How ironic is this. i wrote this post a while back about some fly by night raws dealer, but it fits perfectly here too. You're almost following the book to a T.
That's one of the lines from the source handbook. This is from chapter one. "Should the vetting process not go as smoothly as you had planned, employ the following tactics..."
1). "Thanks for bumping my thread to the top."
2). "None of my satisfied customers will post a review here because they're afraid they'll be attacked."
3). "My satisfied customers send me emails/PMs to tell me that the few source bashers in my thread are a joke and that i'm doing a great job."
4). "The source bashers aren't having any effect on sales. Just took an order for (a large, but plausible sounding amount of) x compound or product."
The book lastly states, "If the above tactics should fail, pretend to place all source bashers on ignore and post the following at least once daily..."
5). "All PM's and emails have been replied to."
Why would your customers give a damn what a few guys in your thread say? They don't, because you don't have any. You're the one that cares. You take what we say to heart and make up stupid shit like you did in the 2nd quote.
Get new material. All this bullshit you're spewing has been said before by other failed sources.
Unfortunately @MisterSuperGod I think you are breaking rules here since you have been sourcing since April I believe ;-)