[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Whats the protocol for bloodwork done on sustanon? I know long esters is 5 to 6 weeks, prop is minimum of 3 weeks. Been on Sas's sust for 4 weeks now at 250 week Pinned Monday/Thursday. Probably going to wait another couple of weeks anyways, but just thought I'd ask. Not sure of the protocol with the mix of esters.
Whats the protocol for bloodwork done on sustanon? I know long esters is 5 to 6 weeks, prop is minimum of 3 weeks. Been on Sas's sust for 4 weeks now at 250 week Pinned Monday/Thursday. Probably going to wait another couple of weeks anyways, but just thought I'd ask. Not sure of the protocol with the mix of esters.
What are you trying to do? Just mid cycle labs or labs for store credit?
Whats the protocol for bloodwork done on sustanon? I know long esters is 5 to 6 weeks, prop is minimum of 3 weeks. Been on Sas's sust for 4 weeks now at 250 week Pinned Monday/Thursday. Probably going to wait another couple of weeks anyways, but just thought I'd ask. Not sure of the protocol with the mix of esters.

We'll give you store credit for 4 weeks on sustanon.

Just cruising bro. Will blast again in September. I'd been wanting to get bloodwork done anyways. Been off cycle for 5 weeks. Thought I'd help out Sas and the board by getting my levels on TRT dose of sust:cool:
Been on SAS test P for front load and Test C for 7 weeks this week. Will be pinning Thursday early AM with Test C and looking to do bloods Saturday in the AM. Looking at this test from LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online

look good? This is my first cycle and this has been my injection schedule. This is test only. Go for this week or hold off one more? Was planning on 14 weeks, should I cut it off at 14 or run 16? Thoughts. Thanks fellas.Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 9.20.20 PM.png
Been on SAS test P for front load and Test C for 7 weeks this week. Will be pinning Thursday early AM with Test C and looking to do bloods Saturday in the AM. Looking at this test from LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online

look good? This is my first cycle and this has been my injection schedule. This is test only. Go for this week or hold off one more? Was planning on 14 weeks, should I cut it off at 14 or run 16? Thoughts. Thanks fellas.View attachment 92881

How do you know you need Adex?
Just cruising bro. Will blast again in September. I'd been wanting to get bloodwork done anyways. Been off cycle for 5 weeks. Thought I'd help out Sas and the board by getting my levels on TRT dose of sust:cool:
I been thinking of adding sust on my next bulk. Curious to see your results man.
This is my go to location to pin about 80% of the time. I can flex my posterior glute and this 1-2 inch muscle pops out of the side of my ass exactly in that picture where the red x is. I mark it visually, relax the glute, and it goes back in. Pin right after. Definitely easier with 2-3 cc of oil, vs trying to rotate my torso around and pin my ass.
This is my go to location to pin about 80% of the time. I can flex my posterior glute and this 1-2 inch muscle pops out of the side of my ass exactly in that picture where the red x is. I mark it visually, relax the glute, and it goes back in. Pin right after. Definitely easier with 2-3 cc of oil, vs trying to rotate my torso around and pin my ass.
This is my go to location to pin about 80% of the time. I can flex my posterior glute and this 1-2 inch muscle pops out of the side of my ass exactly in that picture where the red x is. I mark it visually, relax the glute, and it goes back in. Pin right after. Definitely easier with 2-3 cc of oil, vs trying to rotate my torso around and pin my ass.

Bro this is a great spot to use. I use it if I am pushin 3ml. Even if you have stuff that causes oil. You will not get it her for some reason. Anyway give it a try it works.
I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg

Bro you definetly are not eating enough.. you should be on the POPTART diet. Along with everything g else your eat. Eat a box a day and that will give you roughly 2000xalories. Eating clean is not a option for you. I also feel anabolics are not a option for you weighing only150lbs.. go back to training naturally and gain 20lbs then may e take another look at aas. Till then 500mg week test it’s goi g to shut you down and your probably going g to take a long time to recover. Hope you do t have a girl cause your Jim Jim may have a herd time working.
How do you know you need Adex?
I don't, but my pre bloods had me at a 39 estriDol which I know is on the close to high side natural so I was a little worried. Thought I felt a little nip pain after the first couple injections, probably in my head but I figured better to be safe then sorry.
I don't, but my pre bloods had me at a 39 estriDol which I know is on the close to high side natural so I was a little worried. Thought I felt a little nip pain after the first couple injections, probably in my head but I figured better to be safe then sorry.

Glad you got pre bloods. This step is skipped my many.

Random off topic question for you TRT guys. How far ahead of scheduled bloodwork do you typically discontinue a blast to ensure all levels will be normal by scheduled bloodwork checks. Test Prop and short ester products only on top of TRT would be what i'm looking at. I'm thinking 2-3 weeks should be safe but curious to hear personal experience etc. I've never had to worry about it in terms of my doctor scheduling bloodwork but now with going on TRT I'm starting to plan things out more closely.
Random off topic question for you TRT guys. How far ahead of scheduled bloodwork do you typically discontinue a blast to ensure all levels will be normal by scheduled bloodwork checks. Test Prop and short ester products only on top of TRT would be what i'm looking at. I'm thinking 2-3 weeks should be safe but curious to hear personal experience etc. I've never had to worry about it in terms of my doctor scheduling bloodwork but now with going on TRT I'm starting to plan things out more closely.

3 weeks is plenty of time if you are using prop. Your levels drop relatively faster than one would think.

There is actually a great experiment that was done by deepwaters in the lab posting section.

He took bloods every day on a 750mg one time per week injection to track how fast levels drop. Pretty amazing to see what it was on day 7.

He did the experiment on both pharma Watson and a ugl brand to see the difference and if there would be any.
3 weeks is plenty of time if you are using prop. Your levels drop relatively faster than one would think.

There is actually a great experiment that was done by deepwaters in the lab posting section.

He took bloods every day on a 750mg one time per week injection to track how fast levels drop. Pretty amazing to see what it was on day 7.

He did the experiment on both pharma Watson and a ugl brand to see the difference and if there would be any.

I'll take a look at that, thanks. That should be plenty of time for any cholesterol issues etc to regulate as well I would think? My first go around I don't want to throw up any red flags that makes my dr back off lol.
First order touchdown. 4 days t/a.. everything looks good and was packed up nice!! Looking forward to trying it soon.. slowly stockpiling for future cycles
Just placed my first order ever!!! Excited to see some results. Thanks again Sasquatch probably would have gone gyno with out your help haha