Source QC and C of A (do you have one?)

Don’t lie…you know you care or you wouldn’t post this
You know to be perfectly honest I did coming in (after reading some of the posters) but now seeing the vast majority of responses not really anymore. A little bit of a letdown haha.

Kinda nuts to try to help those who don't want it. Lol. Not one substantive technical comment in here.

My IQ can't be too high as that old saying reminds me...

Arguing on the forums is like the Special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.

[Note: please don't like this post.]
I don’t like to see people gang tackled just for voicing their opinions, admittedly I can be involved in that sometimes. However you seem to be a glutton for punishment. You have to understand how you are coming across to others, not what you’re saying exactly but how you’re saying it? You wouldn’t happen to be on the spectrum would you?
People who are majorly concerned with the above already are able to have their concerns mediated by buying pharmaceutical gear.

Apparently buying pharma stuff isn't that much safer ...

Some examples

For more google sartans impurities
Apparently buying pharma stuff isn't that much safer ...

Some examples

For more google sartans impurities
the raws for pharma and ugl all come from the same place I think.


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Subscribers coming in hot. Good stuff!

Harm reduction ideas for improvement in the Steroid Underground? "Nah, we're good."

This is like your typical project meeting between R&D and Commercial.
Lmao you really think you "contributed" something huh? So go on, name a source you bought gear from here, that didnt meet your standards. Let's see it.

You're autistic and narcissistic af.
Some thoughts/suggestions for discussion after looking around here.

Realistic, overkill, get what you pay for, don't care?

Would like to hear members' thoughts, counterpoints, etc. especially on cost vs quality. The path to quality is known. Will people pay or too much for UGL customers?


Every Source should provide with each shipment ...

1. 3rd party C of A on finished product batch specific to that shipment
- endotoxin screen
- metals with ICP
- purity(ies) / concentration(s) using hplc plus ms (or gcms)

2. C of A for bulk api for each batch (hplc plus ms or gcms) upon request.

Of course Sources would do themselves a big favor if they screened for impurities as well as purity on the APIs (aka raws) upfront so no surprises on the finished batches. First things first.

There should never be any surprises with a batch. Completely addressable.

And please clean up the product listings...

1. mg is not a unit for API concentration. Use mg/ml.

If I see 200 mg listed and later on a mention that it is a 10 ml vial I am going to assume your stuff is drastically underdosed. That should be clear to you to.

Best practice is listing the API concentration plus the total API per total vial volume.

Example: 300 mg/ml (3000 mg per 10 ml)

2. Denote volumes (ml) for finished vials. People don't want to guess.

3. List the oil used for injectables and also the excipients/preservatives used plus their concentrations.

What is this deal with not disclosing what is in the vial? You don't know, or is it a trade secret lol? Come on.

4. Spend at least as much time assuring your customer you know basic chemistry as you spend on the beautiful packaging design and gimmicks/marketing.

Be the change.


Is this a template Meso should endorse for Sources? Even daylighting the concepts with a suggested template would go a long way to educate consumer and further harm reduction initiative IMO.

I love this idea.

See how everyone is coming in here and spamming and diluting this thread? They don't like it.........wonder why.

But I love it. And I'd pay more money if some supplier did what you just described. I'd also pay more money for someone to make tablets without any nanoparticles like silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide.

I want the cleanest of the clean. Why is that so hard to provide? I don't get it.
Apparently buying pharma stuff isn't that much safer ...

Some examples

For more google sartans impurities
Good ones. See here for a good laugh...

Lmao you really think you "contributed" something huh? So go on, name a source you bought gear from here, that didnt meet your standards. Let's see it.

You're autistic and narcissistic af.

You can't read or won't read. Sorry about that. That's a hard one for sure.

Benefit of the doubt in case you missed it:

I know I have been guilty of that on here. That pastebin address sure catalyzed a lot of discussion. Did your sales pick up @GoodLyfe ? Any noticeable change this week?
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Keep those substantive technical comments and discussion points coming folks.

See how everyone is coming in here and spamming and diluting this thread? They don't like it.........wonder why



“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.” [AS]

I understand why the sources would hate it. I guess some of the members may be displaying Stockholm thinking I am attacking their suppliers?

Why do you think?

Thanks for stopping by.
However you seem to be a glutton for punishment.

I will be fine but thanks for your concern.

3 pages and not one technically accurate argument as rebuttal. Guess I will go back and pick apart Rido's weak attack soon. There are some good ones in there...

Refreshing to see how little regard is shown for the beloved customers. More like contempt. But I am arrogant and narcisstic @BrockSamson42 ? Please.

Take the sum total cost for the batch testing and divide by the number of units in your batch. What is the additional cost per unit? How much are your margins affected? Take your time @Rido . Should not take you too long though. You are a smart guy. Or phone a friend? @Liska

Like no one has any questions like these? Not even the most basic curiosity?

There is definitely something wrong here.
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Like no one has any questions like these? Not even the most basic curiosity?

There is definitely something wrong here.

I'll raise my hand here. I fully support the premise of your thread. I'd gladly pay a premium for rock-solid top-shelf product.

I was considering a constructive criticism of your salesmanship, but then it occurred to me that your approach to this forum may be both intentional and measured.
@BrockSamson42 and @braden1

You guys are losing the PLOT. Get it, the PLOT? Haha.

