[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Thanks for the input bro. I need to cut but also want to bulk. Doc told me I need to be on 1800 to cut fat. What I really need to do is get my fat ass on a treadmill and do some fasted cardio.
Its of my opinion that this lifestyle is a life long process. You'll probably never be completely satisfied no matter which way your going. Gear is not a magical fix if you can't get disciplined in your training and your dieting.

More than 80% I believe is what I put in me and the other 20% is what I'm willing to do. But you have to be 100% in both areas.

When I decided to commit myself to this I lost 70 lbs of pure fat and made it down to 12% body fat no gear. I plateaued and my testosterone crashed naturally. That's when I decided to use gear again and I'm prescribed TRT. What I'm trying to say is be all in or all out but get off the fence.
Its of my opinion that this lifestyle is a life long process. You'll probably never be completely satisfied no matter which way your going. Gear is not a magical fix if you can't get disciplined in your training and your dieting.

More than 80% I believe is what I put in me and the other 20% is what I'm willing to do. But you have to be 100% in both areas.

When I decided to commit myself to this I lost 70 lbs of pure fat and made it down to 12% body fat no gear. I plateaued and my testosterone crashed naturally. That's when I decided to use gear again and I'm prescribed TRT. What I'm trying to say is be all in or all out but get off the fence.
That's frickin awesome bro - good work man!

I'm in the gym 5 days a week and I *thought* my diet was good. If I'm trying to shred fat, I need to lower my calories. My calories aren't junk, just too many, apparently.
You are in excess of 1800 calories?

What is this based off of? Did you actually find your base amount for calories then add 1800 on top of this?

And there really is zero reason to add 1800+ calories per day.... Your muscles simply don’t grow that fast roids or not.

I’d go back to 500+ calories over maintenance. if you don’t see what you like in the mirror then adjust your calories from that point by 100 per week plus or minus and of those calories you might have to adjust your macros a little as well till you see where the sweet spot is

This is just a vague strategy but I do know unless you want fat... 1800+ calories over maintence is simply far too much.

As I promised. here is how I structure my intake.
I found my maintenance cal to be(2250) and my Macro from this sites
Calculate Your Caloric Intake
Macronutrient Calculator: Find Your Macro Ratio For Flexible Dieting and IIFYM
then I added 1800cal surpluses as I read online somewhere in regard to how much to increase cal on a cycle.
then structured my intake schedule as such.


Now that you guys explain how 1800 is overkill and will result in access fat. I switched to 1000 cal above maintenance and will taper down until I find my perfect number. below is the current schedule.

I know it was said but need to say again upper quads is the half closer towards groin NOT GROIN THO!! Closer to groin than to knee Thats upper quads.

On the subject of calories...don't mean u idenizzar... twinkies have calories and they have people who really want to know doing that crap iifym..if it fits your macros. It might well work if they realize that not all calories can play lol
That's frickin awesome bro - good work man!

I'm in the gym 5 days a week and I *thought* my diet was good. If I'm trying to shred fat, I need to lower my calories. My calories aren't junk, just too many, apparently.
Iv realized that iv wasted so much time and money ... buying gear and thinking i had all the answers .... honestly the 200 for a coach is and will now be my go to ...
Honestly, the number got more to do with my glute comfort. currently, only inject in my ass. Tried the thigh injection three times and that went horrible. got inflammation right above my knee that lasted almost a week. couldn't bent my knee so I gave up on the thigh injection.
I prefer to pin frequently in lower dosage. anything higher than 1cc is uncomfortable to me, so I came up with this.

week 1
Mon Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Tus Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Wed Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Thu Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Fri Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Sat Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Sun Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml

Mon Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Tus Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Wed Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Thu Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Fri Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml
Sat Npp 1cc @ 100mg/ml
Sun Test 0.5cc @E 250mg/ml


Totall Npp = 7 injections*100 dose= 700/2weeks = 350 weekly.
Total Test E = 7 injections*((0.5cc*250mg/1ml)= 125dose) =875/2weeks = 437.5 weekly

so I'm pinning daily now alternating between 1cc then 0.5cc the next day.
lower dose and more comfortable to my ass :)
Just pinned the quad for the first time ever. Have to say it was my most comfortable pin ever. The Tren didn't even bite. Quite surprised after fearing it for so many years. Recent lipoma removal from delt has permanently moved me from that region.
That's funny I've always feared trying out the delts. Quad is the easiest pin for me besides glutes.

Besides the muscle size reasons, it's the easiest place to knead the oil into the muscle without looking weird.

i.e. rubbing your bum in public
That's funny I've always feared trying out the delts. Quad is the easiest pin for me besides glutes.

Besides the muscle size reasons, it's the easiest place to knead the oil into the muscle without looking weird.

i.e. rubbing your bum in public
I've always done my delts with ease and hated my quads. I usually get quite a bit of soreness from my quads.
I've always done my delts with ease and hated my quads. I usually get quite a bit of soreness from my quads.
I may be sore and not know. Spent 2.5 hours in the gym yesterday then a friend asked me to join them for a little insanity workout. We walk this pedestrian bridge and do 10 pushups at each expansion joint totalling 500 pushups then run the bridge for a 2 mile round trip. And we did it in 100 degree temps.
Will try pinning quad one more time and see what happens. Hopefully this time I don't limp for a week. I always pin before warming up for my workout to get the oil moving as you said.
I have found pinning before your workout leads to a lot more pip. Pinning in the evening sometime before rest gives the injection site time to heal reducing soreness.
I started reading on this. The first 3 pages seem to be everyone bashing this Sasquatch guy. So, I skipped to the last page to see if people like him or not, but I'm not sure what everyone is talking about now. Lots of private discussions.

I sent an order to PPL with money, but he/she has since gotten back with me saying they are now out of stock. Just looking to restock my Clomid & Nolvadex. Might pick up some Anavar for the shipment, if the supplier has it.