Some thoughts/suggestions for discussion after looking around here.
Realistic, overkill, get what you pay for, don't care?
Would like to hear members' thoughts, counterpoints, etc. especially on cost vs quality. The path to quality is known. Will people pay or too much for UGL customers?
Honestly, I'm just happy that the online community has reached the point where it can realistically pressure most sources to perform analytical lab testing on their products. It is no longer just a minor competitive advantage for the source, it is practically an obligatory requirement nowadays. This is major achievement towards greater harm reduction for those who use black market AAS. I can't overstate how great this is.
Of course, complacency isn't a good thing. We should never stop demanding more. There is no federal agency back by the power of a federal government to regulate the black markets. So consumers should use whatever collective power that can find ways to demand safer products.
The ideas that you are proposing are very unrealistic and impractical for the most part. But so were the demands for extensive lab testing several years ago.
Can we as a community move forward with more pressure for greater quality assurance and safety?
If the community become sufficiently unified behind some measure, what should it be?
At the same time, we must realize that the current state of widespread testing is still something that could regress for many reasons.
For example, price points are an unavoidable issue that could dissemble and fracture a community pushing for improved safety, standards, and accountability.
There will always be a subset who will take a chance (and forego more rigorously tested products) just because it is a lot cheaper. I mean, there's been a flood of people who don't want to (or can't afford to) pay the price for highly-regulated, legally prescribed weight loss drugs from US pharmacies. They voluntarily give up those protections for cheaper products on the black market.
There's already a lot of people who go for price first with AAS when other sources may do more extensive testing. This is unfortunate but unavoidable.
And of course, the black market has no regulations. Even the lab testing, etc. is subject to manipulation, forgery, fakes, etc.
It's challenging enough to regulate pharma with the power of federal governments. A marginalized community of AAS-using bodybuilders has their work cut out for them.