[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Are you sure about this? Doesn’t Dbol kick in within a few days to a week? When TSL/Omega was here, his Dbol kicked in within 3 days for me with noticeable changes to my physique.

Only from my own prospective, yes. I cannot and do not speak for everyone, as we can agree that everyone is different and can respond sooner or later or differently.
  1. @The Terminator (been emailed by squatch)
  2. @D0017 (been emailed by squatch)
  3. @newtoketo 's friend? (Been emailed my squatch)
  4. @Goodgie (been emailed by squatch)
Looks like the list is shrinking, and people are getting TD. Just placed another large order and will keep everyone updated if the hairy fuck actually shaved the hair out of his eyes and figured out how to ship packages faster like he used to. Eager to see bloods in a couple weeks from this batch.

Td finally on the rest of my order, just shy of 3 weeks, but sas apologized and made up for it so it’s all good. He also replaced a problem item from a previous order,
Hey guys!
If you ordered before today your order has been shipped, I will get to everyone soon for shipping confirmations!

98% of emails have been responded to!
I will get to all of you!

I don't want to update the pastebin until I finish the brew, but for now the following are back in stock or have had an increase in stock:
Primo E
Mast E
Tren A

If you have been waiting for any of those items, your order will ship tomorrow or at the latest Sunday!

Glad to hear everyone is getting everything!

Guys I understand that because of the nature of the business there is reason for worry. I am not a scammer, please don't jump to that conclusion.

Working on some newbiews for you guys too!

Glad to hear everyone is getting everything!

Guys I understand that because of the nature of the business there is reason for worry. I am not a scammer, please don't jump to that conclusion.

Working on some newbiews for you guys too!


We don’t have to jump to that conclusion if you wouldn’t disappear for days on end. Especially when you log in and do not respond to question and or concerns....

You put yourself in that position with the actions you took.

So don’t give people a reason to feel they got had and the speculations won’t follow.
Glad to hear everyone is getting everything!

Guys I understand that because of the nature of the business there is reason for worry. I am not a scammer, please don't jump to that conclusion.

Working on some newbiews for you guys too!


When will this restock be completed and what are these newbie items you speak of?
New to this board and new customer for the squatch.Just finished up an order, dino was very helpful and prompt. Will post again when it t/d to give an accurate representation of what to expect as far as delivery times. Not a fan of btc but after a call to fraud protection for my card it went smoothly.