What you need to be doing is giving my posts a big ❤️ reaction, not a thumbs down. A thumbs down from you guys is a technical upvote on the next version of the reaction score method. So to really get at my score you gotta give me love. Don't worry there is still time to practice. Keep up.


source-fellators is so much more romantic a term, don't you think? Could be a whole new member category, no?

It would seem to me the high achieving sources would always want to exceed expectations on quality. Some basic elementary school arithmetic would show what I shared above would introduce minimal additional cost per unit (especially scaled up). Anybody? Some of you are thinking small. Think total addressable market size. Market trends anyone?

The responses from the majority thus far are extremely strange to me. I am hopeful there are many more lurking and nodding.

Maybe some type of source-scoring system....1 through 10? Would have to be done without conflict of interest. Impartial. $$$ corrupt.

I can picture some of the bottom scraper sources being like...

Blink 182 Wtf GIF

"PLOT column, Poroshell? What we going to do Jimmy?"

Fun thread and excellent filter. Great to see the various perspectives.

Thanks all.
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Is this a template Meso should endorse for Sources? Even daylighting the concepts with a suggested template would go a long way to educate consumer and further harm reduction initiative IMO.

Not trying to gang up on you brother, but to be honest, I don't care for anything on that list and am fairly pleased with many sources on here as-is.

Also, sounds like a big pain in the ass for sources -- more hoops to jump through. Unnecessary hoops imo.

Just my 2 cents.
Not trying to gang up on you brother, but to be honest, I don't care for anything on that list and am fairly pleased with many sources on here as-is.

Also, sounds like a big pain in the ass for sources -- more hoops to jump through. Unnecessary hoops imo.

Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree, should not be anything mandatory as I think about it more. Let the market decide. An optional service or grade of product as others have hinted at above?

There was a comment above about letting the customer figure it out [regarding API concentrations, product details]. My concern is with the source figuring it out, not the customer. How in the world can a manufacturer not properly distinguish between a mass [mg] vs a concentration [mg/ml]?

How many of these "is my gear legit / underdosed" posts have I read? I do agree there are many customers who seem to skip the details early on which leads to more heartburn later. Balance of responsibility.
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People are at different stages of their journey. Many of us here started on eroids. But we were learned that's why we're not there anymore. there's no substitute for experience
Some thoughts/suggestions for discussion after looking around here.

Realistic, overkill, get what you pay for, don't care?

Would like to hear members' thoughts, counterpoints, etc. especially on cost vs quality. The path to quality is known. Will people pay or too much for UGL customers?
Honestly, I'm just happy that the online community has reached the point where it can realistically pressure most sources to perform analytical lab testing on their products. It is no longer just a minor competitive advantage for the source, it is practically an obligatory requirement nowadays. This is major achievement towards greater harm reduction for those who use black market AAS. I can't overstate how great this is.

Of course, complacency isn't a good thing. We should never stop demanding more. There is no federal agency back by the power of a federal government to regulate the black markets. So consumers should use whatever collective power that can find ways to demand safer products.

The ideas that you are proposing are very unrealistic and impractical for the most part. But so were the demands for extensive lab testing several years ago.

Can we as a community move forward with more pressure for greater quality assurance and safety?

If the community become sufficiently unified behind some measure, what should it be?

At the same time, we must realize that the current state of widespread testing is still something that could regress for many reasons.

For example, price points are an unavoidable issue that could dissemble and fracture a community pushing for improved safety, standards, and accountability.

There will always be a subset who will take a chance (and forego more rigorously tested products) just because it is a lot cheaper. I mean, there's been a flood of people who don't want to (or can't afford to) pay the price for highly-regulated, legally prescribed weight loss drugs from US pharmacies. They voluntarily give up those protections for cheaper products on the black market.

There's already a lot of people who go for price first with AAS when other sources may do more extensive testing. This is unfortunate but unavoidable.

And of course, the black market has no regulations. Even the lab testing, etc. is subject to manipulation, forgery, fakes, etc.

It's challenging enough to regulate pharma with the power of federal governments. A marginalized community of AAS-using bodybuilders has their work cut out for them.
The ideas that you are proposing are very unrealistic and impractical for the most part. But so were the demands for extensive lab testing several years ago
Thank you for your reply (as well as others) and my apologies for delay in responding while I took a break. Your comments reassure me I am on the right track

There are large compounding pharmacies in US who refuse to share C of A for APIs and ingredient listing with amounts for specific batches with customers. To me that is a big reg flag.

The line between compounding pharmacies and UGL seems to blur more each day. Take the current semaglutide situation. Where do you think compounders are sourcing semaglutide? I am pretty sure it isn't from Novo.

Excellent summary:

Someone is not on the up and up. Hence all my comments in this thread are constructive because many of us may find ourselves forced the UGL route whether we like it or not. I don't see the current wild west compounder situation lasting too much longer (a whole nother thread).
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I’ll say that you’re probably the only one out of the 75k members here who see it like that. Are you purposely trolling to get banned?
Sorry for my delay. Banned? Hardly. For what?

I seriously doubt only 1 out of 75k members here has taken a HS chemistry class.

I would bet a decent sum (if I was a betting person) that @Type-IIx has taken at least one chemistry course. I can just tell these things.

So there, that's at least 2 out of 75k. And I am pretty sure there are many more.


Happy Holidays.
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