[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Just shit my pants laughing :D
Doesn't take much to amuse you huh?
I know everyone is just playing slapnuts but shit, I won't even respond to the guy saying it. It's those following through and giving the inevitable douchey digital high five that really suck. As it just encourages more of the same behavior and distasteful humor. Not playing teacher but c'mon. You all can do better. Many seem to get much more creative when their knowledge or experience is questioned and their ego gets butthurt. Shame on you, go to your corner and if you're not Godless make it an intention that you work to do better next time. After all you may hit up a one night stand just a littlw too good and some of that sorry ass sperm affected by gear may just make it and you have to learn how to endure the suffering of watching your own child struggle with mental illness while also being stuck with the one nighter as mom!

So I can’t ask you guys to help me.... you would 100% rather see me fail and fuck my life up then to answer a simple question? I will do a ton of research before I start ( hence asking real time people questions) but nah dude I get it. Every one starts some where but you. Your were gods gift to earth and had all the answers the moment you were born. No problem, I get that. Some of us don’t have that knowledge and the only way to find out is to ask questions. Maybe here isn’t the best place but it’s a place I can grab honest answers. I can go to a whole
New thread / forum/ website and I’m
Sure I can ask someone else.... but instead I asked the question here and all I wanted was genuine advice and you HAVE the answer but instead you want me to go ask someone else.... because why? What would be your reasoning to not helping me?
Word of advice, don't ever go off subject with your workout routine or cycle on some of the most savage threads you can. The aim for most is to criticize, grill, and thoroughly roast the source as it is. Forcing them to bend and twist in every possible way until satisfied. Like some sick ass mercilessly yoga instructor for beginners.
I bet, with test and tren and whatever other gear you are planning on using. Training more than 3x's a week will help also, but what do I know? Also, if you wanna switch it up try this as it's always worked for me at the start of each cycle after a good break. Hell, I even break sometimes when it's not needed just to allow my strength to go down so when I hit it again I feel the pain the next day. I've learned too many supplements for pump and shit like creatine just keeps you in a constant state of swole and makes the solid lasting gains harder to attain but adding water is always easy. Just less than a week is good enough. What works for me for about 4 months of great explosive gains is this. 3-4 sets while the 4th is always incomplete due to failure, 6-8 reps of the absolute most weight you can possibly lift. After a warm up of course, machines/resistence is great for priming. Nothing but free weight after that though, target 2-3 muscles that are all in the same area of the body and connected. Don't be a poon and go hard as you possibly can. Eat like a menace after your shake as well, nothing but good clean carbs and fats if possible. Bee pollen (good amount) and coconut oil in the morning or preworkout is good stuff also, but that's up to you to figure out and try. Reading and learning your own way can be the best thing possible also if you're in tune with your body. Keep in mind you never know the size of the beast behind the keyboard giving advice and everyone reacts differnt to things. Gear should not be the focus of your fitness/gains, your training, diet and sleep should be. But that is a given, it's also how I've wasted plenty of good gear, time, and health probably. So I'm just sharing advice on my own mistakes. Currently working on less is more and trying new things slowly while observing my body's reactions. I'm telling you though 3 sets with a 4th failure set (meaning you better not be able to complete it and be laughing at yourself because you can't lift) at 6-8 reps of the HEAVIEST WEIGHT POSSIBLE. 2-3 muscle groups that connect. Should only take 30 mins at best, then you want to implement double days. Hit that shit once in the AM and again later in the day, push yourself and make it happen. If your on gear and taking such things as tren, you'll be able to handle it and repair. Eat like a viking that's smoking endless blunts and sleep like a Sass in the woods.
Sooooo how are these guys so cheap compared to let’s say Valkyrie ??? How does Sasquatch still make profit ?
*face palm*

Just.... Just no......
Ask yourself if this is a question regarding legitimacy or general curiosity. Then think about contacting the sources themselves if you're seriously interested from a business perspective. If it's regarding legitimacy then go with those that drop dollars on advertising because that is definitely a factor as is having and maintaining a site. Building a reputation, so many factors that are irrelevant here. Go lift some weights man or get a degree in operating leverage and learn shit like cost, volume and profit analysis....
Right and I see that and I will gladly move my questions else where but it’s kinda hypocritical to say that about me but literally 3-5 days ago these dudes had a conversation about breaking the news to his girlfriend he was on gear.... doesn’t pertain to anything.

Post away man.

It’s nots the sources thread. And if all we every posted in a source thread is

Got my package or whatever... the thread would be boring. Side convos are good for a source anyways.. it keeps them at the top.

Hey guys, I'm sorry for such a short notice but unfortunately we will be shutting down from 8/28-9/4.

Everything is fine there's nothing to worry about, I'll be going out of town for a family matter(we're running out of Sasquatch's), shouldn't take any longer than 7 days.

