[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey guys! All packs are on the way you'll see TD's very soon!

Below is our newest pastebin:

Keep in mind a massive restock is upon us this weekend!

Communication and T/A will stay 3-4 business days!

Td this evening. I drove home two hours from working out of town so my pack didn't sit in the mailbox...I hate leaving a pack in my mailbox for even a day. But the pack finally made it...just a week late. Needless to say the whole delay was a major inconvenience. Come end of august I wanna blast a big cycle. Hopefully sas has stock up and delivery time fast and consistent.
  1. @The Terminator (been emailed by squatch)
  2. @D0017 (been emailed by squatch)
  3. @newtoketo 's friend? (Been emailed my squatch)
  4. @Goodgie (been emailed by squatch)
Looks like the list is shrinking, and people are getting TD. Just placed another large order and will keep everyone updated if the hairy fuck actually shaved the hair out of his eyes and figured out how to ship packages faster like he used to. Eager to see bloods in a couple weeks from this batch.
Got my tren. Like everyone else it took ten days for me to get it. Unlike everyone else I wasn't pissing about it. Only thing I was concerned about is that the packaging wasn't that secure: the product was wrapped up nicely but the package it came in was all but open to the world. Tape it closed or something next time guys!!

I don't really care about t/a times. I care about not getting an infection and real steroids.

I'll update in a month about the quality of the tren.
Got my tren. Like everyone else it took ten days for me to get it. Unlike everyone else I wasn't pissing about it. Only thing I was concerned about is that the packaging wasn't that secure: the product was wrapped up nicely but the package it came in was all but open to the world. Tape it closed or something next time guys!!

I don't really care about t/a times. I care about not getting an infection and real steroids.

I'll update in a month about the quality of the tren.
Duly noted man!

I am currently working on adding a stealth element to packaging.

Note* If I do go through with that, please do not talk about it at all. If you have something to say about it please just email me!

Actually it’s not. It’s contracted drivers from Amazon that are handed off the package from USPS and deliver to the home. I doubt he has any “in” at the post office. “Shipped” could very well mean that the reshipperd have been given the orders

No they are USPS workers that deliver on Sunday for Amazon. Might not be the regualr mail carrier but it's someone that works at the post office thats delivering it.
Duly noted man!

I am currently working on adding a stealth element to packaging.

Note* If I do go through with that, please do not talk about it at all. If you have something to say about it please just email me!

Don’t worry. I bet more than one person will fuck it up as they did in other threads...
USP stands for the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, which is an organization that bridges the gap between lack of government scrutiny of dietary supplements and the consumer's need for safe vitamins. ... The USP independently evaluates supplements for quality, purity and potency.

This was a copy and paste as I could not remember the exacts of it lol.

First I’m hearing this. Very reassuring to know. Sounds like a company wirth supporting.
Orals as kick starts don’t make sense unless in a short 8 week cycle.

Orals are best used towards the end. Myostatin is a bitch and on a long run you have to keep outpacing the bastard.

By either adding in a compound or upping dosages.

I don’t buy into the “kick start” theory either. Orals can take upto 2 weeks just to build up, and most don’t shine until 3rd or 4th week. By then even long eaters are fully saturated. Short esters like NPP already kick in by week 2. I’m in agreement with @Roger rabbit that it would be more prudent to save the orals for the latter part of the cycle, ass opposed to needing to up your wet doses.

Just an additional 2cents, most people I see use orals as a pre-workout. I think that’s just unnecessary over stressing the heart. On top of that a lot of people are pounding down some sort of powder pre-workouts drinks, and those have a lot of stimulants in them, further stressing the heart.

My feeling is that orals are a better idea to take at night, when your body is resting and recovering, and you’re not eating so there is no protein synthesis taking place. Orals at night will keep you anabolic until you break your fast the next day.

Just speculation, I have no scientific evidence to back this...
I don’t buy into the “kick start” theory either. Orals can take upto 2 weeks just to build up, and most don’t shine until 3rd or 4th week.
Are you sure about this? Doesn’t Dbol kick in within a few days to a week? When TSL/Omega was here, his Dbol kicked in within 3 days for me with noticeable changes to my physique.