[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Bro, obviously they chose “.corn” because it looks so similar to .com, so I’m sure anyone would miss it, but I’m glad to see you’ve decided to become condescending. I don’t believe you chose or wanted this to happen, and I’m not even saying I’m 100% certain that I wasn’t phished, I’m just saying that it’s not nearly as conclusive as you’re making it out to be. Thanks for the insult though.

Did you see that wasn't me you were replying to?

Bro, obviously they chose “.corn” because it looks so similar to .com, so I’m sure anyone would miss it, but I’m glad to see you’ve decided to become condescending. I don’t believe you chose or wanted this to happen, and I’m not even saying I’m 100% certain that I wasn’t phished, I’m just saying that it’s not nearly as conclusive as you’re making it out to be. Thanks for the insult though.
If you worked in "cyber security" you would know for a fact whether or not you had been phished. I'm not debating whether or not you deserve a refund, I don't care. I am just saying that your story makes no sense.
^^^^ This guy is a fuckin joke. Please nobody listen or take his advice. Do not call your local university asking to test illegal products. Fuckin stupid!
Then uploads a pic of a vial without a label and plastic top removed claiming contamination. This guy is full of shit!
Your fake report didn’t earn you any store credit so now you try this contamination bullshit!? Wtf?!
Easy to see that @nathandrake06 is a reverse scammer and nothing more!
I usually won’t say anything about any member here but (with a little tren in me lol) and how this guy is spewing bullshit everywhere he posts then I had to say something cause frankly its pissing me off!!
So dude, do us all a favor and fuck off!
@Gettinbigger76 damn dude this situation sucks man. From everything I’ve read in the back and forth between you and @Sasquatch Labs it seems to me that this falls on you. This is just my opinion man and nothing personal. But you should always double check who you are communicating with each and every time. Especially when sending funds.
I think the store credit that has been offered is being generous imo, considering the situation. I just don’t see, as of now, this being Sas’s fault.
I really hope everything works out for you man. I was just trying to give you a perspective of someone outside looking in.
You just have to be creative (if it's possible). "I found this in my son's backpack, it was unlabeled, can you tell me what it is". Use your imagination, if you have one.

You are so full of shit. You can’t do a GC/MS scan to find out what “could” be in a sample. You have to tell them what to look for so they know which spikes to identify. If you sent them a sample and said “tell me what it is” then they would have to analyze it for literally every compound and that would cost you way more than $210.

Analyzer had standards that he used of KNOWN compounds so that when he ran samples he could identify winstrol as this peak, testosterone as that peak Tren Ace as the other peak. Your university bullshit story doesn’t have calibration standards for steroids. Why would they unless they are regularly analyzing steroid samples.

And real lab reports don’t mix the results for two separate samples the way you did.

You’re a low-life gear whore and one day that’s going to come back and bite you.
Cause it’s bullshit. No lab needs 10 ml of sample. He’s either scamming us by schilling for SAS or he’s trying to scam the squatch for some credit for free gear.

Check out Cronus intro... This guy is there saying "he feels lucky he found Cronus" but when you read the thread you understand what's going on.. Lol he even pm'd me telling me all this cheesy as stuff like his girl is looking amazing, and omg her hips.. But she switched from SAS var to Cronus. Recommended it to me again saying he feels lucky to have found a source that has dodged every question and posted a pic of about 100 vials, that looked crashed LMAO.
So what did we learn today boys and girls? Do not send money to an AAS producer who has .corn in their URL.

@Sasquatch Labs I appreciate you taking the time to explain the facts and then going out of your way to provide store credit because the situation was unfortunate. As of right now you guys have earned the benefit of the doubt in this situation IMO.

But the lesson here everyone is to check the fucking URL and now we know there is an active scammer trying to impersonate the squatch and defraud us customers - remain vigilant.

Oh and @nathandrake06 - you're a real fucking einstein out here.
If you worked in "cyber security" you would know for a fact whether or not you had been phished. I'm not debating whether or not you deserve a refund, I don't care. I am just saying that your story makes no sense.
Well if you don’t think it makes any sense, than that’s all there is to it... and who the fuck are you again? Fuck outta here
@Gettinbigger76 damn dude this situation sucks man. From everything I’ve read in the back and forth between you and @Sasquatch Labs it seems to me that this falls on you. This is just my opinion man and nothing personal. But you should always double check who you are communicating with each and every time. Especially when sending funds.
I think the store credit that has been offered is being generous imo, considering the situation. I just don’t see, as of now, this being Sas’s fault.
I really hope everything works out for you man. I was just trying to give you a perspective of someone outside looking in.

I couldn’t say with 100% certainty who it falls on honestly. I just don’t think it’s that cut and dry. I will say that through this, Sas and I have communicated with with respect and without finger pointing... We might see things differently, but we can argue each others point without being confrontational. So why a bitch fag like @balco wants to dick ride is beyond me..