I'd hate to not provide the customer service all of you guys have come to expect from me so instead of being inconveniently unavailable I'd rather shut down and come back better than ever.

All orders that are paid for before 8/28 will be shipped on 8/28.

Thank you guys for understanding, I will not be raising the minimum for another two weeks!

If you have any questions or concerns email me, I'll be checking my emails and this forum from time to time but will not be taking orders.


This is the right thing to do.

Glad you announced the shutting down.
Don’t forget to have a automated response or something for people trying to send you a order email or general question.
The reason I'm being a dick is because I doubt you ever ran gear before but you think it's a good idea to jump on tren. There are some really knowledgeable people here who will actually go out of their way to help you but asking a quick bit of advice when your still so new is not a good idea. I'm fucking around with you but honestly I just want to see you get solid advice from people who enjoy doing it.

What’s wrong with jumping on tren first cycle?

Is there really a difference between making it the last thing you run or the first? Either way you gonna find out if it’s for you.
I remember when I first started and British Dragon was the hottest shit around. Bottles sold on anyones site for waaaay too much. Which was probably due to both their rise and fall. Money and the way it is so easy to milk the cow. The whole effort of click n buy for new generations make sites appealing. The idea of something like getting a source from a message board can be sketchy to a newcomer also. Direct contact with the source and all that also probably gets their minds drifting. After being so accustomed to impersonal relations its easier to feel you're getting sammed by someone willing to take the time to work with you directly. While its funny because IMO it's actually the opposite usually. The click n buy option can often result in getting a bottle of blanks. Get the money and run, change the site name and keep trucking. This is the history I remember at least.
When you look at the paste bin it says finished product... test E twice with different mgs. Thought it was a typos guess no

It’s two different batches of finished test e from months ago that they sent out for testing, I asked the same question a few months ago cause I thought it was a typo and one was test c. Those numbers aren’t applicable anymore as there’s been many new batches since.
Back when I was cycling I got a couple novelty bottles for settling for less. Buying the cheaper stuff and not trusting popular opinion. Wound up with a bottle of completely clear tri-tren. Scrapped it altogether and didn't make that m8istake again. Tren is a whole other animal in itself to go in another direction. It should be stressed more to approach it with serious respect than to avoid it. We all know advice hardly reaches the seeker and people are gonna do what their mind is set on. That whole reverse behavior thing is rampant amongst hard headed bodybuilders also that are entertaining the idea of obtaining that edge not found anywhere else. After getting burned by GNC enough times it's probably cheaper for most people to seek and get gear anyway. Laws should really change and things should be looked at differently. It's all about respect and responsibility, period.
If you don't responsibly respect yourself or any drug for that matter, then don't even consider jumping in the juice pool yet. Because all the warnings are true and the boogeyman is real. Wanna screw your natural production and ability to perform under the sheets? Wanna grow some moobies or possibly die from left ventricular hypertrophy? Then ignore the vets, run your crazy stack as long as you can, get your kicks and end up like The Zyzz. With guys like the synthol freaks only wearing your shirt after your death. No disrespect to the dead but I understand that guy was not aligning his lifestyle with his chemical/hormonal regimen correctly/respectively. I was so foolish and stubborn at 17, 18, 19, 20, and however many more years in between. Stuck with the dumbest cycles loosely thrown together and just as quick as my gains came they also went. Now, older and understanding better I am on my way to cliche posting. However, I do intend on doing better and taking the less is more approach. Tuning in on diet, training and sleep. The latter being something I've yet to zero in on, also squashing my attachment to inebriation. 16yrs of substance abuse takes a toll, losing all your friends and some family to it also puts things in perspective. We gotta be clear headed while putting our lives and health in our own hands, as fun as fuckboy fuckery lifestlyes can be and as appealing as it is due to cultural conditioning and the shallow turn society is taking in the new generations. We still gotta get back to our senses and hold ourselves accountable and do so with integrity. Stand for something or you'll fall for everything and all that mess. Know yourself and what you want and kill that shit!
I'm gonna stop preaching now because I'm cringing at myself as it is....
Hope everyone is doing well and making their dreams, goals, and wishes come true.
Happy fucking fantasy filled night and sweet dreams motherfuckers!!!!!
Back when I was cycling I got a couple novelty bottles for settling for less. Buying the cheaper stuff and not trusting popular opinion. Wound up with a bottle of completely clear tri-tren. Scrapped it altogether and didn't make that m8istake again. Tren is a whole other animal in itself to go in another direction. It should be stressed more to approach it with serious respect than to avoid it. We all know advice hardly reaches the seeker and people are gonna do what their mind is set on. That whole reverse behavior thing is rampant amongst hard headed bodybuilders also that are entertaining the idea of obtaining that edge not found anywhere else. After getting burned by GNC enough times it's probably cheaper for most people to seek and get gear anyway. Laws should really change and things should be looked at differently. It's all about respect and responsibility, period.
If you don't responsibly respect yourself or any drug for that matter, then don't even consider jumping in the juice pool yet. Because all the warnings are true and the boogeyman is real. Wanna screw your natural production and ability to perform under the sheets? Wanna grow some moobies or possibly die from left ventricular hypertrophy? Then ignore the vets, run your crazy stack as long as you can, get your kicks and end up like The Zyzz. With guys like the synthol freaks only wearing your shirt after your death. No disrespect to the dead but I understand that guy was not aligning his lifestyle with his chemical/hormonal regimen correctly/respectively. I was so foolish and stubborn at 17, 18, 19, 20, and however many more years in between. Stuck with the dumbest cycles loosely thrown together and just as quick as my gains came they also went. Now, older and understanding better I am on my way to cliche posting. However, I do intend on doing better and taking the less is more approach. Tuning in on diet, training and sleep. The latter being something I've yet to zero in on, also squashing my attachment to inebriation. 16yrs of substance abuse takes a toll, losing all your friends and some family to it also puts things in perspective. We gotta be clear headed while putting our lives and health in our own hands, as fun as fuckboy fuckery lifestlyes can be and as appealing as it is due to cultural conditioning and the shallow turn society is taking in the new generations. We still gotta get back to our senses and hold ourselves accountable and do so with integrity. Stand for something or you'll fall for everything and all that mess. Know yourself and what you want and kill that shit!
I'm gonna stop preaching now because I'm cringing at myself as it is....
Hope everyone is doing well and making their dreams, goals, and wishes come true.
Happy fucking fantasy filled night and sweet dreams motherfuckers!!!!!

