I think you are a piece of shit! That is all I have to say at the moment. Others will chime in here so I'm going back to sucking my girls clit lol :)
Please be more professional and intelligent in addressing others. Whether you agree or disagree with the lab and its processes at least be somewhat civil. Otherwise this just turns into a shit show and nothing really gets put on the table to disect properly. Granted, I agree there is a time and place for stern talk. There is also a time for poking humour at things too. But not every post please. And yes, you have every right to say what you want. I would like to see more constructive criticism. Have a nice day.
If you've never seen a lab swap test P for primo or var for dbol or winny then you've not been around long enough in the scene. It happens.

Same goes for underdosed gear. It's common.
Why the fuck would a company switch Test Prop for Primo? Primo costs close to 2x the price of Test P.

You sound shadier than a pussy willow in July
Why the fuck would a company switch Test Prop for Primo? Primo costs close to 2x the price of Test P.

You sound shadier than a pussy willow in July

They use test P instead of Primo.

They use dbol or winny instead of var.

The way I worded it is that they use item x in place of item Y. I can see how it could be misconstrued.

Primo raws cost about 10x that of test P raws.

Take care.
I have sent out all packs that I have received payment for. This is the last ship before Christmas. If I didn't ship your pack it's due to your payment still being in transit. My next ship date will be after Christmas Day.

Access to the forums and my email will be limited due to the holidays. I am however running a business and will check it daily to answer your emails. It may take a few extra hours so I appreciate your patience.

As a side note. Labels very soon...I think they look nice. I'll let you guys be the judge. New lineup shot coming in the new year!

Merry Christmas to Meso and I want to thank you all for your continued patronage.
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Ok. From what I've seen here it's frowned upon for a source to post outside the source thread. So I won't do that. But i cannot just sit here quietly and say nothing. I know I should say nothing as none of the other sources are addressing it. I just cannot say nothing. I refuse to just sit here...

I have read the fiasco about hairs in vials and it's driving me crazy. No way this person is washing, rinsing, sterilizing vials properly. No fucking way. It's not possible.

The list of possibilities is near limitless...no PPE or insufficient PPE...

Guessing the amount per batch the brewer is brewing he has to filter using a pump. Likely similar ones that I use. They are single use items. I'm betting the brewer is reusing them. Storing them in unsanitary conditions between filters...they're expensive. Up to $500 for a case of 12 for the larger ones.

Even if he has a hair in the solution after brewing...I don't see how it could pass through a single use filter into a sterile receiver flask...which should be a glass one not those shitty plastic jobs they come with...then from through the pipette or peristaltic pump into a sterile vial....no way....

It pisses me off too...don't think it doesn't just because I'm a source. Think whatever you want. I give a shit. I'm injecting the same oil into myself that I sell. Yeah..I'm a drug dealer...sure...it is what it is...but I'm also an end user.

I fully understand that what I'm creating people...including myself...will be taking into their bodies...i take it seriously...my list of what precautions I take are in my intro...

I brewed a large amount recently and will not be brewing again for a bit. Once I am I've decided to take pics of things and post them in this thread. Some sources refuse...most do in fact refuse to provide pics...this cannot be denied...after the latest it's obvious this brewer didn't want MESO seeing the brewing conditions. I refuse to be lumped in with these types. Call me whatever you want...I know what I do and what I don't do...am I GSK? No...but I have a space I use thats clean...I use proper sterilization techniques and PPE. SINGLE USE....this isn't hard...


Call me bathtub brewer...kitchen brewer...shithouse brewer...whatever...I'm not the one sending out dirty gear and getting people sick...
Sounds like a good attitude to have...
Pics would go a long way for you...

It is fucking mind-blowing, sooo easy to miss seeing things in a vial.
Trust your source goes a huge way.
Hey, any plan to offet tren e in the future? :)

Yes. It's in the works. I believe in slow steady growth. I started with just a few oils. I've now added some orals and basic pct. Still to add will be a few AI, sexual function meds, more orals, more oils.

Once all that's in place I'll be adding oil blends, more exotic oils, hcg, Hgh and who knows...

This is all part of my plan...to continually add new products...I also plan to add some items I use myself but don't sell yet too...plus some more obscure specialty items that I happen to like.

At no point will I ever stop trying to improve. Improve my products. My service. My offerings. I'll never be satisfied. I'll always push myself to become better.

Thank you for the question.

