[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey guys! I know email responses have been spotty, I'll get to all of you today.

I'm working on a huge restock, I'll make a post by tomorrow night!

Tits are ok. But Jeez those fingernails. Makes me want to vomit. What is she, a black stripper named Jasmine who is working at D-Lites? Or a 300lb black receptionist at the DMV named Kiki?!
He only noticed the nails because he likes prostate massages
Finally a topic you have experience with!

Just so you all see, unprovoked. But like I stated, when it comes to this old tool bag I will retaliate and put him in his place every time like the little bitch he is.


Wow, faggot 3 days running, you really can't help yourself.

Please didn't you say you work on a ranch, you're all into that Broke Back Mountain typed shit, not fooling anyone.

But if it makes you feel any better the dude that snorts AI's like your comment so you're super cool now.
Just so you all see, unprovoked. But like I stated, when it comes to this old tool bag I will retaliate and put him in his place every time like the little bitch he is.


Wow, faggot 3 days running, you really can't help yourself.

Please didn't you say you work on a ranch, you're all into that Broke Back Mountain typed shit, not fooling anyone.

But if it makes you feel any better the dude that snorts AI's like your comment so you're super cool now.

LOL, you tossed him a slow hanging curveball this time!

You also have to understand that all @Oldschool is doing is winding you up. He definitely gets a rise out of you too. Sometimes you just need to let a few things slide. Don’t get so worked up man!
LOL, you tossed him a slow hanging curveball this time!

You also have to understand that all @Oldschool is doing is winding you up. He definitely gets a rise out of you too. Sometimes you just need to let a few things slide. Don’t get so worked up man!

Yes granted it was an easy set up, and I am not even offended. Hell anyone could have taken that bait and ran with it.

But I mean come on, 3 days in a row...what does he click on my profile and hit refresh all day until he can comment...just making you guys aware I don't start shit, but I will be damned if just roll over and accept his shit.

I mean the little bitch couldn't even wait 10 minutes....
Just so you all see, unprovoked. But like I stated, when it comes to this old tool bag I will retaliate and put him in his place every time like the little bitch he is.


Wow, faggot 3 days running, you really can't help yourself.

Please didn't you say you work on a ranch, you're all into that Broke Back Mountain typed shit, not fooling anyone.

But if it makes you feel any better the dude that snorts AI's like your comment so you're super cool now.
Hey man I expect this now.. I can’t lie the back and forth is keeping me entertained though. Just sucks when I think there is some good gear talk to be had.
I'm fine with it honestly, but everyone saying take it to knock out room...that's just foolish, his fragile little ego goes around commenting on everything I say panhandling for likes and self validation.
Come on @picholas, that one was funny you gotta admit. You gotta turd in your pants if that one didn’t make you at least crack a smile

If he wasn't following me around for 3 days now posting on everything I said, I might have been able to enjoy the humor behind it...I mean just click on his profile and look at his last 20 post.

BTW: Your avatar makes every comment you say 10x funnier
If he wasn't following me around for 3 days now posting on everything I said, I might have been able to enjoy the humor behind it...I mean just click on his profile and look at his last 20 post.

BTW: Your avatar makes every comment you say 10x funnier

This is in no way an attack. I'm gonna try to speak a little wisdom to you from an elder's perspective.

One reason you've gotten the flak that you've received is that you came to Meso and started posting advice as an unknown that did not have much experience yet. That always stirs things up here.

I came here about two and a half years ago with 20 years of experience with anabolics but didn't post much, for the next six months or so, until I had established my presence here. And still to this day I don't answer every question or respond to every topic, I have knowledge about, that is brought up unless no one else is responding. That is a great way to not look like someone trying to be a know it all with only a little experience. If you look at our posts, I've been here for two and a half years and have 1,100 posts. You've been here for two and a half months and have over 1,200 posts.

I gues what I'm trying to say here is slow down a bit and just enjoy this journey of learning from a distance for a while and give yourself a little time to establish yourself here. You seem like a good dude but your forum etiquette could use a little work.