[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Can you please advice me from your experiance. Is it normal to get access fat when bulking on first cycle?
I'm on my first cycle, test e @500 and npp @500 weekly and doing clean bulk. I eat briwn rice and chicken breast mainly. No sugar or dirty food.
I have home gym, workout six days a week, avg 3 hours. About to finsh my ninth week.
I'm confused because I keep reading about how a person should eat and eat more on bulk cycle and take advantage of first cycle. Yet, I noticed that my Belly is getting bigger. I know roids are not magic but all I'm asking is. Is this normal? Should I keep on eating at 1800 cal access to maximize gain or ease lower my intake?
Can you please advice me from your experiance. Is it normal to get access fat when bulking on first cycle?
I'm on my first cycle, test e @500 and npp @500 weekly and doing clean bulk. I eat briwn rice and chicken breast mainly. No sugar or dirty food.
I have home gym, workout six days a week, avg 3 hours. About to finsh my ninth week.
I'm confused because I keep reading about how a person should eat and eat more on bulk cycle and take advantage of first cycle. Yet, I noticed that my Belly is getting bigger. I know roids are not magic but all I'm asking is. Is this normal? Should I keep on eating at 1800 cal access to maximize gain or ease lower my intake?
Well IMO if you’re aren’t below 12% I wouldn’t try eating that much because you’ll gain fat. The leaner you’re the better results you will get. 1800 is not a lean bulk, it’s a bulk. Npp can be great for cutting. Not sure on your bf% but you probably wouldn’t be asking this if you were lean at the beginning. I would only eat about 600 +cals a day if I had the lean word in my goals. I don’t need a big surplus to gain on Npp. A lean bulk is tough to accomplish but I have done a lot. Stair master is key IMO. That’s a bad ass first cycle. If you don’t pack on +20lbs of muscle I would say you’re not going hard enough! I would say it’s a bit much but we aren’t discussing that. I don’t want a rookie reading this and think I am recommending this for a 1st cycle.
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Well IMO if you’re aren’t below 12% I wouldn’t try eating that much because you’ll gain fat. The leaner you’re the better results you will get. 1800 is not a lean bulk, it’s a bulk. Npp can be great for cutting. Not sure on your bf% but you probably wouldn’t be asking this if you were lean at the beginning. I would only eat about 600 +cals a day if I had the lean word in my goals. I don’t need a big surplus to gain on Npp. A lean bulk is tough to accomplish but I have done a lot. Stair master is key IMO. That’s a bad ass first cycle. If you don’t pack on +20lbs of muscle I would say you’re not going hard enough! I would say it’s a bit much but we aren’t discussing that. I don’t want a rookie reading this and think I am recommending this for a 1st cycle.

Thank you @Bigboy727 for responding. I'm above 20 body fat, I will lower the surplus to 600. Btw, I'm thinking about lowering my dose for the next seven weeks to npp @350 ,Test E @437 weekly. No major side effects so far but I just want to be on the safe side .
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Test E @ 437? You're a wackadoodle. :D

Honestly, the number got more to do with my glute comfort. currently, only inject in my ass. Tried the thigh injection three times and that went horrible. got inflammation right above my knee that lasted almost a week. couldn't bent my knee so I gave up on the thigh injection.
I prefer to pin frequently in lower dosage. anything higher than 1cc is uncomfortable to me, so I came up with this.

week 1
Mon Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Tus Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Wed Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Thu Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Fri Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Sat Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Sun Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml

Mon Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Tus Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Wed Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Thu Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Fri Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Sat Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Sun Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml


