[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Dont inject near the knee..... try the spot injection tutorial site!
Good luck

I watched the video on YouTube. I did exactly like them. Inject in the lower outer side about five inches away from the knee. For some reason I get my knee swollen the next day and last for almost a week like that. I tried three times and switch legs, same thing happened. I don't understand why is that but it's not comfortable and I was limping.
How many hours sleep do you get?

My sleep is a mess. I work ten hours over night so I sleep about four hours, sometimes more some times less. It sucks balls because I wake up tired and have to drink two cups of black coffee and take caffeine bill as pre-workout, but once caffeine kicks in I'm good to go. Currently, I'm looking for more staple job with more conventional hours.
TO me it sounds like your recomp is going to be based more on your lifestyle than the juice. That cycle is probably a bit much for a re comp. It should have you growing like a weed but you got to train properly. Your workouts dont sound right. If you can work out for 3 hours 6 days a week you are resting too long, insufficient intensity, or over exertion. Try 4-5 day a week 90 min max. Push or pull hard where you can and work in some variety for problem areas. I understand working around injuries but that doesnt mean kill the cables for 3 hours. Try something new, I'm sure your body could use the change and stimulate growth.
The sleep is going to present a problem as well, all those extra cals arent going to make up for lack of sleep(been there myself). Try getting more sleep and I bet it helps with your intensity levels, recovery, growth, and overall fitness. In the future you should really try have training/lifestyle cleaned up first as a primer to any cycles. All the steroids in the world wont make up for bad training/lifestyle, got to have it all in order.
I watched the video on YouTube. I did exactly like them. Inject in the lower outer side about five inches away from the knee. For some reason I get my knee swollen the next day and last for almost a week like that. I tried three times and switch legs, same thing happened. I don't understand why is that but it's not comfortable and I was limping.

Yea I would recommend going why higher up, I tried going in the top corner outer quad, like high up at balls level and I’ve never had a problem, maybe a slight next day ache if I touch it depending on what is in the oil but pretty painless and you can actually use both hands.
Quads can be a fuckin bitch no matter how perfect your pin is, let’s face it. It’s bullshit man, by far the easiest place to pin in some of the biggest muscles in our bodies and pip can be crippling sometimes for a few days. Then sometimes you never feel a thing. o_O

Split your quad into 1/3’s. Pin the upper, outter region of the middle third. That’s your best shot at minimizing pip. Also pin there before you hit the squat rack. Get the oil moving faster.
TO me it sounds like your recomp is going to be based more on your lifestyle than the juice. That cycle is probably a bit much for a re comp. It should have you growing like a weed but you got to train properly. Your workouts dont sound right. If you can work out for 3 hours 6 days a week you are resting too long, insufficient intensity, or over exertion. Try 4-5 day a week 90 min max. Push or pull hard where you can and work in some variety for problem areas. I understand working around injuries but that doesnt mean kill the cables for 3 hours. Try something new, I'm sure your body could use the change and stimulate growth.
The sleep is going to present a problem as well, all those extra cals arent going to make up for lack of sleep(been there myself). Try getting more sleep and I bet it helps with your intensity levels, recovery, growth, and overall fitness. In the future you should really try have training/lifestyle cleaned up first as a primer to any cycles. All the steroids in the world wont make up for bad training/lifestyle, got to have it all in order.

You sum it up perfectly. (Intentional insufficient intensity) and lack of sleep is the main two issues. Will revisit my workout schedule and adjest my intake accordingly. Considering Melatonin to help me sleep when my body/ mind is not cooperating. The sad part is when I push on the bb bench press for example, I know I can push more, and I add more weight, yet as soon as I do so I hear clicking in my left shoulder and feel the pinch and discomfort. When I force my self to keep going discarding the worning sign I fell the pain the next day and have to deload or rest for few day in order to let the shoulder heals. It's so annoying. As you suggested, diversifying my approach to exhaust the muscle is my only current option. Thanks for the advice.
Quads can be a fuckin bitch no matter how perfect your pin is, let’s face it. It’s bullshit man, by far the easiest place to pin in some of the biggest muscles in our bodies and pip can be crippling sometimes for a few days. Then sometimes you never feel a thing. o_O

Split your quad into 1/3’s. Pin the upper, outter region of the middle third. That’s your best shot at minimizing pip. Also pin there before you hit the squat rack. Get the oil moving faster.

Will try pinning quad one more time and see what happens. Hopefully this time I don't limp for a week. I always pin before warming up for my workout to get the oil moving as you said.
Will try pinning quad one more time and see what happens. Hopefully this time I don't limp for a week. I always pin before warming up for my workout to get the oil moving as you said.

You’ll get used to it. Don’t give up on quads so soon, still a great muscle to pin. Make the pain and suffering of your leg workout more intense than your quad pip.
For pinning my quad what I do is I bend my knee and put one hand directly above my kneecap horizontally.

I then put my other hand the same way above that one.

The area that my 2nd hand covers is always good to go for pinning, never any issues unless the actual compound has pip.
For pinning my quad what I do is I bend my knee and put one hand directly above my kneecap horizontally.

I then put my other hand the same way above that one.

The area that my 2nd hand covers is always good to go for pinning, never any issues unless the actual compound has pip.

I'll imitates what you do injecting 0.5cc test e and see what happens.
What address are you guys getting responses to emails from, tutanota or proton? Sent to each address with no response...
I've always used the Tutanota address and have always gotten rapid responses. Give it a day or so, especially on the weekend...they will get back to you.
You are in excess of 1800 calories?

What is this based off of? Did you actually find your base amount for calories then add 1800 on top of this?

And there really is zero reason to add 1800+ calories per day.... Your muscles simply don’t grow that fast roids or not.

I’d go back to 500+ calories over maintenance. if you don’t see what you like in the mirror then adjust your calories from that point by 100 per week plus or minus and of those calories you might have to adjust your macros a little as well till you see where the sweet spot is

This is just a vague strategy but I do know unless you want fat... 1800+ calories over maintence is simply far too much.
Wait a minute... I thought I saw here and other places people were eating 3000 cals to gain muscle (clean cals, of course).
Wait a minute... I thought I saw here and other places people were eating 3000 cals to gain muscle (clean cals, of course).
It depends on what your specific calorie intake needs to be at for maintenance, depot, and deficit. Personally 3000 isn't quite maintenance for me. I can burn that many calories in a day just doing the physical activity I take part in and haven't even hit the gym yet. I have a very active lifestyle and 3500 suits me perfect. If I want to gain I can throw another 500 calories in. I cut pretty well at 3000.
It depends on what your specific calorie intake needs to be at for maintenance, depot, and deficit. Personally 3000 isn't quite maintenance for me. I can burn that many calories in a day just doing the physical activity I take part in and haven't even hit the gym yet. I have a very active lifestyle and 3500 suits me perfect. If I want to gain I can throw another 500 calories in. I cut pretty well at 3000.
Thanks for the input bro. I need to cut but also want to bulk. Doc told me I need to be on 1800 to cut fat. What I really need to do is get my fat ass on a treadmill and do some fasted cardio.