TO me it sounds like your recomp is going to be based more on your lifestyle than the juice. That cycle is probably a bit much for a re comp. It should have you growing like a weed but you got to train properly. Your workouts dont sound right. If you can work out for 3 hours 6 days a week you are resting too long, insufficient intensity, or over exertion. Try 4-5 day a week 90 min max. Push or pull hard where you can and work in some variety for problem areas. I understand working around injuries but that doesnt mean kill the cables for 3 hours. Try something new, I'm sure your body could use the change and stimulate growth.
The sleep is going to present a problem as well, all those extra cals arent going to make up for lack of sleep(been there myself). Try getting more sleep and I bet it helps with your intensity levels, recovery, growth, and overall fitness. In the future you should really try have training/lifestyle cleaned up first as a primer to any cycles. All the steroids in the world wont make up for bad training/lifestyle, got to have it all in order.