Totall Npp = 7 injections*100 dose= 700/2weeks = 350 weekly.
Total Test E = 7 injections*((0.5cc*250mg/1ml)= 125dose) =875/2weeks = 437.5 weekly

so I'm pinning daily now alternating between 1cc then 0.5cc the next day.
lower dose and more comfortable to my ass :)
Thank you @Bigboy727 for responding. I'm above 20 body fat, I will lower the surplus to 600. Btw, I'm thinking about lowering my dose for the next seven weeks to npp @350 ,Test E @437 weekly. No major side effects so far but I just want to be on the safe side .
You got your work cut out for you. I personally would make a choice to pack on all I can in surplus or run deep deficit and melt away as much as I can.
Can you please advice me from your experiance. Is it normal to get access fat when bulking on first cycle?
I'm on my first cycle, test e @500 and npp @500 weekly and doing clean bulk. I eat briwn rice and chicken breast mainly. No sugar or dirty food.
I have home gym, workout six days a week, avg 3 hours. About to finsh my ninth week.
I'm confused because I keep reading about how a person should eat and eat more on bulk cycle and take advantage of first cycle. Yet, I noticed that my Belly is getting bigger. I know roids are not magic but all I'm asking is. Is this normal? Should I keep on eating at 1800 cal access to maximize gain or ease lower my intake?

1800 cal surplus will make you fat man. At maint. cals you should loose fat and put on muscle with a cycle like that. Are you working out 3 hours a session ? 6 times a week total 18 hours a week or 3 hours total? For most people who have jobs and what not 18 hours a week is over training.
Can you please advice me from your experiance. Is it normal to get access fat when bulking on first cycle?
I'm on my first cycle, test e @500 and npp @500 weekly and doing clean bulk. I eat briwn rice and chicken breast mainly. No sugar or dirty food.
I have home gym, workout six days a week, avg 3 hours. About to finsh my ninth week.
I'm confused because I keep reading about how a person should eat and eat more on bulk cycle and take advantage of first cycle. Yet, I noticed that my Belly is getting bigger. I know roids are not magic but all I'm asking is. Is this normal? Should I keep on eating at 1800 cal access to maximize gain or ease lower my intake?

Start eating at a 200 calorie surplus and make adjustments each week based on how you look and feel, not so much what the scale says. You don’t want to get too fat, you will be strong but won’t be able to go hard enough in hypertrophy set range. You should always try to keep your conditioning at a solid level.

If your workouts are going 3+ hours, try decreasing your rest time in between sets. 2min for compound movements, 1min for everything else. Put some of your exercises into supersets. Great for pumps, growth and conditioning. If still going that long, decrease your volume. Let the gear help you recover too.
Can you please advice me from your experiance. Is it normal to get access fat when bulking on first cycle?
I'm on my first cycle, test e @500 and npp @500 weekly and doing clean bulk. I eat briwn rice and chicken breast mainly. No sugar or dirty food.
I have home gym, workout six days a week, avg 3 hours. About to finsh my ninth week.
I'm confused because I keep reading about how a person should eat and eat more on bulk cycle and take advantage of first cycle. Yet, I noticed that my Belly is getting bigger. I know roids are not magic but all I'm asking is. Is this normal? Should I keep on eating at 1800 cal access to maximize gain or ease lower my intake?

You are in excess of 1800 calories?

What is this based off of? Did you actually find your base amount for calories then add 1800 on top of this?

And there really is zero reason to add 1800+ calories per day.... Your muscles simply don’t grow that fast roids or not.

I’d go back to 500+ calories over maintenance. if you don’t see what you like in the mirror then adjust your calories from that point by 100 per week plus or minus and of those calories you might have to adjust your macros a little as well till you see where the sweet spot is

This is just a vague strategy but I do know unless you want fat... 1800+ calories over maintence is simply far too much.
Are you planning on keeping the 20% off deal when Primo is in? If not I say keep the prices competitive at $60. A lot of us have been waiting for you to restock Primo and DHB to make additional orders.
Honestly, the number got more to do with my glute comfort. currently, only inject in my ass. Tried the thigh injection three times and that went horrible. got inflammation right above my knee that lasted almost a week. couldn't bent my knee so I gave up on the thigh injection.
I prefer to pin frequently in lower dosage. anything higher than 1cc is uncomfortable to me :)

Dont inject near the knee..... try the spot injection tutorial site!
Good luck
You got your work cut out for you. I personally would make a choice to pack on all I can in surplus or run deep deficit and melt away as much as I can.

