[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

From what I’ve read of Tren, it can be oxidation and/or temperature. I’ve read where darker Tren is *usually* a result of overheating. More knowledgeable peeps will chime in, but that’s my understanding.
Saw the same thing but it was just a you tube video.
That's not what I'm saying..BG is on here questing SS product so he has some distrust there for some reason...I'm asking why is he buying from someone HE doesn't trust.
SS is trusted here

Look Brotha, I never said I didn't trust Squatch. Dino and his crew have been more than good to me on supplying me my gear. I went and had Bloods done to confirm the legitimacy of the test and was off the chart I've had amazing gains so I'm not complaining. I just wanted to post what I recently got because it looked a bit different than normal I didn't know if it could be an altered batch, or a mistake or if something might have happened I'm just trying to be cautious and safe like I think we all should. Just to clarify
The lady var is the same colored capsule as what you have there. Order came today, finds were sent on the 20th. Thanks
The lady var is the same as the M1 T? Not saying they could have put the correct product in same colored capsules. But still?
Hey guys @The Terminator is exactly right, if you guy's prefer the green and white we'll stick to those!

Our Tren is never brewed on a hot plate so there is no chance for oxidation to occur.

-We used wider vials for our most recent batch, they may look like they have less than 10ml. Don't worry, they do!

-I'll be posting the updated pricelist that reflects this recent brew later today!

Appreciate your sincerity honesty and a hard work Dino. Especially quick to admit if you've made a mistake and go above and beyond to correct it. You're always quick to respond I respect that the most.
Sooo this post prolly goes in a different forum but I feel after following and reading this thread I’ve grown fond of you guys. So recently/ my whole life I’ve worked out with the mind set 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps right ? Well I’ve flat lined boys.... plateaued .... so I’ve recently been reading into the idea of 3-4 sets but to failure every set. Never dropping weight.... example.... 225 on bench as many as I can till I fail... then hop back under 2-3 minutes later and go to failure again... and so on and so on. You guys following me here? Will this mix up of work out routines bring me back to life ? Essentially I feel like I’m training my
Muscles that “ oh shit... he isn’t lightening the load up... I’ve got to get stronger!” Anyways.... comments please :)) no hatred
Just ordered my first pack from these guys. Excellent communication, fast shipping and quality packaging. Ordered 5 bottles of DHB. We will see how it goes
Got my package no freebies for the delay though . And that Tren A gives you the cough Sinsation . Just glad I got it
How's the restock going? Any update?
I'm waiting until I'm done brewing today in order to update stock quantities accurately!

Below are the compounds that will be restocked today:
Test E
Test P
Test U
Tren A
Tren E
Inj- Mtren
Mast E
Mast P
Primo E
Lady Var

Sooo this post prolly goes in a different forum but I feel after following and reading this thread I’ve grown fond of you guys. So recently/ my whole life I’ve worked out with the mind set 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps right ? Well I’ve flat lined boys.... plateaued .... so I’ve recently been reading into the idea of 3-4 sets but to failure every set. Never dropping weight.... example.... 225 on bench as many as I can till I fail... then hop back under 2-3 minutes later and go to failure again... and so on and so on. You guys following me here? Will this mix up of work out routines bring me back to life ? Essentially I feel like I’m training my
Muscles that “ oh shit... he isn’t lightening the load up... I’ve got to get stronger!” Anyways.... comments please :)) no hatred
Jeff Cavaliere (the dude who puts science behind the muscle - laugh if you want) encourages this. I watched one of his vids on a chest workout and he said that if you’re not pushing your body to its limits and your max, your body is used to it and adapts. So yeah man, give it a shot and make sure you have a spotter on those barbell days lol. Let us know how it works out for you.

Also - how often do you change your routine, if you do?
Jeff Cavaliere (the dude who puts science behind the muscle - laugh if you want) encourages this. I watched one of his vids on a chest workout and he said that if you’re not pushing your body to its limits and your max, your body is used to it and adapts. So yeah man, give it a shot and make sure you have a spotter on those barbell days lol. Let us know how it works out for you.

Also - how often do you change your routine, if you do?