Longest paragraph I have ever read... in my life.
Doesn't take much to amuse you huh?
I know everyone is just playing slapnuts but shit, I won't even respond to the guy saying it. It's those following through and giving the inevitable douchey digital high five that really suck. As it just encourages more of the same behavior and distasteful humor. Not playing teacher but c'mon. You all can do better. Many seem to get much more creative when their knowledge or experience is questioned and their ego gets butthurt. Shame on you, go to your corner and if you're not Godless make it an intention that you work to do better next time. After all you may hit up a one night stand just a littlw too good and some of that sorry ass sperm affected by gear may just make it and you have to learn how to endure the suffering of watching your own child struggle with mental illness while also being stuck with the one nighter as mom!

Word of advice, don't ever go off subject with your workout routine or cycle on some of the most savage threads you can. The aim for most is to criticize, grill, and thoroughly roast the source as it is. Forcing them to bend and twist in every possible way until satisfied. Like some sick ass mercilessly yoga instructor for beginners.
I bet, with test and tren and whatever other gear you are planning on using. Training more than 3x's a week will help also, but what do I know? Also, if you wanna switch it up try this as it's always worked for me at the start of each cycle after a good break. Hell, I even break sometimes when it's not needed just to allow my strength to go down so when I hit it again I feel the pain the next day. I've learned too many supplements for pump and shit like creatine just keeps you in a constant state of swole and makes the solid lasting gains harder to attain but adding water is always easy. Just less than a week is good enough. What works for me for about 4 months of great explosive gains is this. 3-4 sets while the 4th is always incomplete due to failure, 6-8 reps of the absolute most weight you can possibly lift. After a warm up of course, machines/resistence is great for priming. Nothing but free weight after that though, target 2-3 muscles that are all in the same area of the body and connected. Don't be a poon and go hard as you possibly can. Eat like a menace after your shake as well, nothing but good clean carbs and fats if possible. Bee pollen (good amount) and coconut oil in the morning or preworkout is good stuff also, but that's up to you to figure out and try. Reading and learning your own way can be the best thing possible also if you're in tune with your body. Keep in mind you never know the size of the beast behind the keyboard giving advice and everyone reacts differnt to things. Gear should not be the focus of your fitness/gains, your training, diet and sleep should be. But that is a given, it's also how I've wasted plenty of good gear, time, and health probably. So I'm just sharing advice on my own mistakes. Currently working on less is more and trying new things slowly while observing my body's reactions. I'm telling you though 3 sets with a 4th failure set (meaning you better not be able to complete it and be laughing at yourself because you can't lift) at 6-8 reps of the HEAVIEST WEIGHT POSSIBLE. 2-3 muscle groups that connect. Should only take 30 mins at best, then you want to implement double days. Hit that shit once in the AM and again later in the day, push yourself and make it happen. If your on gear and taking such things as tren, you'll be able to handle it and repair. Eat like a viking that's smoking endless blunts and sleep like a Sass in the woods.
Dude seriously we are on a board talking about illegal activites but ok. I know laughing at those that are not as fortunate as others is frowned upon. I will continue to laugh at every fucking post tha I think is funny even if it is not PC.... oh and let me spell it out that means politically correct.