[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

It seems like it’s for powerlifting instead of bodybuilding. Am I wrong?

To me? Yes! That’s exactly what it seems like / is

But people on other forums have been the average guy and started this program and all of sudden people are coming to them in gym asking them if they are on gear or how the hell they got so shredded... this program claims to add 20-30 pounds on your max and lose 5% body fat.... I wanna try it but idk if I’m about that life lol
Sooo this post prolly goes in a different forum but I feel after following and reading this thread I’ve grown fond of you guys. So recently/ my whole life I’ve worked out with the mind set 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps right ? Well I’ve flat lined boys.... plateaued .... so I’ve recently been reading into the idea of 3-4 sets but to failure every set. Never dropping weight.... example.... 225 on bench as many as I can till I fail... then hop back under 2-3 minutes later and go to failure again... and so on and so on. You guys following me here? Will this mix up of work out routines bring me back to life ? Essentially I feel like I’m training my
Muscles that “ oh shit... he isn’t lightening the load up... I’ve got to get stronger!” Anyways.... comments please :)) no hatred

What are your goals? Hypertrophy or strength?
Sooo this post prolly goes in a different forum but I feel after following and reading this thread I’ve grown fond of you guys. So recently/ my whole life I’ve worked out with the mind set 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps right ? Well I’ve flat lined boys.... plateaued .... so I’ve recently been reading into the idea of 3-4 sets but to failure every set. Never dropping weight.... example.... 225 on bench as many as I can till I fail... then hop back under 2-3 minutes later and go to failure again... and so on and so on. You guys following me here? Will this mix up of work out routines bring me back to life ? Essentially I feel like I’m training my
Muscles that “ oh shit... he isn’t lightening the load up... I’ve got to get stronger!” Anyways.... comments please :)) no hatred
Another thing, I'm sure u heard it 1000x but it's the dead ass truth. I thought if I get gear and do some crazy lifting routines things would explode. Don't get me wrong, my strength, endurance, max lifts and physique changed drastically. But until I completely focused on tuning my diet in perfectly... excess calories if bulking. Don't worry bout some fat gain. That's when the magic happens. Diet diet diet! That absolutely transformed me. I gained over 50lbs in 6 months on my first real cycle done right.
Another thing, I'm sure u heard it 1000x but it's the dead ass truth. I thought if I get gear and do some crazy lifting routines things would explode. Don't get me wrong, my strength, endurance, max lifts and physique changed drastically. But until I completely focused on tuning my diet in perfectly... excess calories if bulking. Don't worry bout some fat gain. That's when the magic happens. Diet diet diet! That absolutely transformed me. I gained over 50lbs in 6 months on my first real cycle done right.

50lbs in six months huh? Fucking bullshit. Only way you could gain that is if you were starving and weighed 50 lbs underweight like an AIDS patient then ate 4,000 calories a day on grams of Gear. Another newb exaggerating his gains. This is my biggest pet peeve. What kind of cycle lasts 6 months anyway?
Hello men, Dino said they were finishing up the last of the batches last night and then would have to count everything before updating the price sheet but everything he listed on the previous page will be available for order.
The lady var is the same as the M1 T? Not saying they could have put the correct product in same colored capsules. But still?
Why would he use different cap colors for different product? I get to not confuse the person on multiple orals but I’m sure it’s M1T you got
To me? Yes! That’s exactly what it seems like / is

But people on other forums have been the average guy and started this program and all of sudden people are coming to them in gym asking them if they are on gear or how the hell they got so shredded... this program claims to add 20-30 pounds on your max and lose 5% body fat.... I wanna try it but idk if I’m about that life lol
Do a google search for bosshogg training....I think its will be exactly what you want..based off of all compound movements.
Appreciate your sincerity honesty and a hard work Dino. Especially quick to admit if you've made a mistake and go above and beyond to correct it. You're always quick to respond I respect that the most.

Need a tissue for all that source suckin?
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Noob question. Running 500 test p and 300 tren ace in the near future a guy said that running the test first for 4 weeks then adding in the tren.... what the benefit of that? And also I’ll running Arimidex with it for a inhibitor. Is that the only thing I need ? Or would I need a estrogen blocker to go with it as well
Noob question. Running 500 test p and 300 tren ace in the near future a guy said that running the test first for 4 weeks then adding in the tren.... what the benefit of that? And also I’ll running Arimidex with it for a inhibitor. Is that the only thing I need ? Or would I need a estrogen blocker to go with it as well
Usually people do that if they’re running a longer ester like test e/c... it’s gives the test time to reach peak levels
Noob question. Running 500 test p and 300 tren ace in the near future a guy said that running the test first for 4 weeks then adding in the tren.... what the benefit of that? And also I’ll running Arimidex with it for a inhibitor. Is that the only thing I need ? Or would I need a estrogen blocker to go with it as well

So your running arimidex but want to know if you need an e blocker as well?