[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I couldn’t say with 100% certainty who it falls on honestly. I just don’t think it’s that cut and dry. I will say that through this, Sas and I have communicated with with respect and without finger pointing... We might see things differently, but we can argue each others point without being confrontational. So why a bitch fag like @balco wants to dick ride is beyond me..

The problem isn't "whose fault" this is.

Option 1: You were compromised and were taken in unknowingly by a phishing email.

Option 2: The source is compromised and intercepting emails.

The first option sucks for you, granted. But the second option, that means someone can be intercepting emails with people's personal information (name and address)

But with that second option you would expect larger orders being phished as well as other people complaining of this and not one isolated incident.
@nathandrake06 stop talking out your asshole man. No one is buying what your selling!!

On another note I also got some of you shit tested. Is it ok that it’s hand written on a napkin @Sasquatch Labs . It’s a small community college haha

As long as it's 99% and you sent the whole 10mL.
Also make sure they give it back to you so you can post a picture saying it's contaminated.
Please don't focus the camera either.

Yeah, I hate 99% accuracy.


Do you have a picture of this vial? You said you were going to upload a picture.

Feel free to ignore @nathandrake06 no body will be mad at you for it. But take care of @Gettinbigger76, though I believe it was his side that was hacked I think you can do a little better then 100 store credit for a consistent returning customer in a jam.
Feel free to ignore @nathandrake06 no body will be mad at you for it. But take care of @Gettinbigger76, though I believe it was his side that was hacked I think you can do a little better then 100 store credit for a consistent returning customer in a jam.


One issue is we won't have Primo in for a couple weeks.
I'd like to help out, but could you let us know if you'd like other products or wait for Primo?

I don't like giving discounts on Primo because of the price, but other items would not be a problem.


One issue is we won't have Primo in for a couple weeks.
I'd like to help out, but could you let us know if you'd like other products or wait for Primo?

I don't like giving discounts on Primo because of the price, but other items would not be a problem.


Customer service is what builds loyal customers like a lot of the guys in this thread. Keep it up.
Running 400-500mg Test C EOD
Free test was 1872

Bloods are taken 48 hours post last injection
I do take adx and letrozole as needed.

after running large amounts of tren and winny with the anti e my cholesterol is all fucked up so now gonna cruise back down repair the body and rego.
any reason why you do test c every other day
Thats just how it works out for me. I take mostly fast acting othee compounds so i get my test levels started with test p usually then just run the c or e rest of time. I like to add test p with the e or c aswell usually

Starting or ending with Test P makes sense, but I still don't get why you're injecting Test C EOD. 2x a week or E3D would be more than enough?
Thats just how it works out for me. I take mostly fast acting othee compounds so i get my test levels started with test p usually then just run the c or e rest of time. I like to add test p with the e or c aswell usually

but you know you do test p for 2 weeks together with test c just to get your level up faster and them just drop the p and stay with test c 2x week or you can just frontload test c that will help to feel the test and get your level up faster as well just my .02
Starting or ending with Test P makes sense, but I still don't get why you're injecting Test C EOD. 2x a week or E3D would be more than enough?

I’m running Tren A with Test C as part of my cycle. Since I’m injecting the tren every day anyway, I’ll split my weekly Test C dose into 3 days to reduce oil volume in the syringe.
I’m running Tren A with Test C as part of my cycle. Since I’m injecting the tren every day anyway, I’ll split my weekly Test C dose into 3 days to reduce oil volume in the syringe.

I mean that makes sense, because you have to pin the Tren A ED regardless, and allows for less volume per pin.

But if you were using only slow esters and pinning ED or even EOD that's like some masochist level stuff going on.