[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

This is in no way an attack. I'm gonna try to speak a little wisdom to you from an elder's perspective.

One reason you've gotten the flak that you've received is that you came to Meso and started posting advice as an unknown that did not have much experience yet. That always stirs things up here.

I came here about two and a half years ago with 20 years of experience with anabolics but didn't post much, for the next six months or so, until I had established my presence here. And still to this day I don't answer every question or respond to every topic, I have knowledge about, that is brought up unless no one else is responding. That is a great way to not look like someone trying to be a know it all with only a little experience. If you look at our posts, I've been here for two and a half years and have 1,100 posts. You've been here for two and a half months and have over 1,200 posts.

I gues what I'm trying to say here is slow down a bit and just enjoy this journey of learning from a distance for a while and give yourself a little time to establish yourself here. You seem like a good dude but your forum etiquette could use a little work.

If I've ever said anything not factual I'd love to be corrected and learn. I posted a lot because I have, prior to joining, only got my AAS from a friend so I have a lot of questions. When he moved I was going in here blind.

And the reason I'm responding like this to you is because you addressed me and stated your opinion respectfully.

Just like being old doesn't automatically get you respect and mean you're full of wisdom, a join date is nothing more than your age on the forum.

And it's not really that many people, just a few members, maybe 2 or 3 besides this guy who has treated me as such. And quite frankly seeing how they act not just towards me, but others on the forum it's really no loss of mine.

Besides my post count I traded a hgh pen, traded provigil, created a thread to help people with crypto, and got blood on a previously untested lab. So I like to think I'm doing what I can to contribute back to this community in the short time I've been here.

I'm not here for likes or a popularity contest.
If I've ever said anything not factual I'd love to be corrected and learn. I posted a lot because I have, prior to joining, only got my AAS from a friend so I have a lot of questions. When he moved I was going in here blind.

And the reason I'm responding like this to you is because you addressed me and stated your opinion respectfully.

Just like being old doesn't automatically get you respect and mean you're full of wisdom, a join date is nothing more than your age on the forum.

And it's not really that many people, just a few members, maybe 2 or 3 besides this guy who has treated me as such. And quite frankly seeing how they act not just towards me, but others on the forum it's really no loss of mine.

Besides my post count I traded a hgh pen, traded provigil, created a thread to help people with crypto, and got blood on a previously untested lab. So I like to think I'm doing what I can to contribute back to this community in the short time I've been here.

I'm not here for likes or a popularity contest.

Edit: This will be my last post on this matter

Well unfortunately the people that have come in here for likes and popularity have filled and flooded the forum with their posts so it just gives an unattractive appearance. JustFish comes to mind right now. I guess I just enjoy seeing how many people will come up with the same answer I would have given. And if it's different then I have a chance to go find out why. This is a wonderful way to gain new knowledge and I do still gain new perspectives because other people's viewpoints make me go see why I didn't think like them at first. If I would have spoken up then no one else might have and I would have missed out on seeing a solution from another point of view.

Edit: And I'm not saying you don't contribute some good material. It's just on rapid fire lol
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I didn't give advice. You are a moron.

That's the funny thing about projection, you are blissfully unaware and that's why you do it, but anyone else who looks can see it.

I'm not going to spend my time sorting out your unprocessed psychological trauma for you.

Good luck man.
That's rich, an AI snorter making demands.

Here is a demand/request/advice. You pick.

Go snort some anthrax you daft fuck.
You just described yourself dumbfuck.
How many times have you run tren? Keep on talking out your ass youngster. Dont change the subject either. How many times have you pinned tren?
Man.. with all do respect. I have no issues with any of you. However, will you guys just click on each other’s names and hit ignore. We got crashed shit and faked results we are trying to attend too! This is a source forum and makes it tough to read through all this shit.
I guess I just enjoy seeing how many people will come up with the same answer I would have given. And if it's different then I have a chance to go find out why.
Edit: And I'm not saying you don't contribute some good material. It's just on rapid fire lol

I like that, never thought about it that way, and what you edited in I admit is fair. I can slow my roll a bit. And to be honest after RnR I will probably be hanging out more in the Homebrew section then here.

I liked it better when people were calling eachother penis wrinkle. Can we go back to that?

LOL I was rather fond of that insult.

This is in no way an attack. I'm gonna try to speak a little wisdom to you from an elder's perspective.

One reason you've gotten the flak that you've received is that you came to Meso and started posting advice as an unknown that did not have much experience yet. That always stirs things up here.

I came here about two and a half years ago with 20 years of experience with anabolics but didn't post much, for the next six months or so, until I had established my presence here. And still to this day I don't answer every question or respond to every topic, I have knowledge about, that is brought up unless no one else is responding. That is a great way to not look like someone trying to be a know it all with only a little experience. If you look at our posts, I've been here for two and a half years and have 1,100 posts. You've been here for two and a half months and have over 1,200 posts.

I gues what I'm trying to say here is slow down a bit and just enjoy this journey of learning from a distance for a while and give yourself a little time to establish yourself here. You seem like a good dude but your forum etiquette could use a little work.
Ha and I thought I was the only one that noticed the arrogance combined with undeniable ass kissing and dick riding!!
I had too block this idiot and the name of whom your talking about doesn’t even show on your post. But it took me about 2 seconds to know who your talking about.
621C61C4-1863-4427-81DE-1F56599894DD.jpeg I am realizing how important boobs are to a healthy forum experience here. Here are some below average tits from this girl I fucked recently. I’ll be sure to continue to collect and share.586FBDDD-2D0C-4167-84EB-9E88C39A645E.jpeg Figured I’d throw in the pussy too for good luck...it was much better than the tits anyway lol.