Recently I was was just doing the normal work outs. Then I switch it up to a lot of slow on the way down and explosive on the way up. More focus on form than anything. ( I wanna say it’s called eccentric?) could be wrong though. Anyways I got this idea from a Steve cook video and I noticed a little difference in my maxes. But I think it due to practicing my form. Now I’m back to 3-4 sets of 10 and I hit a tren and test cycle and of course I gained some but I feel like it was just routine and boring.... essentially I believe in mind to body connection and the fact I was bored doing the same old same old kinda ruined my cycle.... I didn’t get the Gaines I wanted and now I’m stuck.... so now this next cycle I’m gonna completely mix it all up! Hopefully it helps. Sooooo essentially the answer to your questions is I don’t mix up my routine as much as I should lol
Recently I was was just doing the normal work outs. Then I switch it up to a lot of slow on the way down and explosive on the way up. More focus on form than anything. ( I wanna say it’s called eccentric?) could be wrong though. Anyways I got this idea from a Steve cook video and I noticed a little difference in my maxes. But I think it due to practicing my form. Now I’m back to 3-4 sets of 10 and I hit a tren and test cycle and of course I gained some but I feel like it was just routine and boring.... essentially I believe in mind to body connection and the fact I was bored doing the same old same old kinda ruined my cycle.... I didn’t get the Gaines I wanted and now I’m stuck.... so now this next cycle I’m gonna completely mix it all up! Hopefully it helps. Sooooo essentially the answer to your questions is I don’t mix up my routine as much as I should lol
Lol, that’s why they call it a routine. Usually when you plateau, you gotta switch it up. The jailhouse workouts are pretty intense and so is the dog shitt plan.
Lol, that’s why they call it a routine. Usually when you plateau, you gotta switch it up. The jailhouse workouts are pretty intense and so is the dog shitt plan.

Read a very interesting article about “shieko” work out... heard it’s not for the weak minded
Recently I was was just doing the normal work outs. Then I switch it up to a lot of slow on the way down and explosive on the way up. More focus on form than anything. ( I wanna say it’s called eccentric?) could be wrong though. Anyways I got this idea from a Steve cook video and I noticed a little difference in my maxes. But I think it due to practicing my form. Now I’m back to 3-4 sets of 10 and I hit a tren and test cycle and of course I gained some but I feel like it was just routine and boring.... essentially I believe in mind to body connection and the fact I was bored doing the same old same old kinda ruined my cycle.... I didn’t get the Gaines I wanted and now I’m stuck.... so now this next cycle I’m gonna completely mix it all up! Hopefully it helps. Sooooo essentially the answer to your questions is I don’t mix up my routine as much as I should lol
I kinda like to work out for feels now. Kinda listen to my body as to how high I can go for 8-12 reps without hurting myself. If I can burn through a set then I don’t count it. I like a struggle. Also don’t forget to stuff your face. I’m not a vet tho so this is probably nothing new to you. I just figure more calories and more volume and intensity = more Gaines
I kinda like to work out for feels now. Kinda listen to my body as to how high I can go for 8-12 reps without hurting myself. If I can burn through a set then I don’t count it. I like a struggle. Also don’t forget to stuff your face. I’m not a vet tho so this is probably nothing new to you. I just figure more calories and more volume and intensity = more Gaines
Yeah man absolutely and I’m not a vet either so even if you tell me some advice I already know I’m still gonna thank you cause it just adds to my ease of mind that other people think the same. :))
I’ll have to look into that
I’ll just sum it up..... super heavy weight only using the 3 major lifts.. bench deadlift and squat... 3 days a week

Monday- bench and squat 80-90 percent max 3 sets of 2 bench

3sets of 2 squat.

Repeat the following for a total of 5 circuits

Then Wednesday bench and deadlift just like Monday excerpt replace squat with deadlift.

Friday. Bench and squat but this time you bench 5 sets of 70 percent max. Then 5 sets of 80 and then 90. Then 3 sets of 3 squats 70-80 percent max

That’s the gist of it. If you look more into I’m sure you find more details but you get what I’m saying .
I’ll just sum it up..... super heavy weight only using the 3 major lifts.. bench deadlift and squat... 3 days a week

Monday- bench and squat 80-90 percent max 3 sets of 2 bench

3sets of 2 squat.

Repeat the following for a total of 5 circuits

Then Wednesday bench and deadlift just like Monday excerpt replace squat with deadlift.

Friday. Bench and squat but this time you bench 5 sets of 70 percent max. Then 5 sets of 80 and then 90. Then 3 sets of 3 squats 70-80 percent max

That’s the gist of it. If you look more into I’m sure you find more details but you get what I’m saying .
It seems like it’s for powerlifting instead of bodybuilding. Am I wrong?