It is the same old dreaded question. To cut or to bulk. When I started nine weeks ago, I knew summer is coming, i knew I will look fat and not feel uncomfortable about the way I look yet, I decided to go ahead and starr the blast. Now, I think it's better to keep bulking but with minor surplus. I think this way I can convince myself that I'm bulking but will not look fat at the end of the blast. I think it's all a mental game I'm playing against myself to gain mass while not feeling like s**t.
1800 cal surplus will make you fat man. At maint. cals you should loose fat and put on muscle with a cycle like that. Are you working out 3 hours a session ? 6 times a week total 18 hours a week or 3 hours total? For most people who have jobs and what not 18 hours a week is over training.

So you think a recomp is passable under the current variables, nice. I lack muscle mass so I have adjusted my intake to ~600 surplus, Macros accounted for (will post later).
Yes sir, I work ~3hours, 6 days a week. I have home gym, power rack and cable machine. I have no life. I work mostly over night shift, workout most of the day, have sex multiple times a day with my wife. And repeat. Thats how I like it.
Yes, I'm spending a lot of time working out but I lack intensity. I use lower weighs than what im capable of all because of my bad join (will elaborate on that later). Joints always hurts and that's the main reason for adding NPP to my first blast.
Start eating at a 200 calorie surplus and make adjustments each week based on how you look and feel, not so much what the scale says. You don’t want to get too fat, you will be strong but won’t be able to go hard enough in hypertrophy set range. You should always try to keep your conditioning at a solid level.

If your workouts are going 3+ hours, try decreasing your rest time in between sets. 2min for compound movements, 1min for everything else. Put some of your exercises into supersets. Great for pumps, growth and conditioning. If still going that long, decrease your volume. Let the gear help you recover too.
Nice, I like this approach. I got fat at 180cal surplus so I will taper down from thier and figure out the my numbers.
Excercise wise. I have bad joint. My mom, sister and myself go to the same doctor and I use to get cortisone injection to ease the pain. Dr advice against working out for people with my condition but I can't stop working out. It's a mental thing to me. So I adjusted my workout to high reps low weights. I can finsh my daily workout if I'm going full intensity in less than an hour. But with lighter weights I have to keep repeating the workout after im done beacuse targeted muscle group are not exhausted. That's why I take long time. I imploded drop set. Rest pause, and foucses on the pump now more than anything else as a mechanism to force growth. Testosterone is giving me never ending energy too.
In my first two compound excercises I do active rest where I do HIIT like excercises like stepups for a min between each set of flat barbell bench press for example.

Yes you are correct. I should restraint myself from working out excessively to allow recovery. I need to find something else to keep me occupied and not thinking of the weights when I should rest.
You are in excess of 1800 calories?

What is this based off of? Did you actually find your base amount for calories then add 1800 on top of this?

And there really is zero reason to add 1800+ calories per day.... Your muscles simply don’t grow that fast roids or not.

I’d go back to 500+ calories over maintenance. if you don’t see what you like in the mirror then adjust your calories from that point by 100 per week plus or minus and of those calories you might have to adjust your macros a little as well till you see where the sweet spot is

This is just a vague strategy but I do know unless you want fat... 1800+ calories over maintence is simply far too much.

Thank you@Roger rabbit, your advice is always appreciated. I do have an Excel sheet with all the numbers and details. I count everything that goes into my mouth. Will post tommorow after I finsh my night shift tonight.
So you think a recomp is passable under the current variables, nice. I lack muscle mass so I have adjusted my intake to ~600 surplus, Macros accounted for (will post later).
Yes sir, I work ~3hours, 6 days a week. I have home gym, power rack and cable machine. I have no life. I work mostly over night shift, workout most of the day, have sex multiple times a day with my wife. And repeat. Thats how I like it.
Yes, I'm spending a lot of time working out but I lack intensity. I use lower weighs than what im capable of all because of my bad join (will elaborate on that later). Joints always hurts and that's the main reason for adding NPP to my first blast.

How many hours sleep do you get?