[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

We need @nathandrake06 to come on and do or say something really stupid to stop this fighting.

Or we could just leave this thread to discussing all things Sasquatch.

Its funny because that's what I told him to do from the start and he liked your post. I'm done. I just think its funny.

I came with legit questions for the source.
Have any of you guys ran Sas’s DHB? I’m interested in it but the bad pip stories kinda worry me. I asked Sas about pip and Dino replied that he thought the pip wasn’t too bad. I just hate running a cycle when I dread pinning lol.
If so, what dosages have you guys ran weekly? What did you stack it with? How were your results?, ect...
Have any of you guys ran Sas’s DHB? I’m interested in it but the bad pip stories kinda worry me. I asked Sas about pip and Dino replied that he thought the pip wasn’t too bad. I just hate running a cycle when I dread pinning lol.
If so, what dosages have you guys ran weekly? What did you stack it with? How were your results?, ect...
I ran SP DHB and it put me in the hospital!
Trust me there’s a reason nobody runs this shit. I found out the hard way.
@Burn bright

could you go to the knock out room let keep this thread to discussing sasquatch thing


Like I stated numerous times, I would have no issue but that old salty prick @Oldschool is literally following me around the forums commenting on every single on of my post.

Shut up you fucking parrot. You just google shit and talk out your ass. You have experience with test and eq. I suggest you open your eyes and shut your mouth. Shady has never caused anyone to do anything but hit the like button.

You dont have to pin tren a everyday. More smoke out your ass.

Im out. You cant be trusted. Sorry for derailing.

I don't need a thread to deal with his dumbass. Every time he rears his ugly mug with a comment I will shoot that fucker down then and there.

Burn bright just came out of no where.
I ran SP DHB and it put me in the hospital!
Trust me there’s a reason nobody runs this shit. I found out the hard way.
Yeah I read your long bro and seen everything you went through. Which is one of the reasons I been questioning this compound.

Honestly haven’t heard any good reviews on it anywhere. I was just curious if people were running it.
I’ll probably stray away due to the little bit of research I’ve done on it. Cons seem to outweigh the pros
I love the drama guys.. keeps my day going by fast.

But on a serious note who has experience with sas var? I’ve run 100 mg of another lab and it didn’t do much except pop my veins out.

You suggested the knock out room as have others when he did this shit yesterday. He claimed he was done and I said I was fine with it, just stop talking to me and about me.

Already done. Thanks.

Yet this is his posting from just today. Literally ALL about me.

oldfool - Copy.png

I mean come on, that's more than just a little excessive.

You suggested the knock out room as have others when he did this shit yesterday. He claimed he was done and I said I was fine with it, just stop talking to me and about me.

Yet this is his posting from just today. Literally ALL about me.

View attachment 94327

I mean come on, that's more than just a little excessive.
Wow this rivalry has expanded into like 4 threads.. lol isn’t there a way to block people on here
Wow this rivalry has expanded into like 4 threads.. lol isn’t there a way to block people on here

Yeah, because he followed me around commenting on my post on 4 threads. And yes, but I block no one. He can follow me around like a sad little puppy all he wants. I am just going to continue to call him out on it while he proves himself to be the obsessive psycho he is with these asinine comments.

You suggested the knock out room as have others when he did this shit yesterday. He claimed he was done and I said I was fine with it, just stop talking to me and about me.

Yet this is his posting from just today. Literally ALL about me.

View attachment 94327

I mean come on, that's more than just a little excessive.
Post up your posts. Dont just jumble my posts together all out of context. But you do make me feel important. lol
Yeah, because he followed me around commenting on my post on 4 threads. And yes, but I block no one. He can follow me around like a sad little puppy all he wants. I am just going to continue to call him out on it while he proves himself to be the obsessive psycho he is with these asinine comments.
Stop talking out of your ass and i will quit.
Get the fuck out of here, anyone can click on the links and see the bullshit you are spewing. And I make you feel important? HA!

Motherfucker you've been following me around like a whipped little bitch all day. I'll say what I want, when I want, how I want, to who I want.

And if you got some more stupid shit to say, I'll call you out on that too.

Keep on going Oldfool.
Get the fuck out of here, anyone can click on the links and see the bullshit you are spewing. And I make you feel important? HA!

Motherfucker you've been following me around like a whipped little bitch all day. I'll say what I want, when I want, how I want, to who I want.

And if you got some more stupid shit to say, I'll call you out on that too.

Keep on going Oldfool.
"I know what you are but what am I"

Solid comeback bro.

I am not the one following you around thread to thread commenting on everything you say like some deranged cheerleader.

0 times. Stated that many times as well as the compounds I have used. All I said to @BigBaldBeardGuy was it made since why he was pinning Test C ED if he was ALREADY pinning Tren A ED.....I guess counting AND reading comprehension aren't your strong points you dumb salty old fuck.

Stupid fucking penis wrinkle.

And as for you

So this wasn't advice, dumb fuck?

And now you are able to give a diagnosis online? What snorting your AI's has made you a qualified medical doctor?

I actually laughed out loud when I read Penis wrinkle. I’m stealing that one