Tl;Dr : Yes.
Sounds like a good attitude to have...
Pics would go a long way for you...

It is fucking mind-blowing, sooo easy to miss seeing things in a vial.
Trust your source goes a huge way.

I'm going to do a better job. Once I get my labels I'll be posting some pics of the new expanded line up.

I won't take full pics of every aspect of my setup but I will provide a great deal of pictures to show I do indeed use proper safety precautions and am as sterile as I possibly can be as I am not a huge commercial operation.

After all this stuff that's gone down here regarding other labs I've thought it time to stop being so cagey and start being more forthright. I was loathe to provide pics due to safety concerns but with all that's happened I think I owe it to MESO to show, at the very least, that I am a clean operation.

Some will never, ever like me or my operation and that's perfectly fine. I see an opportunity to do a better job of things then maybe I had previously in the past...I accept that and will strive to continuously improve moving forward.
I added a new email address for those who prefer to use Tutanota. So i now have two emails which I will check.

My original email.  CDNDA@Protonmail.com 

My new email.  CDNDA@Tutanota.com

Please....please...please use an encrypted email. I don't care if you order from me or not, use a secure email for all of our sakes. Gmail, hotmail, Yahoo etc are not safe and secure email providers. Safe, secure and anonymous. That's what will help keep you safe.

Oh and for the love of Pete...please remove all exif data from your pics before posting them publicly.

Take care.
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Yes. It's in the works. I believe in slow steady growth. I started with just a few oils. I've now added some orals and basic pct. Still to add will be a few AI, sexual function meds, more orals, more oils.

Once all that's in place I'll be adding oil blends, more exotic oils, hcg, Hgh and who knows...

This is all part of my plan...to continually add new products...I also plan to add some items I use myself but don't sell yet too...plus some more obscure specialty items that I happen to like.

At no point will I ever stop trying to improve. Improve my products. My service. My offerings. I'll never be satisfied. I'll always push myself to become better.

Thank you for the question.

Tl;Dr : Yes.

Thanks for the answer! I'm finishing my winter blast in a couple of week then I'll cruise for a bit. I'll hit you up during my cruise for my summer blast if you got tren enth.
Thanks for the answer! I'm finishing my winter blast in a couple of week then I'll cruise for a bit. I'll hit you up during my cruise for my summer blast if you got tren enth.

You're welcome.

I'll have it by then I'm sure. I've had a few clients requesting it. It's on the list in my head...lol. By summer im hoping to have a full spread by then.

I'll take this time to update as well.

Today was the last shipping day before New Years. The next day I'll be shipping is Wednesday. Then I'll resume my normal daily shipping schedule.

I'll of course be checking and responding to both email address several times every day. So please do not hesitate to email me. I'm more than happy to help and answer your questions. I don't believe any question is stupid.

Have a Happy New Year Meso!
You're welcome.

I'll have it by then I'm sure. I've had a few clients requesting it. It's on the list in my head...lol. By summer im hoping to have a full spread by then.

I'll take this time to update as well.

Today was the last shipping day before New Years. The next day I'll be shipping is Wednesday. Then I'll resume my normal daily shipping schedule.

I'll of course be checking and responding to both email address several times every day. So please do not hesitate to email me. I'm more than happy to help and answer your questions. I don't believe any question is stupid.

Have a Happy New Year Meso!

How soon into the new year can we expect to see new products from you?

What will those new products be?

What is the anticipated release date for your labels?

When will you be posting photos of your sterilization process?
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How soon into the new year can we expect to see new products from you?

What is the anticipated release date for your labels?

When will you be posting photos of your sterilization process?

I just released new products a couple weeks ago. I'll be releasing new products every month or two. Gradually growing. Not too quickly.

I plan to add AI, sexual function meds, more oils and more orals. After that I plan to add more exotic items and oil blends...once everything else is in place I'll be adding hgh and hcg etc...this can change of course...but this is my plan...

Labels I'm hoping to have by next weekend. At that time I'll unveil them. They're not as flashy as some. I designed them myself so...but I think they look nice.

I'll be showing some safety equipment I use...filters...etc...
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Any reviews from that source yet?

Some have left reviews some pages back. Some are reluctant but have told me in emails. They were anecdotal reviews which are frowned upon on MESO.

Any cost of bloodwork or testing done by clients will be compensated with store credit.

I send packs every week. If I was selling bunk people would be in this thread screaming about it and rightfully so. This is also anecdotal but still...
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